Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Middle Adulthood 2
Number of words: 578 | Number of pages: 3.... children. She struggles, though, with intimacy between herself and her husband of thirty years. She finds him immature and in the "dark ages" because he consistently ignores her requests to pay attention to her needs. "For many, the transition to middle adulthood involves a drastic chance of life such as divorce, an affair…." (Furr, 127) Lynn, however, does not see herself as doing either of these things because of the way she values her marriage vows.
"Fulfilling transition choices is highly satisfying and exciting for adults who have the resources and opportunities that enable them to act on their choices." (Furr, 127) .....
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The Atraction Of Gangs
Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... especially those that have lived in a gang-infested neighborhood for many years, it is unavoidable. For many they see it as their only future. Yet for others the attraction of belonging to a gang stems from loneliness or a need of belonging. These gangs can provide that sense of belonging.
Not only can a gang provide a sense of belonging. They are structured into a closely-knit family like environment. They are ruled by a well-established hierarchy and provide a peer group in which a member can associate with, a group of elders to teach and guide them, and also strong, masculine figures to model themselves after. Their strengt .....
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Evil In The World
Number of words: 379 | Number of pages: 2.... a stick into his rectum and then into his mouth. Prosecutors say that Louima suffered a torn rectum and bladder. Louima required two months of hospitalization and three operations to repair the damage Volpe had done. The three other officers are being charged with joining Volpe in beating Louima in the police car while driving to the precinct.
This is one of the many stories I found in the newspaper that portrays evil in today’s society. We as a people have become cold and callous, we show no remorse for our actions no matter how bad they are. This article proves that even the people who are supposed to uphold the law, the t .....
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The Power Of Reading
Number of words: 611 | Number of pages: 3.... make you successful. If you are a student, having a broad vocabulary will help you be a better writer, thus helping you pass English classes more efficiently. Not to mention if you are a high school Senior aspiring colleges, than reading will most likely be your best benefactor towards your acceptance. Finally, an expansive vocabulary will increase your chances of getting a desirable job position.
Furthermore another great benefit to reading is that entertainment lies right there in your hand at any point of time or at any given place. If you don’t feel like having to go to the movies, all you have to do is take out your b .....
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Proposal Mutual Fund
Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3.... active in the day-to-day management of the company, founded AIM on a dream and a vision. When AIM started out in 1976, the company had only a table, two chairs, and a telephone. The Houston-based company now has more than $160 billion in assets under management and more than 2,200 employees.
AIM's foundation was built on innovative money-market and fixed-income products. In 1977, the company introduced the first underwritten high-yield bond fund. Three years later, AIM launched the first low-cost institutional money-market fund. Today, The AIM Family of Funds® offers a full, diversified line of retail mutual funds and investment p .....
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Marriage. A Sociological Conce
Number of words: 723 | Number of pages: 3.... of the home taking care of domestic or household duties such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children. Generally, though, the strength of the more traditional attitudes to sex-differentiated roles in the marriage has weakened. In this era of post-industrialism, wives and husbands are sharing more of the responsibility for providing income for the family. There is also more sharing of the household duties but most married women working outside of the home still do the majority of regular housework.
The third characteristic of marriage that I will be discussing is normative sexual activity and childbearing. A primary, a .....
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Number of words: 1510 | Number of pages: 6.... the winter months in New
Orleans, where they held lavish parties and masked balls.
The first written reference to Mardi Gras celebrations in
New Orleans appears in a 1781 report of the Spanish
government, which controlled Louisiana. The report
addressed problems that might arise from allowing slaves to
wear masks at the winter festivities. The United States took
control of Louisiana in 1803, and the New Orleans’ city
council banned all masked entertainment three years later.
Enforcement of the law appears to have been erratic. By the
mid-1820s masks and costumes were again legal. The first
documented Mardi Gras parade took plac .....
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Catch 22
Number of words: 1893 | Number of pages: 7.... an obstacle put there by providence as part of the plot that would destroy him" (Heller, 57). Also during one of Yossarian's flight he goes over the treacherous city Bologna against his will, but fulfilling the mission requirements. Suddenly black smoke is seen surrounding the plane and at any moment the plane could explode. Yossarian knew there was "nothing he could do but sit there like an idiot and watch the ugly black puffs smashing up to kill him" (Heller, 156). Yossarian is considered an antihero due to his lack of intelligence at improving his situation. Furthermore, his profound fear of dying in action clutters his m .....
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What To Know When Buying A Home
Number of words: 972 | Number of pages: 4.... for the purpose of levy taxes.
Balloon Payment- a large [principal payment due at the end all at once on some loans.
Contract- binding legal agreement between two or more parties hat delineates the conditions for the exchange of property.
Deed- a legal document that formally conveys ownership of property from the seller to the buyer.
Equity- the value of property actually owned by the homeowner: purchase price plus depreciation, plus improvements, less mortgage and liens.
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA called Fannie Mae)- privately owned corporation created by congress that buys mortgage notes from local lenders a .....
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Tomb Raider 2 Walkthrough
Number of words: 5758 | Number of pages: 21.... These guys fight back and sometimes with some pretty impressive firepower. While it is important to save your more powerful weapons for the more powerful enemies, always use the best weapon to take out a given enemy in the least amount of time. Watch out for those Rig Workers (the guys with wrenches) as they can climb just like Lara and follow you almost anywhere.
Save the Big Guns (M-16's and Uzi's) for the Big Bad Guys. When firing at groups of enemies, always make sure to release the action button after each kill so you can acquire a new target; otherwise you will continue to pump lead into the fallen corpse. Watch for .....
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