Papers on People and Biographies
Paul Revere
Number of words: 862 | Number of pages: 4.... borrowed a horse and left Boston around 10 p.m. He arrived in Lexington at midnight. Around 1 a.m. Revere Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott left for Concord. On their way they were surprised by the British Calvary patrol. Prescoot and Dawes escaped, but Revere was captured. Only Prescoot got to Concord. Revere was released, without his horse, and returned to 1 Lexington. There he joined Adams and Hancock, and they fled to safety in Burlington. Revere returned to Lexington to rescue valuable papers in Hancock's trunk. On April 19, when the British arrived in Lexington they found the minutemen waiting. "'s Ride" was published 88 ye .....
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Bruce Lee
Number of words: 1312 | Number of pages: 5.... the death of Mr. Lee's brother, he, as in Chinese custom, had to taken in
his whole brother's Family and had to be the provider. This meant nearly 20
people lived in the flat.
It was through his father's connection that Bruce ultimately became a
child film star. His own acting ability was clear from the beginning. Bruce
posed as a great natural actor and possessed a great natural ability for acting.
His father used to take him backstage. As a young boy, Bruce always hung around
the set where his father was working on film.
Few people have started a major film career as early as Bruce did. He
was barely three months .....
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Bill Bradley
Number of words: 813 | Number of pages: 3.... in this time of technological change. Bill will enroll an additional 400,000 children in the Head Start program, helping nearly every eligible child to enter school prepared to succeed. He will create Teach to Reach partnerships to place 60,000 new, well-trained teachers each year into low-income urban and rural school districts. Bill will invest in community colleges to improve their technology infrastructure to provide students and working adults with training and new skills, in partnership with regional businesses and local high schools. Finally Bradley ensures that the 2.2 million new teachers of our country in the next .....
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Don Cherry
Number of words: 702 | Number of pages: 3.... and the Soviets had an unbelievable brawl. Don condoned the on-ice violence, and that it what he believes in to this very day. Now it is almost as though every Saturday night, Don has something new and controversial to say. It is for this reason that large numbers of people tune in for the first intermission to see Coach's Corner. Don has been very open with his dislike for European hockey players, especially Russian's. Don is the owner of the Mississauga Ice Dogs of the OHL, and he does not have one European player on the team. Don has also been very open with regards to fighting in hockey. He has stated time and time a .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 1139 | Number of pages: 5.... Steven Henslow who
helped him regain his interest in nature. It was Henslow who was
influential in getting Darwin the position of naturalist on the boat The
Beagle. In April of 1831, he graduated from the University.
In the fall following his graduation, the government decided to
send the H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, to complete
an unfinished survey of Patagonia and Tierra Del Fuego to help map out the
shores of Chile and Peru. Th e voyage was to last two years. Darwin
volunteered his services without salary and offered to pay his own expenses
on the condition that he was allowed to keep all t .....
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William Lyon Mackenzie
Number of words: 1495 | Number of pages: 6.... On June 8, 1826, a group of fifteen, young, well connected Tories disguised themselves as Indians, and broke into Mackenzie’s York office in broad daylight. They smashed his printing press, then threw it into the bay. The Tories did nothing to compensate him, so it was clear that they were involved. Mackenzie ntook them to court, and seeing that their “disguise” had been seen through, they offered Mackenzie £200. He refused, and after a bitter trial, the court awarded him £625.
In March of 1829, Mackenzie went to the United States to buy books for resale, and to study the actions of the newly appointed .....
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Roger Williams
Number of words: 381 | Number of pages: 2.... with Providence. In 1651, William Coddington secured a commission annulling the patent, but Williams, with John Clarke hastened again to England and had the patent of 1644 restored. On his return in 1654, Williams was elected president of the colony and served three terms. Always a trusted friend of the Native Americans, he often used his good offices in maintaining peaceful relations with them. But he was unable to prevent the outbreak of King Philip's War, in which he served as a captain of militia. Williams, though he remained a Christian, disassociated himself from existing churches. His writings, reprinted in the Narraganset .....
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Margaret Bouke-White
Number of words: 576 | Number of pages: 3.... her camera with her. She ran into a camera store and asked to rent or borrow a camera. The picture became one of her first works of art and the owner of the store became one of her best friends. One of Margaret's early dreams was to photograph the inside of a steel mill but women weren't allowed inside. Being a woman didn't stop her and the pictures were a success. Her shots were published in magazines all over the country and got Margaret her first big job, at Fortune magazine in New York. With Margaret's photos Fortune became one of the leading photography magazines. The magazine had also made her a star but Margaret still kept h .....
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Darwin Vs. Wallace
Number of words: 1099 | Number of pages: 4.... creationists.
Using sexual selection and the origins of human intellect as his proponents, Gould argues his opinion in the favor of evolutionary thought.
In this essay titled "Natural Selection and The Human Brain: ," Gould tells about the contest between Darwin and another prominent scientist named Alfred Wallace over two important subjects. These topics, one being sexual selection and the other about the origins of the human brain and
intellect were debated by men who generally held the same views on evolution. However on these two subjects, Wallace chose to differ as he described it as his "special heresy" (53). The fi .....
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Benedict Arnold
Number of words: 668 | Number of pages: 3.... British
and was well paid for it. His wife helped him, often acting as messenger. In
1780 Arnold obtained command of West Point and at once conspired to turn over
the garrison to the British. He met Maj. John Andre, a British spy, and made
final plans. Andre was captured, however, and his papers indicated Arnold's
Arnold heard of the capture and fled to the British headquarters in New York
City. He was given a command and about 6,300. He served with the British for
the rest of the war, leading troops on raids in Virginia and Connecticut. After
the war he lived with his family in England. He failed to obtain a regula .....
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