Papers on People and Biographies
Role Models - Joanne Malar
Number of words: 828 | Number of pages: 4.... in Joanne's attitude towards the sport at this time and that the stress and pressure caused her to mature and have to make big decisions on her own. She, at first, didn't know if she could handle the stress, and at one time wanted to give up. Joanne instead, chose to continue her swimming career and has made great progress over the years.
As the years have gone by, Joanne has been through many competitions and has been very successful. In her first Olympic Games in 1992, at the age of 17, Joanne turned out 11th in the 400 IM. This was a great experience for her, but again she was upset because of how she had placed. From ther .....
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Karl Marx 4
Number of words: 1897 | Number of pages: 7.... that it betrayed them.
The most significant influence in the development of revolutionary communism was Karl Marx. Marx attended the University of Berlin and studied jurisprudence, philosophy, and history. While at the University, Marx became involved in political activities and joined the staff of the Rheinische Zeitung, a democratic newspaper in Cologne, in 1942. The next year, however, the Prussian Government suppressed the paper, and Marx went to Paris, the European headquarters of radical movements.
While in Paris, Marx met Proudhon, the leading French socialist thinker, Bakunin, the Russian anarchist, and Friedrich Engel .....
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James Bryant Conant
Number of words: 311 | Number of pages: 2.... as a person who only reads 50 words per
minute. On the opposite end, there is a downfall to this idea of separation of
classes. Students are put into certain groups and therefore they become
stereotyped into certain categories. A person at a high intelligent level may
be called a "brain" while a person at a low intelligent level may be called
"stupid". The students therefore form an identity with the group they belong
to and use this identity to predict their future success. For example, a person
of low intelligent probably does not feel much hope for obtaining a white
collar job and he probably feels he has to resort to a .....
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Was Jimmy Hoffa A Hero Or A Criminal?
Number of words: 1330 | Number of pages: 5.... at the Christian Seaboard
Congregational churches, and Hoffa attended Sunday school there.(Current
Bio) In 1922 the Hoffas moved to Clinton Indiana, two years later they
settled in Detroit, Michigan, in an apartment on Merritt Street on the
city's brawling, working-class West Side. There he and his brother were
derided by their peers as "hillbillies" until they won acceptance with
their fists. At the Neinas Intermediate School in Detroit, Hoffa was a
bashful B student who won prizes in gymnastics. After school he worked as a
delivery boy, and following completion of the ninth grade he dropped out of
school to take a full-t .....
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Genghis Khan
Number of words: 1537 | Number of pages: 6.... sheep and other livestock and digging up roots for food. Temujin, however, managed to somehow preserve a considerable fund of prestige among certain members of the tribe that had rejected him. Soon, Temujin began to attract followers, form important alliances with other tribes, and was able to build his own army. He employed rigorous training and strict discipline to create a supreme fighting force. He also made sure that they were well equipped and that they did not hesitate to adopt new tactics and weapons. He appointed the officers in his army based on their achievements rather than their family connections. Through this, h .....
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Fidal Castro
Number of words: 3356 | Number of pages: 13.... public opinion. It became clear that
Batista regime was an odious type of government. It killed its own
citizens, it stifled dissent.
At this time Fidel Castro appeared as leader of the growing rebellion.
Educated in America he was a proponent of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy.
He conducted a brilliant guerilla campaign from the hills of Cuba against
Batista. On January 1959, he prevailed and overthrew the Batista
Castro promised to restore democracy in Cuba, a feat Batista had failed
to accomplish. This promise was looked upon benevolently but watchfully by
Washington. Castro was believed to be .....
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Mother Teresa
Number of words: 1509 | Number of pages: 6.... place in her heart for children, and she showed it her actions. In 1982, during a the siege of Bierut, she convinced the Israeli army and Palestinian guerillas to stop shooting long enough for her to rescue thirty-seven children trapped in a front line hospital. Children were always delighted to be around , but many World leaders quailed at her approach. They knew that she would not flatter them and that she might ask some embarrassing questions. Her requests for their help with her charitable projects were invariably polite and respectful, but they were demanding. "Give until it hurts", she would cheerfully suggest. (Bala .....
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Genhis Khan The Great
Number of words: 1610 | Number of pages: 6.... animals, and plants.
Temujin started working harder on his archery. He was one of the best in the land by the time he was eleven. By eleven seventy-three, Temujin had risen, he became chief of a tribe. People noted how fierce he was and how he had no mercy. He was engaged to Botei in eleven seventy-five. They were married in eleven seventy-eight. After the marriage, a tribe kidnapped Botei. Temujin was outraged. He attacked the tribe and slaughtered them all. This was the first time when Temujin killed everyone in a tribe. He showed the world his bad side. He rescued Botei in eleven-eighty and she never fell under a .....
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James Francis
Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3.... it with ease, not once but twice. Warner came up to Jim and told him it was suppose to be a tackling drill. Jim replied, “Nobody tackles Jim.” 2 From this point on he led this small time school to national fame in football. He was an outstanding runner, place-kicker, and tackler, and because of his greatness in each of these positions he won all America honors in 1911 and 1912. When Thorpe played Army, another college, he played against the to be 34th president of the United States. In that game Dwight Eisenhower injured himself in the process of attempting to tackle Jim, an injury that cost him the rest of his fo .....
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Examples Of Charles Dickens Chthonic Journeys
Number of words: 655 | Number of pages: 3.... Their father/husband borrowed money from people and never repaid them. Back in the
1800’s if you owed people money and couldn’t pay them back you would go to jail. With no house to live in everybody but Charles Dickens goes to live in jail with their father
because they have no place to live. On the other hand Charles Dickens goes to live with friend. With all of this happening, including his family living in jail and his living away from them with a friend just crushed Dickens hopes and feelings.
Another chthonic journey that Charles Dickens faced was his working condition and his pay. Dickens worked at a .....
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