Papers on People and Biographies
Richard Joseph Daley
Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5.... one of the last big city bosses. As a Democrat, Daley wielded a great deal of power in this largely Democratic city. He headed a powerful political machine that effectively dominated much of Chicago. He governed by the spoils system, and he delivered many local votes for Democratic presidential candidates. His support was often sought by state and national leaders. Daley gained national notoriety in 1968 when Chicago police brutally subdued demonstrators at the Democratic National Convention. Daley was an important figure in the national Democratic Party.
As the mayor of Chicago until his death in 1976 and as chairman of C .....
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Number of words: 778 | Number of pages: 3.... periods in American letters, is a pleasure. It is
about men and ideas that changed everything. That’s reason is enough o read it” (23).
Deck’s statement is true, the book is a pleasure to read. Kerouac was born in Lowell,
Massachusetts, on March 12, 1922. Kerouac went to school in New York City and
afterward served in World War II. After the war Kerouac became a wanderer, traveling
through the United States and Mexico. Kerouac’s wandering and experiences are what
created the subject matter of his books. Even though Charters is friends
with Kerouac, she is not biase .....
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To Race The Wind By Krents And All But My Life Klein
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... as well as that of his mother. They both became frustrated with each other many a times, and she occasionally called him ‘stupid’. Harold always tried his best. One summer in camp he received an award. Not out of the sake of pity, not because he was blind, but because he tried his hardest and did the best he could do. As his life progressed, Harold was taken advantage of many times, used in plans and schemes for the sake of his blindness. Harold plowed through his college years tackling any problems that stood in his way. He ended up meeting the girl of his dreams and passing the bar exam. No matter how many na .....
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Karl Marx
Number of words: 1939 | Number of pages: 8.... help set Karl in the right direction." His 'splendid natural gifts' awakened in his father the hope that they would one day be used in the service of humanity, whilst his mother declared him to be a child of fortune in whose hands everything would go well.
In High school Karl stood out among the crowd. When asked to write a report on "How to choose a profession" he took a different approach. He took the angle in which most interested him, by saying that there was no way to choose a profession, but because of circumstances one is placed in an occupation. A person with an aristocratic background is more likely to have a higher role .....
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
Number of words: 1521 | Number of pages: 6.... had urged. King spent the next three years at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pa. And he received a bachelor of divinity in 1951. King first became aquatinted with Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence as well as with the thought of contemporary Protestant theologians. He found himself increasingly dissatisfied with society. King was elected president of the student body and was graduated with highest academic average in his class. From Crozer he went to Boston University. He was seeking a firm foundation for his own theological and ethical inclinations; he began to focus his attention on conceptions of the .....
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Biography: Jefferson, Thomas
Number of words: 1794 | Number of pages: 7.... which, he affirmed, was
Jefferson's intellectual prowess led some political opponents to dismiss
him as a visionary, but he was remarkably successful in politics. As leader
of the opposition to the Federalist policies of Alexander Hamilton and John
Adams, Jefferson was put forward by his supporters to run against Adams in
the election of 1796 to succeed George Washington as president. He lost
that contest but four years later defeated Adams to preside over the first
transfer of political power from one party to another in the history of the
young Republic. In his inaugural address in 1801, he set the ship of state .....
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Adolf Hitlers Life And Times
Number of words: 2852 | Number of pages: 11.... gave birth to a baby boy named Adolf on April 20, 1889 at the Pommer Inn. The Hitlers soon moved to Braunau. His godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Prinz and Maria Matzelbeger. As a child little Adolf was babied and his mother protected him from his father, Alois Hitler. Alois was quite a tyrant, but he usually ignored Adolf. In 1892 Adolf's father earned a promotion and the family was forced to move to Passau. Here Hitler enjoyed playing Germans and French or cowboys and Indians. At about this time, in 1984 Klara gave birth to another boy whom she named Edmund. Hitler was no longer the baby but his father had been transferred .....
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John Dos Passos
Number of words: 2008 | Number of pages: 8.... his parents were not officially married until in
1910, he was considered "illegitimate" for about 14 years; this theme of
alienation is found in many of his writings. Most of the time spent during
his childhood was with his mother, who travelled abundantly, and this was
the time where he grew closer to his mother and started to drift away from
the man he called "dad". His travels with his mom led him to places such as
Mexico, Belgium, and England. Dos Passos's association with France began
when he was very young, and his knowledge of the language was quite
thorough. Much of his French expertise is showed off in his works,
inc .....
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The Work Of Cormac McCarthy
Number of words: 1686 | Number of pages: 7.... by individuals as fragments, subject
to loss as memory dims and subject to arbitrary changes without order or
meaning" (Richey 141).
These same critics compare McCarthy's writing to past writers
saying that McCarthy shares some aspects of his writing with Thomas Pynchon,
Edmund Wilson, Saul Bellow, and James Joyce. "A sophisticated reader on
first looking into Joyce's Ulysses might well wonder about the meaning of
what is going on. A reader on first looking into McCarthy's fiction might
well wonder, just what is going on" (Aldridge 90). Aldridge also goes on
to say that McCarthy is "fantastically gifted." Critics a .....
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F. Scott Fitzgerald
Number of words: 1425 | Number of pages: 6.... army during World War 1, Fitzgerald spent his weekends in camp writing the earliest draft of his first novel.
Demobilized in 1919, Fitzgerald worked briefly in New York for an adversing agency. His first story, 'Babes in the Wood,' was published in The Smart Set. The turning point in his life was when he met Zelda Sayre, herself as aspiring writed, and married her in 1920. In the same year appeared Fitzgerald's first novel, This Side of Paradise, originally entitled The Romantic Egoist, which he had started while in the army. Its hero, Armory Blaine, studies in Princeton, serves in WW I in France. At the end of the story he find .....
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