Papers on People and Biographies
Al Capone
Number of words: 1340 | Number of pages: 5.... As soon as Capone reached the legal age of fourteen, he
dropped out of school to live this economic dream of making money as a gangster
on the streets. 1.Al Capone was convinced that the opportunities for personal
advancement and material success were not available through legitimate means,
and so Capone turned toward the crime profession of bootlegging. Capone was a
smart man with a mission. 2.His mission was to succeed as a criminal in a
business like matter. Although prohibition was clearly illegal, Capone used his
prohibition as a business. His attire was that of a rich business man, along
with his ways of talking were .....
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Jackie Robinson 4
Number of words: 489 | Number of pages: 2.... hated him. He received much hate mail from all kinds of people. He received letters threaten to kill him if he was to step on their hometown field with the other white players. A fellow baseball player from the opposing team slid into him putting a big gash in his knee that would take him out of the game.
He was not the first black player in the major league baseball; neither was he the first black star athlete. Words cannot describe what he brought to the game of baseball and the rest of America. His success in baseball proved that blacks and white can coexist, and corporate well together. His importance to the public was more .....
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Benjamin Harrison
Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2.... The Democratic candidate, nicknamed Blue Jeans, won the election.
Four years later the Indiana legislature elected Harrison to the United States Senate. He served from 1881 to 1887 and won the good will of veterans by supporting the many private pension bills that came to him.
Great was the confusion in the Republican nominating convention of 1888. Senator James G. Blaine, the leader of the party, had been defeated by Cleveland in 1884 and refused to run against him again. The field was therefore open. Harrison was finally nominated with Blaine's support. Levi P. Morton, a New York banker, was named for vice- .....
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Louis Pasteur
Number of words: 1348 | Number of pages: 5.... just like his favorite professor.
In 1847 he earned a doctorate at the Ecole Normale in Paris, with a focus on both physics and chemistry. Becoming an assistant to one of his teachers, he began research that led to a significant discovery. He found that a beam of polarized light was rotated to either the right or the left as it passed through a pure solution of naturally produced organic nutrients, whereas when polarized light was passed through a solution of artificially synthesized organic nutrients, no rotation took place. If bacteria or other microorganisms were placed in the latter solution, then after a while it would a .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Number of words: 263 | Number of pages: 1.... of Weimar and
Anhalt-Kother, and finally in 1723, that of musical director at St Thomas's
choir school in Leipzig, where, apart from his brief visit to the court of
Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, he remained there until his death.
Bach married twice and had 21 children, ten of whom died in infancy. His
second wife, Anna Magdalena Wulkens, was a soprano singer; she also acted
as his amanuensis, when in later years his sight failed.
Bach was a master of contrapuntal technique, and his music marks the
culmination of the Baroque polyphonic style.
Important Works
Sacred music includes over 200 church cantatas, the Easter .....
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George Orwell
Number of words: 881 | Number of pages: 4.... not the usual path that most Eaton students would have taken. Blair preferred a life of travel and action and he served in the force in Burma (now known as Myanmar) for five years. He resigned from the police force for two main reasons: firstly, being a police officer was a diversion from his real ambition of being a writer; and secondly, he felt that as a policeman in Burma, he was supporting a political system in which he could no longer believe. Even at this time, his political ideas and his ideas about writing were closely related. In his book The Road To Wigan Pier he wrote that he wished to "escape from… every form of man .....
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William Blake
Number of words: 780 | Number of pages: 3.... Academy in 1779 as an engraving student. While at school, Blake absorbed the religious symbolism and linear design characteristic of Gothic style. While studying there, he rebelled against the academic conventions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, president of the academy. Contrary to modern standards, he decided to follow the footsteps of the world-renowned artist Michelangelo and Raphael instead.
Throughout his life, Blake made his money engraving things, but lived in mass poverty. On August 18, 1782, Blake married a poor illiterate girl, Catherine Boucher. Some believe she turned out to be the best companion Blake could have chosen. .....
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Neil Simon
Number of words: 1502 | Number of pages: 6.... and he has not truly escaped from this lifestyle. At age 28, he married Joan Baim, a professional dancer, and the first of three wives. The two had a daughter, Ellen, together. Seemingly happy for 20 years in marriage, Joan died unexpectedly. Shockingly, just over one month after Joan’s death, Neil remarried, causing doubt about the healthiness of the relationship before Joan’s demise. He wed actress Marsha Mason, who later appeared in a number of his works, including film versions of Only When I Laugh and The Goodbye Girl. The marriage lasted 9 years, and ended bitterly due to "undisclosed reasons". Five years after .....
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Marie Curie: A Pioneering Physicist
Number of words: 2908 | Number of pages: 11.... died
of typhus as well. Her oldest sister, Bronya, had to leave school early to take
care of the family. Despite all these hardships and setbacks, Manya continued
to work hard at school.
Although her sister Bronya had stopped going to school to act as the
family's housekeeper, she desperately wanted to go on studying to become a
doctor. This was almost impossible in Poland, however. In Poland, women were
not allowed to go to college. Many Poles took the option to flee from Russian
rule and live in France; this is exactly what Bronya did. She had set her
heart on going to Paris to study at the famous Sorbonne Universi .....
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of words: 2959 | Number of pages: 11.... citizens and were eligible for this scholarship.
Napoleon was excited about his future. Still, he was apprehensive. He had never left the island before, and he didn’t know how to speak French. So before he could further his training, he would have to learn the language. To do this his parents were sending him first to a school in Autun in southern France. There the students were mean, they had laughed at his Corsican accent and mocked his poor clothes and rough manners. When Napoleon had learned to speak French fluently, he went to study at Brienne, it a training school for the Military College in Paris. .....
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