Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Misunderstanding Men And Women
Number of words: 1114 | Number of pages: 5.... that believes he or she is a male and vice versa for a psychologically female person. Psychological sexuality is about the personality traits that distinguish many men and women. For example, women are often more intuitive than men. Men often are better at spatial relationships than women. These two are needed for the psychological sexuality goal: making a love relationship.
Femininity can be defined by such feminine traits as being soft, nurturing, intuitive, accepting and empathetic. Being stoic, analytical and public are traits generally associated with masculinity. Hence, from the previous definitions we can say that a â .....
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Egalitarian Language
Number of words: 890 | Number of pages: 4.... number of people,
not only in the world but even just in large cities. The only way to
enforce a law of this kind would be to have microphones in every room of
every building and on every street corner that would detect if an illegal
word was said and issue a ticket of some form, as in the movie Demolition
Man. Ironically, if this was to happen, we still would not be living in an
egalitarian society because our government would not consider us equal
enough to be responsible for our own language. If this kind of system were
to be installed I believe that it would cause an overthrow of the
government and lead to an anarchist s .....
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Importance Of Higher Education
Number of words: 689 | Number of pages: 3.... on Education found that obtaining a job is by far the most important benefit that individuals associate with going to college.
In part, I too agree that job attainment and improved earnings are an attribute of higher education. The disparity in annual income as evidenced by the graph in exhibit 1 cannot be overlooked. However, while not always quantifiable, there are also many other benefits of higher education.
It is crucial that policymakers, individuals, politicians, and society in general are aware of all the benefits and importance of investing in higher education.
Additional benefits can be categorized into public and pr .....
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Gods Gift To Calculators: The Taylor Series
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2.... polynomial, f0(x)=a0, that passes
through the y-intercept of the graph (0,f(0)). So f(0)=ao.
Next, we see that the graph of f1(x)= a0 + a1x will also pass through x=
0, and will have the same slope as f(x) if we let a0=f1(0).
Now, if we want to get a better polynomial approximation for this
function, which we do of course, we must make a few generalizations. First, we
let the polynomial fn(x)= a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ... + anxn approximate f(x) near x=0,
and let this functions first n derivatives match the the derivatives of f(x) at
x=0. So if we want to make the derivatives of fn(x) equal to f(x) at x=0, we
have to chose the coeff .....
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Parental Attitudes Towards Chi
Number of words: 2449 | Number of pages: 9.... a firstborn, a lastborn, or somewhere in between, parents need to become aware of stereotyping by looking beyond it, and attempting to treat each child equally and uniquely.
In today’s society parents pay different amounts of attention and attend differently to children of opposing birth order. Parents have distinct expectations for each of their offspring’s. A study done by Spitze and Logan showed that parental attitudes towards their children may be affected by their number, gender, and birth order. These factors also
influence the closeness the child feels towards his parents. Furthermore, the study shows that as t .....
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The Olympic Athlete
Number of words: 532 | Number of pages: 2.... not on national teams,
as in the modern Games. The emphasis on individual athletic achievement through
public competition was related to the Greek ideal of excellence, called "arete".
Aristocratic men who attained this ideal, through their outstanding words or
deeds, won permanent glory and fame. Those who failed to measure up to this code
feared public shame and disgrace.
Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greek
world. Since athletic contests were one way that the ancient Greeks honored
their gods, it was logical to hold a recurring athletic competition at the site
of a major temple. Also, Olympia i .....
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Number of words: 709 | Number of pages: 3.... lonely life. Daily routines were handled different in the States. The mother would not dare venture out on ordinarily simple shopping errands. Signage and even weighing measurements were unintelligible. Indoor bathrooms, water heaters, and washing machines all further inhibited any outdoor skills and housekeeping activities.
The one aspect of life which the family was able to continue after immigration was religion. The family located San Buena Ventura Mission,. The mission gave the family the ability to continue their religious practices without cultural context. Religious interactions lead to a kind of socialization which .....
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Internet Gambling
Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3.... and government officials can make more money. It's all about power and control.
Many people still fear gambling on the Internet because of safety issues. They fear a hacker might break in and just keep letting himself win. Companies fear the Internet because they might come in too late and saturate the market with companies. It could become the same thing as what happened to Atlantic City. The companies that run the gambling can also cheat by writing in the programs to deal more 21's to the house. The governments biggest fear is that the technology has outgrown the regulations.
Some of the other new ways that companies a .....
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Cigarette Smoking Amond Colleg
Number of words: 1462 | Number of pages: 6.... For my purposes and the purposes of this project I have set my own standards to clarify and make my research in general easier to understand. I have recently "quit" smoking and I still occasionally have a cigarette, but still do not consider myself a "smoker." On the other hand, I do not believe someone should have to be a chain smoker to be considered a "smoker." So, for research purposes, I chose an intermediate standard. A "smoker" will be someone who smokes cigarettes at least once a day, with going no longer than two days without having a cigarette. In my belief, smoking on a regular basis constitutes someone as a smoke .....
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Individual Organization Behavior
Number of words: 1676 | Number of pages: 7.... 300
years, to the time of the “Minutemen”. The brave men and women that fought to
gain our independence here in the state of NY. The NY Army National guard is
under the control of the Governor of NY. But in Wartime this organization
becomes Federalize and under the Command of our Commander in Chief. The
President of the United States. I am the Commander for A-Company Detachment 2 of
the 204th Engineer Bn, located in Riverhead, NY here in Long Island. *[Let's
take a closer look at the Org. Chart]* My Unit has 72 Men and Women who are
civilians during the month but dedicate one weekend a month and two weeks in the
year to .....
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