Papers on People and Biographies
Albert Einstein
Number of words: 1826 | Number of pages: 7.... behind in Munich to allow him to finish school. Such was not to be the case, however, since he left the gymnasium after only six more months. Einstein's biographer, Philip Frank, explains that Einstein so thoroughly despised formal schooling that he devised a scheme by which he received a medical excuse from school on the basis of a potential nervous breakdown. He then convinced a mathematics teacher to certify that he was adequately prepared to begin his college studies without a high school diploma. Other biographies, however, state that Einstein was expelled from the gymnasium on the grounds that he was a disruptive influence .....
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Ernest Hemingway 4
Number of words: 1155 | Number of pages: 5.... in high school (Lesniak 23). After Hemingway graduated from Oak Park High School, he went to work, in 1917, as a reporter at the Kansas City Star. In 1918 he enlisted as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross in Italy. In 1920 he starts working as a reporter and
a foreign correspondent for Toronto. After being an ambulance driver in Italy in World War I, he converted to Catholicism and he often referred to himself for the rest of his life as “a rotten Catholic” (Lesnaik 20). Hemingway
married four times during his life, each time to a Midwestern American girl. First he married Hadley Richardson on September 3, 1921. On M .....
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Number of words: 1548 | Number of pages: 6.... of man (is) solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." (. Pg. 107)
The only way to prevent entering a state of war is to erect one common power, which is known as a commonwealth or sovereign, who is "One person, of whose Acts a great Multitude, by mutuall Covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the Author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their Peace and Common Defence."(, pg. 121) With this definition comes the role of the sovereign. It is the role of the sovereign to enforce the laws of nature and to promote laws that are necessary for a peaceful and .....
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Number of words: 1384 | Number of pages: 6.... She found a mentor in dance instructor Christopher Flynn, who introduced her to the world of spunkiness and sophistication at Detroit gay clubs. ’s wild sexuality made her fly sky high! She went on dates with guys, had her first rape encounter at 14 and toyed with the idea of lesbianism and practiced mutual things with her female classmate. Having excellent academic performance in addition to her dancing skills, graduated early in 1976 with a dance scholarship to the University of Michigan, where she studied poetry and dance. There, she had her first acquaintance with Steven Bray. Bray was a black drummer in an .....
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Biography Of Irene Kuhn
Number of words: 381 | Number of pages: 2.... 25
dollars to her name. Within only a few days she found a job with The
Evening Star. There she met her future husband. When they married she
was almost late to her own wedding because she was working on something
for the paper. As I said before she was very determined. At the wedding
she was so poor she wore a four dollar dress and a hat she borrowed off a
friend. She was very poor. But she still tried as hard as she could to
make things work no matter what. They also never went on a honeymoon
because she had an article to finish. Irene had a baby and finally got
out of poverty. She want on to become a brilliant and fam .....
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Tennessee Williams
Number of words: 527 | Number of pages: 2.... put forth more than twenty-
five full-length plays, more than forty short plays, a dozen produced (and
unproduced) screenplays and an opera libretto. These have been translated into
at least twenty-seven languages, including Tamil, Welsh, Marathi and Hindi. In
addition, there are two novels, a novella, more than sixty short stories, more
than one hundred poems, an autobiography, a published volume of letters,
introductions to plays and books by others, and occasional pieces and reviews.
PLAYS Baby Doll & Tiger Tail Camino Real Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Clothes for a
Summer Hotel Dragon Country The Glass Menagerie A Lovely Sunday .....
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Karl Marx
Number of words: 2054 | Number of pages: 8.... set Karl in the right direction." His 'Splendid natural gifts' awakened in his father the hope that they would One day be used in the service of humanity, whilst his mother declared him to be a child of fortune in whose hands everything would go well. (The story of his life, Mehring, page 2) In High school, Karl stood out among the crowd. When asked to write a report on "How to choose a profession" he took a different approach. He took the angle in which most interested him, by saying that there was no way to choose a profession, but because of circumstances one is placed in an occupation. A person with an aristocratic backg .....
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Fidel Castro
Number of words: 476 | Number of pages: 2.... patrol. The soldiers retreated as many of them were cut down by soldiers with let's just say "very large weapons." Fidel escaped into the wooded mountains of the Sierra Maestra. Patrols were launched around Santiago and Abel Santamtia and his men were backed into there building and slaughtered. Castro was finally caught and sentenced to 15 years in prison but was eventually sent to Mexico in 1955. When Fidel landed on the shores of Mexico he vowed to free his country from Batiste and his reign of terror. Fidel rallied many men to his cause, but one especially stood out among the rest, Dr. Ernesto "Che" Guavera. The young do .....
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Frederic Douglass
Number of words: 1314 | Number of pages: 5.... over these states." When the Constitution was written the first ten amendments were a bill of rights. The amendement the was most powerful was the ninth. "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." This amendment means that any rights that were not mentioned in the constitution are still held by the people. This includes any god given rights that all human beings are given. All of these rights to freedom and liberty that are clearly spelled out hold a lot of weight in the American Dream. This leads to the first reason why Frederick D .....
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Julius Caesar And His Accomplishments
Number of words: 847 | Number of pages: 4.... by millions and lived through many
important events and accomplished many things that no other person has ever
come close to.
Julius Caesar could be described as one of the greatest men in the
history of the world. Caesar was always interested in public affairs, and
tried always to gain favor of the people. He won favor because he spent
much money to provide recreation for the people. Caesar was a very caring
individual. The people liked him so much because he knew exactly what they
wanted and he gave it to them. He cared so much for the people that his
efforts for recreation caused him to fall heavily into debt. Most all
l .....
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