Papers on People and Biographies
Number of words: 197 | Number of pages: 1.... money.
B. Nixon believed that there should be health care for everyone,
employer mandates, pharmancy care, and preventive care.
III. Law Enforcement
A. Crime increased and drud use began to bloom.
B. Nixon believed that the judiciary had moved too far to the left.
IV. Nutrition and Human Needs
A. Nutrition and Health programs were needed to teach people about
thier human needs.
B. Nixon believed in being concerned with people's health and thinks
that programs like Meals on Wheels are good for teaching people about nutrition and
V. Poverty
A. More and more people began to lose thier homes, cau .....
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Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1218 | Number of pages: 5.... between himself and his goal. Unfortunately his aims had no limit in terms of what he would do, and he overestimated the resources and abilities of Germany. Even though there were many experts in many different fields, Hitler wouldn't listen to any of them. He followed in his own thoughts and judgement. His generals gave out a lot of advice but Hitler rarely listened to them. Even when Germany needed it most, during the ending years of the war. As the United States, British and Soviet troops closed in on Germany, Hitler killed himself.
Early Life
Boyhood. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau, Austria, a small .....
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Joseph Stalin
Number of words: 936 | Number of pages: 4.... 20 years.” Millions of people were sent to the Gulag camps from 1939 through 1953, for the crime of doing absolutely nothing. There were “...eight million souls (a conservative estimate) who languished in Soviet concentration camps every year between 1939 and 1953.” under the horrible conditions at the Gulags. Every year Stalin, in his paranoia sent millions of people off to their deaths.
“Russia’s War - Blood Upon the Snow” brought into view a more detailed, personal account of Stalin’s atrocities. People recalling memories they had of what it was like to live under Stalin’s parano .....
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Number of words: 2975 | Number of pages: 11.... proudly erect.”(Cooper, 383)
Beethoven lived an interesting and exciting life filled with drama,
revolution and innovation. His composition ability was partially influenced
by his upbringing; his father’s push to become a musician and his above
average education. Beethoven, however, had a gift, or a natural knack, for
this form of art which allowed him to become one of the greatest composers
of all time.
This paper will dive in to Ludwig van Beethoven’s personal life,
chronologically and precisely explaining factors that shaped him into the
man he was. After his personal life is thoroughly .....
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George Washington
Number of words: 629 | Number of pages: 3.... the French.
Washington was next appointed lieutenant colonel to an expedition to the Ohio Valley. In April, 1754, he set out from Alexandria with 160 men to reinforce a fort in southwestern Pennsylvania, only to find that the French took control of the fort and renamed it Fort-Duquesne. Washington then cautiously set up his own post within 40 miles of the French position. He attacked the French post on May 28,1754. He managed to kill the commander and nine others. They then took the rest prisoners.
Washington immediently received a promotion to a full colonelcy. On July 3, 1754, the French drove him and 350 men into Fort Necessity .....
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John F. Kennedy
Number of words: 1855 | Number of pages: 7.... joined with the Republicans in criticizing the Truman administration’s handling of China. In China, the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, which had been supported by the United States, was unable to withstand the advance of Communist forces under Mao Zedong. By the end of 1949 government troops had been overwhelmingly defeated, and Chiang led his forces into exile on Taiwan. The triumphant Mao formed the People’s Republic of China. Truman’s critics, including Kennedy, charged that the administration had failed to support Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists.
Despite Kennedy’s wavering within his own party .....
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Benjamin Franklin
Number of words: 834 | Number of pages: 4.... it under the door of the printshop at night (340). Not knowing it was Franklin who wrote the letter, James published it and this was the beginning of Franklin’s printing career. Franklin felt his brother was more of a master to him instead of a brother and therefore he took it upon himself to “assert his freedom” and break his apprenticeship agreement (342). Therefore James made sure that no printing press would hire Franklin in Boston. Since Franklin knew of his potential to succeed he was not going to let his family ties interfere with the opportunity that awaited him.
Franklin took advantage of everything that came .....
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Princess Diana
Number of words: 1024 | Number of pages: 4.... (Delano 36). The couple later was married at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London on July 29, 1981. The wedding ceremony attracted global television and radio audiences. It was estimated that around one thousand million people watched or heard the wedding. In addition, thousands of people lined the route the royal carriage took to the cathedral. Diana was the first English woman in three hundred years to marry an heir to the British throne. Diana wore a silk dress designed by the Emanuels, which trailed a twenty-five foot train (“Diana” Internet).
A year later June 21, 1982 Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis was born at S .....
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Minor White
Number of words: 578 | Number of pages: 3.... photograph. Often, Minor compared his work to religious or spiritual events that have happened throughout history. Sometimes he would express his thoughts in his poetry and publish the poem along with the photograph and display them together.
Being proclaimed as one of the most creative photographers of our time would not be far off. Every photograph he took was supposed to inspire thought. He wanting for this was inspired by George Guerdjiff, who wanted to energize the 3 centers of being; intellectual, emotional, and spiritual; in every picture. Guerdjiff was in a time period before White but this makes sense as Guerdjiff's era .....
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Stephen King
Number of words: 516 | Number of pages: 2.... was qualified to teach at the high school level. As a student Stephen worked at the Folger Library, which was on the University of Maine at Orono’s campus. While working he met a fellow employee named Tabitha Spruce, who he married in Janurary 1971. ’s first publication was a short story he wrote and sent to a men’s magazine. This is where his first profit from writing came from, throughout the few years after his graduation he worte stories and sold them to men’s magazines. All of these short stories would be later gathered into a collection known as the "Night Shift collection." In the fall of ‘71 King .....
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