Papers on People and Biographies
David Hume 2
Number of words: 1039 | Number of pages: 4.... opposing view as being the truth. However the truth can be proved when referring to the relations of ideas. When dealing with things like (2+2=4), there is no openness to interpretation and no exceptions. 2+2 must always = 4 because it is based on scientific factual information and there is clearly no argument against it.
Hume boldly states that "impressions" and "ideas" make up the total content of the mind. His definition of 'impressions" is what each person perceives from the physical world through their senses. And according to this theory "ideas" are merely copies of these impressions within the mind. He justifies this b .....
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Cynthia Ozick
Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4.... Elie Wiesel asked to wait a few years until there was no more witnesses to find fault with her representation of the Shoah. The Shoah is also known as Holocaust Day. This is the remembrance of all the Jews that were murdered during the Holocaust. The reason for that was because falsified the event and mocked a sacred text. At all cost, the Shoal had to be secured. was upset and hurt, not because she was reprimanded for making a minor historical error, but because she was treated as a stranger. was an American Jew, not just an American. She was treated as if she was just an American. She was also treated as if she .....
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Thurgood Marshall
Number of words: 809 | Number of pages: 3.... Norma Arica Marshall, and his father, William Canfield Marshall. Thurgood's mother was one of the first African Americans to graduate from Colombia University and his father was the first black person to serve on Baltimore's grand jury in the 20th century. Their accomplishments influenced young Thurgood in the years yet to come. Thurgood was always top of his game and graduating from an all black high school in Baltimore at 16 and graduating from Howard Law School in Washington D.C. first of his class, proved it. During his time at Howard, Thurgood met and eventually married his first wife, Vivian Burey. After finishing up law s .....
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Biography Of Ogden Nash
Number of words: 495 | Number of pages: 2.... married Frances Rider Leonard of
Baltimore, Maryland. Also in 1931, he published two books of free verse:
"Hard Lines" and "Free Wheeling." Contemporary American Poets made an
interesting statement on these first two books by Nash: "These two books show
poetry of remarkable freedom of scansion (rhythm pattern) and uncoventional
feelings of thoughts." Contemporary American Poets showed clearly that Nash
"paved" the way for authors of free verse with absolutely no pattern.
After working on other poetry books such as Happy Days (1933), The Bad
Parent's Garden of Verse (1936), and I'm a Stranger Here Myself (1938), Nash
retired from .....
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Allen Sapp
Number of words: 646 | Number of pages: 3.... instruction he got form her was the only formal instruction he has ever had. In September 1968 she showed some of Allen’s paintings in her backyard. The show was a great success. On the Easter weekend of 1969 Allen had his first major exhibition. The people loved him. He became a great success. The value of his paintings went way up in the next little while as his popularity streadily increased and he did shows all over Canada and in the US and England. He once again became proud of his Indian heritage and began to dress the part. By 1974 he even had a book written about him.
In 1977 Sapp’s son, David, died.
& .....
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Greatness Of LBJ
Number of words: 1160 | Number of pages: 5.... his father’s liberalism and also learned a strategy of Sam’s by “getting really close to someone, nose to nose, when he wanted to convince them of something” (7). These tactics and others such as Sam’s honesty in regards to not taking bribes were characteristics which helped mold him.
After finishing his schooling, LBJ took his first steps in the political world. At a state railroad commission meeting, a former governor, Pat Neff, never showed up to give his speech. This gave LBJ an opportunity of a lifetime. LBJ stood up with great confidence and made a speech for him, showing his skills in public speaking. The .....
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Terry Fox
Number of words: 1236 | Number of pages: 5.... not just an ache he had a malignant tumor; his leg would have to be cut off six inches above the knee. Terry’s doctor told him that he had a chance of living but the odds were fifty to seventy percent. He also said that he should be glad it happened now fore just 2 years ago the chance of living was fifteen percent. The night before his operation a former coach brought Terry a magazine featuring a man who ran a marathon after a similar operation. Terry didn’t want to do something small if he was going to do something he was going to do it big. "I am competitive" Terry said, "I’m a dreamer. I like challenges. I .....
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Eleanor Roosevelt
Number of words: 2410 | Number of pages: 9.... This basic sense fo kinship with which she approaced the world dictated her vocation of helpfulness. The honesty with whcihc she told us of hte long path she travelded to free herself of fear and prejudice and become an independent person has placed her in that specaila pantheon reserved for shapers of the human spirit. appeared on the American secent, and began being herself, out in the open wehre folks could see the process of women's long struggle to free themselves from their husbands's dutiful shadows. "It is said that famous mane are usually the product of an unhappy childhood," wrote Winston Churchill. "The stern comp .....
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Adolf Hitler's Traits
Number of words: 1047 | Number of pages: 4.... was a great orator and when he spoke, everybody listened. He sometimes spoke several times a day, moving from town to town seemingly tireless. Ken McVay had this to say about this subject, “He was a tireless speaker and before he came to power would sometimes give as many as three or four speeches on the same day, often in different cites. Even his opponents concede that he is the greatest orator that Germany has ever known,”[sic](Ken McVay 1995, (Internet)). Though he didn’t have a good education his orator skill, which is a leadership skill, helped him achieve his goal.
Along with being a tireless orator, Hitler a .....
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Ida B. Wells
Number of words: 751 | Number of pages: 3.... role models. They worked hard and held places of respect in the community as forward-looking people. James and Elizabeth (mother) Wells instilled their daughter a keen sense of duty to God, family, and community.
Ida’s background was strengthened when she became part owner, editor, and writer for a weekly paper, The Free Speech. This paper based in Memphis, Tennessee allowed Ida to learn, by research, the details of lynching. Her energetic campaign for truth and justice gave her a lot of attention to fuel her crusade. All these factors support the fact that her background made her an ample spokes person for the anti-lync .....
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