Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Writing A College Essay
Number of words: 646 | Number of pages: 3.... think in a visual way. You can put your idea in a
circle or block and branch off examples or other ideas pertaining to it. The
fourth technique is making a list. You list as many items you can that has a
relation to your topic. Your goal is to make details and to gather as much
material as possible so you have something to start with when you go to write
your paper. The last technique is preparing an outline. The thesis statement
is clearly stated on the outline and a specific outline format is followed.
Outlining gives you a sense of organization and allows you to see quickly if you
have enough support for your ideas. Af .....
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Michel Foucault And The Cultiv
Number of words: 1786 | Number of pages: 7.... who had no voice of their own.
Foucault was fascinated by what one or a group has to suppress and reject to form a positive conception of itself. He believed that our conception of ourselves as subjects depends on controlling or excluding whole classes of people who do not fit our Enlightened category of “normal”. The same devices we use to understand and control these marginalized groups are also essential to understanding and controlling “normal” individuals.
This practice is always executed by power. Therefore, who we are is itself the result of the exercise of this power. In this sense, power serves as the other side .....
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Developing Solutions
Number of words: 1041 | Number of pages: 4.... there are no new problems, only unsolved ones. This simply suggests the research team ask, "has anyone else had this problem?" Consideration would be given to a problem of similar circumstances, how they solved the problem previously, if the solution was successful, and if any disadvantages resulted from the solutions implemented. This method simply uses history to our advantage so that don’t find ourselves re-creating a solution that perhaps has already been developed that would serve current needs.
A second consideration would be to find out if anyone else is looking at the same, or a similar, problem. We could determi .....
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Number of words: 793 | Number of pages: 3.... be maintained, and misery is optional.
Pain can in some ways be prevented, with the help of preventative
measures like wearing a seat belt in a car, a wearing a helmet and pads
before going out biking. Even though these measures are applied, there
are some things that cannot be controlled, and luck also plays a factor
in a person encountering pain. First of all, every time a person goes
outside there is a chance that an accident will occur. If someone looses
control of their car on black ice, hits a tree and gets injured it
really is not their fault. One could say that this could be avoided by
not driving in .....
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Bungee Jumping
Number of words: 1233 | Number of pages: 5.... of the Oxford University's Dangerous Sports Club read about and
designed a safe form of the practice. Atop the Golden Gate Bridge, dressed
in tuxedos and top hats, the first form of bungee jumping came to existence.
In 1987, bungee jumping moved to the American commercial scene. Two
brothers, John and Peter Kockelman, began jumping from bridges over river
gorges in the Sierras. Recognizing the sport's commercial potential, they
opened Bungee Adventures in 1988.
Bungee jumping spread rapidly throughout the world, ever-growing in
popularity. Bungee jumping became national crazes in many areas. After
the use of a b .....
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A Comparison Of Typewriters Vs. Computers
Number of words: 423 | Number of pages: 2.... electronic typewriter can perform some functions computers cannot, but a personal computer (PC) cannot be used a mere typewriter (nor should it be). Perhaps that is why one large survey found that 85% of secretaries who use PC's also use typewriters. Using microchip technology, sophisticated electronic typewriters can perform many of the automatic functions and editing functions of which computers are capable.
Automatic functions. Among the features of electronic typewriters are automatic centering, right margin justifying, and hang-indenting/ these features are available on computers as well, but some users of both kinds of eq .....
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Video Games And Children
Number of words: 565 | Number of pages: 3.... format of video games, and the games themselves, can be effective when used for instructional purposes. Video games can also impact the daily activities and interaction of children and families. Results from a recent study suggest that video games have brought families together for shared play and interaction. Last, video games are a good way of introducing children to computers.
Playing video games has several negative effects on children, too. Critics believe that performing violent actions in video games may be more conducive to children's aggression than watching violent acts on television. The more children practice vio .....
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Internet Tax
Number of words: 1337 | Number of pages: 5.... more popular in the future. Shopping on the Internet has many benefits over shopping in local stores.
E-Commerce, or electronic commerce, is commerce done over the Internet. The Internet is seen as the future for business and information technologies. Why would a person want to spend a few minutes getting dressed to drive fifteen minutes to Wal-Mart to spend an hour or two shopping, and another half an hour, on a good day, checking out and driving back home. In the middle of all that, don't forget the hassle of trying to find the right toy, while listening to obnoxious kids and dealing with sub-par customer service. There is a .....
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The American Dream 2
Number of words: 278 | Number of pages: 2.... themselves is the part of the dream that has changed. Like a new piece of shining, metallic silver, the dream began with an unselfish goal which all the first Americans craved. Their dream was freedom. In the beginning, all Americans wanted freedom, but as the civilization's standards declined, their priorities changed. The once bright, shining silver began to cloud up, and the reflection of a pure and decent country started to appear murky. Once this happened, the American Dream was not as much about freedom anymore; it was about wealth. The people's pecuniary dreams began to fill them with greed. "Who in this country shou .....
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Nothing Is Certain
Number of words: 863 | Number of pages: 4.... nothing can be studied to so exactly that there is no question about the object, because the act of studying an object changes the object.
I am not saying that Newton’s and other theories like it are wrong, I am saying that we put too much faith in something that is not absolute, unfortunately we have no other choice.
When I sat down to write this essay I decided to look for the easy way out. In Microsoft Word 97 there is a feature where you can ask the computer a question and it will answer it to the best of its knowledge. If computers are as powerful as man created them, then my state of the art machine with its sta .....
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