Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Academic Discourse Vs. Popular
Number of words: 961 | Number of pages: 4.... picking up the material, I noticed that even the covers of the books differed in extreme ways. For an academic discourse community I used a journal entitled American Psychologist and noted right away the cover, a very dull, navy-blue cover with semi-bold gothic type print reading "American Psychologist" across the top. At the bottom right side in smaller print, line-by-line it reads: "Volume 43, number 12; December 1988: Published monthly by: The American Psychological Association." For the popular discourse community I used URB, a popular magazine for younger readers. Noting the more colorful, eye-catching cover that reads .....
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Courtship Violence
Number of words: 1045 | Number of pages: 4.... for dating violence is that it is a learned behavior acquired in the family origin. Witnessing parents’ marital aggression or being the victim of harsh corporal punishment may greatly increase the chances that a child will grow up to use violence in a dating relationship (Simons 468).
There is a substantial body of evidence suggesting that violence in the family is a risk factor for the perpetration of partner abuse. Men who witnessed interparental violence were three times more likely to hit their wives than men who did not (Ronfeldt 72). Men who witnessed their fathers hitting their mothers were more likely to approve of vio .....
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Public Image Essay
Number of words: 777 | Number of pages: 3.... symbol (and the bears' color) will normally have to do with each bear's name. For Example, Good Luck Bear is green and has the symbol of a four leafed clover on his belly. Some of the other most common Care Bears are Share Bear (who has an ice-cream soda on his belly with 2 straws), Cheer Bear (who has a rainbow on her belly), Luv-A-Lot Bear (who has 2 hearts on her belly), and Secret Bear (whose tummy patch is a heart shaped lock).
In addition to their appearance, the Care Bears’ habitats also contribute to their public image. Throughout the movies, television shows, and books the Care Bears have had two main dwellings .....
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Voice Recognition Software
Number of words: 707 | Number of pages: 3.... to have a multiuser suport and better command and control. Another feature Dragon plans to come out with is different language software. Some features that come with Dragon NaturallySpeaking are you don't have to pause in between words, dialects, accents and individual pronunciations are quickly and automatically, a large 30,000 word active vocabulary contains words and names that cover awide range of subject, less commons words can be quickly retrieved from a 200,000+ word back-up dictionary, new words can be added by the Vocabulary Builder tool and can be added simply by saying them and spelling them once.
Dragon has some o .....
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Love 3
Number of words: 895 | Number of pages: 4.... the thorns cut into the butterfly from its captivity. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.
'For your wonderful kindness,' the good fairy said to the girl, 'I will grant you any wish you would like.' The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, 'I want to be happy!' The fairy said, 'Very well,' and leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the good fairy vanished.
As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her the secret of her happiness. She would only smile and answer, 'The se .....
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Greek Theater Within Their Vas
Number of words: 2470 | Number of pages: 9.... "were not at work
to provide visual aids for textbooks and lectures. We can, with care, use them
in that way as aids to a modern imagination" (Green 1995, p.13). Green's
statement brings to light the importance of cautious research into this area of
history, especially keeping in mind the context in which the vases were made and
used. Certainly, vases exist which are, as Green explains it, "inescapably"
linked to the theatre. A sample of these well-understood vases is examined
Historians often agree on the subject matter of certain Greek vases because of
one or more distinguishing qualities like the pre .....
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Money 2
Number of words: 741 | Number of pages: 3.... don't exist!
Of course there are many elements of our lives that exist outside the money economy. There's a lot going on in our lives that's not-for-profit and that can't be denominated in dollars. "The best things in life are free," the old saying goes. Nice old saying. Gets a little older-sounding every day. Sounds about as old and mossy as the wedding vow "for richer for poorer," which in a modern environment is pretty likely to be for-richer-or poorer following our prenuptial agreement. Commercialization, a favorite buzzword of mine. It's a very powerful phenomenon. It's getting more powerful year by year.
Now we all must ask .....
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Clothing Or Concept
Number of words: 510 | Number of pages: 2.... the sex appeal comes in; “Hey, wear IZOD clothing and you’ll be in this situation too—half naked women, beer, and more fun than you can handle.” Yeah right. Reality check! Although consciously we know this to be untrue, this concept is what the ad inscribes into the reader’s brain, and is what the reader walks away with - a pretty sleazy deceit.
IZOD’s ad also promotes not only immoral acts, but a theme that is damaging to society. Firstly, it promotes immoral acts by making a connection between fun and happiness to nudity and sex appeal. By showing only partly dressed men and women in a festive environment, the .....
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Mining In Space
Number of words: 2068 | Number of pages: 8.... to
sustain them in the New World. Rather they brought their tools with them
and constructed their habitats from local materials. Hence, he suggested
that the solution to the dilemma to which he referred required not so
much a shift in technology as a shift in thinking. Space, he argued,
should be considered not as a vacuum, totally devoid of everything. Rather,
it should be regarded as an ocean, that is, a hostile environment but one
having resources. Among the resources of space, he suggested, are readily
available solar power and potential surface mines on the Moon and later
other celestial bodies as well.
The Moon, Maryniak s .....
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Number of words: 668 | Number of pages: 3.... in the pupil much reverence for
age and kinship in mere men." Parents blamed the lack of respect for elders on
Socrates. In truth Renault says that he was only giving them guidance so that
they may guide themselves and be free of petty problems. This guidance and
advice caused these young men to re-think their attitudes. Indeed Alexias,
Xenophon, and especially Plato were all changed by Socrates. They loved
Socrates like a mother or father: pp. 392, "In a word," said Xenophon, "We love
him." This love for Socrates was often misinterpreted as love being lost for
family, through argument. Parents were so afraid of losing chi .....
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