Papers on People and Biographies
Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1359 | Number of pages: 5.... was a very bad one.
Adolf Hitler was born in an Austrian town known as Braunau am Inn.
Hitler was the son of a man named Alois. Alois Hitler’s father was a Custom
official’s, and his mother was named Klara. Alois was illegitimate, first of all
he used his mother’s name, Schicklgruber until 1876, when he adopted the name
Hitler. Adolf’s father was very strict with him, and ignored him most of the
time because Adolf liked to dream. As you can see Adolf did not idealize his
father very much, and his death in 1903 actually came as a relief to Adolf.
Adolf really idealized his mother, whose death in 1907 had a traumatic effect .....
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Al Gore
Number of words: 640 | Number of pages: 3.... to the States in 1971, he worked as a reporter at the Tennessean . When he was later moved to the city politics beat, Gore uncovered political and bribery cases that led to convictions.
While at the Tennessean , Gore, a Baptist, also studied philosophy and phenomenology at Vanderbilt University. In 1974 he enrolled in Vanderbilt’s law school. Just two years later, he began to campaign for the Democratic nomination for Tennessee’s Fourth District congressional seat. When he won the nomination over Stanley Rogers, it was a big enough success to predict his win in the 1976 general election. After serving four terms, Gore jumped .....
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John Muir: His Achievements/Journeys
Number of words: 1579 | Number of pages: 6.... was weak from the trip and thought that he would need much more
energy to travel to South America. He decided to visit Yosemite Valley, where
he would regain his strength. He took up the job as a herder there and began to
explore the area. Then he got a job as guide to the Yosemite. Muir quickly
became an expert on Yosemite. John believed that glaciers had helped in the
formation of the valley. People began to pay attention to his ideas. Some
agreed and some didn't. John spent years studying glaciers and tracking
glaciers in the Sierra Nevada.
In 1874, Jeanne Carr introduced John Muir to Louie Wanda because she
wanted Jo .....
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James Buchanan
Number of words: 675 | Number of pages: 3.... volunteered to serve his country so he joined a
calvary company. Buchanan returned for the election and won a seat in
legislature in 1814. He served another term and returnd to Lancaster.
James Buchanan became a popular person in Lancaster and was invited
to many partys and dinners. At one party he met a girl named Ann Coleman. They
later got engaged. In the spring of 1819 there were rumors that James was seeing
another girl. Ann got upset and went to stay with her sister in Philadelphia.
Later she died over an overdose of landuam. James promised to never marry again.
James went back to politics to try to forg .....
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John Dalton (1766 - 1844)
Number of words: 512 | Number of pages: 2.... atom theory, the ancient Greeks had ideas about the atom but could not prove it scientifically.
Antoine Lavoisier and Dalton are responsible for the discovery of 90 natural elements. Dalton also explained the variations of water vapor in the atmosphere, the base of meteorology.
Dalton’s atomic theory says that each element contained its own number of atoms. Each element had its own size and weight. Dalton’s idea said that all things are made of small bits of matter this bits of matter where too small to be seen even with a microscope. Scientist began to think these small bits of matter where responsible for chemical ch .....
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Seperate And Unequal, Frederic
Number of words: 1180 | Number of pages: 5.... speech, and assembly. It states
“ Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise, thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…or the right of the people to assemble.” (Primis, 95).
Even with this being law both blacks and white women were not allowed to choose what church to attend or allowed to voice their own opinions; both conditions violate the 1st amendment. The 9th amendment also states something contradictory to the way life actually was, it says: “The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others ret .....
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Mark Twain’s Greatest Downfall
Number of words: 2384 | Number of pages: 9.... first deals involves a patent that a friend had talked him into participating in. Twain lost a lot of money, but managed to continue with his financial dealings. In 1906, Twain wrote about his first deal who suckered him into a patent that would eventually cost him $42,000 in the long run.
After trying to work with patents over several occasions, Twain tried his luck with machinery. Like the other investment, he had to put out a lot of money. Twain discusses what occurred with the machinery:
Meantime, another old friend arrived with a wonderful invention.
It was an engine or a furnace or something of the kind which
would g .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 748 | Number of pages: 3.... around the world.
Now Charles Darwin was around the age twenty-two while he was on the HMS Beagle. Darwin’s job as a naturalist aboard the Beagle gave him the opportu-nity to observe the various geological formations found on different continents and islands along the way, as well as a huge variety of fossils and organisms. In his geo-logical observations he was amazed mostly with the effect that natural forces had on shaping the earth’s surface.
During this time, most geologists stuck to the so-called catastrophes theory that the earth had experienced a succession of creations of animal and plant life, and that ea .....
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Benjamin Banneker
Number of words: 468 | Number of pages: 2.... or slave-to be smart enough to calculate the movements of the stars the way Banneker did. Banneker was determined to create an almanac that would be the first of its kind. Therefore, he spent close to a year observing the sky every night. He plotted the cycles of the moon and made careful notes. He began publishing the ‘Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Almanac and Ephemeris’ in 1791, and continued doing so until 1802.
Bannekar also knew that many people would use and learn from his almanac. However, he wondered what good his almanac would be to black people who were enslaved and could not read. .....
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Jackie Kennedy Onasis
Number of words: 1783 | Number of pages: 7.... Jackie looked like Jack Bouvier. (Birmingham)
Though Janet Lee’s family was well off, they were not members of the esteemed highest social caste as were the Bouviers. Janet lived her life with a constant sense of unease because of this difference in lineage.(Birmingham)
Because Black Jack was known for having erratic financial history, James Lee, Janet’s father, offered to allow Janet and Jack to live rent free in a building he owned. This offer came under one condition. Jack would have to cut back on his flamboyant lifestyle. (Heymann)
On March 3rd 1933, the Bouvier family was .....
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