Papers on People and Biographies
Number of words: 419 | Number of pages: 2.... a Roman siege by constructing huge lenses to focus the Sun's light on Roman ships and huge cranes to turn them upside down. When the Romans finally broke the siege, was killed by a Roman soldier after snapping at him "Don't disturb my circles", a reference to a geometric figure he had outlined on the sand.
biggest contribution to math, especially geometry, was his discovery for finding the volume of a sphere showing that it is two thirds the volume of the smallest cylinder that can contain it and the definition of Pi. Although Pi was used by the Babylonians and Egyptians it was never really defined as one value. finally de .....
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Henry David Thoreau: The Great Conservationist, Visionary, And Humanist
Number of words: 2078 | Number of pages: 8.... Helen, who had begun to teach, and his aunts offered to help. With
the assistance of his family and the beneficiary funds of Harvard he went
to Cambridge in August 1833 and entered Harvard on September first. "He
[Thoreau] stood close to the top of his class, but he went his own way too
much to reach the top" (5).
In December 1835, Thoreau decided to leave Harvard and attempt to
earn a living by teaching, but that only lasted about a month and a half
(8). He returned to college in the fall of 1836 and graduated on August 16,
1837 (12). Thoreau's years at Harvard University gave him one great gift,
an introduction .....
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Pierre Trudeau
Number of words: 368 | Number of pages: 2.... to conservation. And yet, he allowed energy-conservation measures in Canada to fall far behind those of the United States. More than a few times, Trudeau has insisted that it is our moral obligation as Canadians to share our wealth with poorer nations. Nevertheless, he still reduced foreign-aid spending and even put a protective quota on textile imports from developing countries. Trudeau has written about the importance of consensus in government. But again, this did not prevent him, on more than a few occasions, from entirely disregarding the consensus of his cabinet ministers on a given issue, preferring instead to make the de .....
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William Faulkner 2
Number of words: 1228 | Number of pages: 5.... life. William Faulkner should be mentioned along with any collection of classic authors because of his remarkable use of the past and present, as well as for his meticulous detail and comprehensive knowledge of the South in his writings.
William Faulkner’s background is a very important detail that will help his readers understand the psychological implications of what he wrote and to appreciate his work. William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897. His parents were Murry and Maud Faulkner. He married Estelle Franklin in 1929. They had two children together, both daughters. The first .....
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Thomas Jefferson'S Life: Tell It The Way It Is!
Number of words: 961 | Number of pages: 4.... The last essay dealt with the similarities in the essays of John Locke and the Declaration of Independence. After Wood summarizes these essays he tells it how it is. Jefferson was not perfect, but he wanted what is best for the common good for all and the future for Americans.
Wood then picks these essays apart by describing Jefferson as a virtuous, trusting, rational student that always looked to the future. Jefferson was very much all of these things. Because of this, he is remembered as one of the greatest leaders ever.
Jefferson came from a well off family in Virginia. They believed that education was the key to succe .....
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Harry S. Truman
Number of words: 641 | Number of pages: 3.... programs. He did his job in that committee so well, he was then thought of very highly throughout the Democratic Party. So much, that he replaced Henry A. Wallace for vice-president in the 1944 presidential election. His running mate, Franklin Roosevelt was running for his fourth term as president. They won that election and was now the Vice President of the United States, for 82 days.
On April 12, 1945, President Roosevelt died in office, making the President of the United States of America in a most crucial time in the history of the world. World War 2 was at the point of destroy or be destroyed. Germany surrendered sho .....
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Rudyard Kipling
Number of words: 454 | Number of pages: 2.... in later life, especially when it involved loyalty to a group or a team.
Returning to India in 1882 he worked as a newspaper reporter and a part-time writer and this helped him to gain a rich experience of colonial life which he later presented in his stories and poems. In 1886 he published his first volume of poetry, "Departmental Ditties" and between 1887 and 1889 he published six volumes of short stories set in and concerned with the India he had come to know and love so well. When he returned to England he found himself already recognized and acclaimed as a brilliant writer. Over the immediately following years he published .....
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Life Of Tupac Shakur
Number of words: 707 | Number of pages: 3.... Juice, where he played a betrayal role of Bishop. On September 22nd, Vice President Dan Quayle accused that Tupac's 2Pacalypse Now "has no place in our society."
Next year on February 1, 1993 Tupac came out with another album. Once it was released it went platinum. It went platinum on April 19, 1995 along with 2Pacalypse Now but that went gold only.
On July 23, 1993 Tupac makes his second movie appearance on John Singleton's Poetic Justice. Just before filming the movie Janet makes 2Pac take an HIV test before kissing him in any scenes.
On Halloween of 93' 2Pac gets arrested for shooting two-off duty police officers .....
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Saint John Bosco
Number of words: 650 | Number of pages: 3.... school because he could not afford it, neither could his mother help him pay for it.
John became a priest in 1841 at the age of 26, and was named Don Bosco, which means Father Bosco. After Sunday Mass's he would have a catechism class
which would teach young people about God. After a while the catechism class turned into a school were boys could receive a real education, not just a religion class. He was appointed chaplain of St. Philomena's Hospice for girls. John did not really like his job so he resigned and opened a house for boys, where he helped boys that he saw on the streets, and brought them to the house where he fed .....
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Benito Mussolini
Number of words: 1434 | Number of pages: 6.... father Allesandro had very bad violent tempers.
When Benito grew up, he became a teacher in an elementary school in his nearby town; he spread the party of doctrine. He was an editor, Fascist leader, laborer, soldier, politician, and revolutionary. He also became a socialist. He graduated at a teacher training school in Forli, Italy. Then he moved to Switzerland to find a better place to work. When he was in Switzerland, he got in trouble with the law for fighting and vagrancy. So he decided to move back to Italy but in Trent. When he returned he worked for a Social Newspaper Company and wrote several literacy works. The newspap .....
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