Papers on People and Biographies
Wyatt Earp
Number of words: 365 | Number of pages: 2.... Morgan and Virgil journeyed by horseback down to Tombstone, Arizona. There he furthered his reputation as a gunfighter, first as deputy sheriff of Pima Co. and later as deputy U.S. marshal for the entire Arizona Territory. Earp and three of his brothers, together with the American frontiersman Doc Holliday, participated in the famous O.K. Corral gunfighter in 1881, during which they killed several suspected cattle rustlers.
The following year, Ike Clanton attempted to kill Wyatt and Morgan while they were playing pool; Morgan was killed. Wyatt killed Frank Stilwell and became a wanted man. He and Doc Holliday left Tombstone .....
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Ben Franklins Religion
Number of words: 1917 | Number of pages: 7.... to perform our own good actions. [6] Primarily these good actions arise out of thanksgiving to God. [7] While Franklin believes that these good actions procure God's favor (168) in that God loves those of us who "do good to others" (179), [8] Franklin recognizes that most of his countrymen would not agree with this formulation of theology, a kind of streamlined, doctrine-free Christianity in which the question of Christ's divinity makes no difference. [9] As a result, in his writings Franklin tends to stress the usefulness of virtue and virtuous deeds apart from any mention of theology. He elevates to the level of doctrine "That V .....
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Martin Luther King And Malcolm X - Two Views, One Cause
Number of words: 1131 | Number of pages: 5.... not consider, even for a moment,
that a white could actually support equality for all men. "Usually, it's
the white man who grins at you the most, and pats you on the back, and is
supposed to be your friend. He may be friendly, but he's not your friend"
However, in a later work of his, "1965," one can see that Malcolm was
learning to accept whites as possible allies.
I tried in every speech I made to clarify my new position
regarding white people - 'I don't speak against the sincere, well
meaning, good white people. I have learned that there are some.
I have learned that not .....
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King Tut
Number of words: 2027 | Number of pages: 8.... games and telling stories. All Egyptians enjoyed contests and stories, but the wealthy pursued those pastimes with an elegant flourish. Royalty such as Tut, was portrayed on the walls of his tomb playing the game senet, which reenacted the quest for eternal fulfillment after death. This game is played on a checkerboard table with thirty squares arranged in three parallel rows. Each of two players has an equal number of counters (ranging from five to seven) in two series of different shapes. The counters are moved with sticks or small bones.
The goal of the game is to get across the board with your counters followi .....
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Napoleon 2
Number of words: 810 | Number of pages: 3.... laws of old as well as new, and allowed freedom of speech and press. His main idea with these laws was to give all men equal rights. Women were also included into several laws. Another accomplishment was shown through religion. Though he supported Catholicism and declared the majority of the French people were Catholics, he affirmed religious tolerance for all.
Though many accomplishments were shown in government as well as religion, Napoleon’s main interests were focused on building an empire. After defeating Italy and Austria, and persuading Russia to withdraw from the war, Napoleon named himself Emperor.
Though Napoleo .....
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Malcolm X
Number of words: 890 | Number of pages: 4.... arrest blacks at a higher rate than whites. While Malcolm was in jail, he was well known to the guards. One time he was asked to state his number, but instead he said he forgot his number. The guards beat the hell out of him and sent him to the darkroom. In the darkroom he met Brother Baines. Baines was a man everyone respected including the guards. He was know as the real man and gave speeches about Islam. Malcolm didn't want to listen to him at first, but Baines's cool style helped Malcolm realize that Islam is for him and that the white man is the devil. While in prison, Malcolm read widely and developed an interest in the .....
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Rene Descartes
Number of words: 853 | Number of pages: 4.... Descartes’ hope was to replace the teachings of Aristotle. In 1644 he publish Principles of Philosophy which he hoped would in-fact replace Aristotle’s teachings. His last important work was called Passions of the Soul where he explored topics such as the relationship of the soul to the body, the nature of emotion, and the role of the will in controlling emotions. In 1649 Queen Christina of Sweden convinced Descartes that he should come to Stockholm to teach her philosophy. On his way home from one of the queen’s lessons he caught pneumonia in February 1650 and after suffering for a week he died on February 11.
Descartes phi .....
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BF Skinner
Number of words: 564 | Number of pages: 3.... would be his behavioral work with the theory of operant conditioning. Skinner himself says that, “When I am asked what I regard as my most important contribution, I always say the original experimental analysis of operant behavior and its subsequent extension to more complex cases.” (Bigge, Shermis. 95)
According to Skinner operant conditioning, like all psychological processes, is a product of natural selection and deals with stimuli or consequences that act as reinforcers to behavior. Milhollan and Forisha say that, “The stimuli that happen to act as reinforcers fall into two classes, positive and negative reinforce .....
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William Shakespeare
Number of words: 908 | Number of pages: 4.... fascinating. Stratford was a lively town and during holidays, it was known to put on pageants and many popular shows. It also held several large fairs during the year. Stratford was a exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods surrounding it giving William the opportunity to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon which ran through the town allowed him to fish also. Shakespeare's' poems and plays show his love of nature and rural life which reflects his childhood.
On November 28, 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway of the neighboring village of Shottery. She was twenty-six, and he .....
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Ben Franklin’s Involvement In The Age Of Reason
Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... playing,
trying to figure out, asking himself just how can I improve this or invent
something better.
Another reflection of the Age of Reason that involved Ben Franklin
was him being so pragmatic. His practical personality put restrictions on
what he was able to do, although he still managed to do pretty much what he
wanted to do. The pragmatic Ben went out and worked to earn a living. He
did not just sit around and let someone do the work for him, he went out
and took action. That action showed when he started inventing and doing
things for his country. He signed some of the most important documents
that have ever been w .....
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