Papers on People and Biographies
Number of words: 946 | Number of pages: 4.... On the death of Jan in 1587, his widow returned the family to Antwerp, where they again became Catholics. After studying the classics in a Latin school and serving as a court page, Peter Paul decided to become a painter. He apprenticed in turn with Tobias Verhaecht, Adam van Noort, and Otto van Veen, called Vaenius, three minor Flemish painters influenced by 16th-century Mannerist artists of the Florentine-Roman school. The young was as precocious a painter as he had earlier been a scholar of modern European languages and of classical antiquity. In 1598, at the age of 21, he was accorded the rank of master painter of the
Antwer .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne 2
Number of words: 1183 | Number of pages: 5.... his uncle's stagecoach line to make summer excursions around New England; Hawthorne even went as far west as Detroit. Hawthorne published his first novel, Fanshaw: A Tale, at his own expense in 1828. However, he later recalled it and destroyed all the copies he could find. Then, in 1830, the Salem Gazette published his first story, "The Hollow of the Three Hills". With the publication of Twice-Told Tales in 1837, his name was finally recognized by the public. By the year 1838, (at the age of 34) he had written over two-thirds of the tales and sketches he would write during his lifetime.
A year later, Hawthorne met Sophia Peabody .....
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Davy Crockett
Number of words: 1035 | Number of pages: 4.... cabin has been restored and is now located at Morristown, 30 miles Southwest of Greeneville.) The young Davy no doubt heard tales told by many a westbound traveler - tales which must have sparked his own desire for adventure in the great western territories. In his dealings with his father's customers, Davy must also have learned much about human nature and so refined his natural skills as a leader. While Davy lived there he spent four days at the school of Benjamin Kitchen. He had a fight with a boy at school and left home to escape a "licking" from his dad.
He got a job helping to drive cattle to Virginia. In Virginia, he .....
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Number of words: 1681 | Number of pages: 7.... "The Power and Beauty of Quantification", "What are the Conservatives Conserving?" and "Where Hearts and Minds Collide". In the first section begins by teaches the reader about large numbers and what innovations in the past allowed us to use them. moves slowly and tactfully building the readers understanding of these basic concepts of large numbers and exponents, then applies them to such problems as exponential growth of populations, radioactive decay and nuclear chain reactions. . He exposes scientific concepts like a traditional narrative. Building ‘the story' to the questions he would most like answered concerning the .....
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Emily Dickinson 2
Number of words: 1365 | Number of pages: 5.... editing and publishing the poems. Lavinia’s friend, Mabel Loomis Todd and a friend of hers, Thomas Wentworth Higginson began to put a lot of
effort of getting the poems published. In the year 1890 they accomplished in getting 115 of Emily’s poems published. After their first success of publishing the poems they began to get more involved with Emily’s poems. Along with publishing the poems Mabel and Thomas began practicing the revision of the poems. When Emily wrote the poems some of the English written was incorrect and some of the poems were incomplete. They corrected the English and finished the incomp .....
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Constitutionalism: The Tyranny
Number of words: 372 | Number of pages: 2.... and taste, would be endangered by "the tyranny of the majority." In the United States the majority rules, but whose their to rule the majority. Tocqueville believed that the majority, with its unlimited power, would unavoidably turn into a tyranny. He felt that the moral beliefs of the majority would interfere with the quality of the elected legislators. The idea was that in a great number of men there was more intelligence, than in one individual, thus lacking quality in legislation. Another disadvantage of the majority was that the interests of the majority always were preferred to that of the minority. Therefore, gi .....
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Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 2171 | Number of pages: 8.... a heroic cavalry leader in the American Revolution. He married his cousin Matilda. They had four children, but Matilda died in 1790. On her death bed she added insult to injury upon Henry Lee by leaving her estate to her children. She feared Henry would squander the family fortune. He was well known for poor investments and schemes that had depleted his own family's fortune (Connelly 5).
Henry Lee solved his financial problems by marrying Robert's mother Anne Carter, daughter of one of Virginia's wealthiest men (Nash 242). Henry Lee eventually spent his family into debt. Their stately mansion, Stratford Hall, was turned over to R .....
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Jack Robinson
Number of words: 1089 | Number of pages: 4.... true passion was playing sports. He excelled in every sport he played. His favorites were football, track, baseball and basketball, which earned him a scholarship. Jackie was the first student to play on four varsity teams. At UCLA in 1940 he met his future wife Rachel Isum. He did not complete his senior year at UCLA. Instead at age of 21 he joined NYA (national Youth Administration.) where he played baseball to entertain campers and worked with children. He also earned extra money by playing for a semi-pro football team, known as the Honolulu Bears.
In 1941 Robinson joined the United States Army. After graduating from Officers C .....
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Number of words: 706 | Number of pages: 3.... later broke that spell.
Later, Nanak took Mardana, a Mohammedan, as a servant. With him as a musical accompanist, Nanak started to deliver more widely about the disciples of the One true God of all people, both rich and poor.
Once, Nanak put on a mangocoloured jacket, over which he threw a white sheet. He had a hat of a Muselman, Qalandar, while he wore a necklace of bones, and he imprinted a saffron mark on his forehead in the style of Hindus. This was evidence that he wanted Hindus and Mohammedan to accept the religion. He wanted them to feel free to try another faith.
The two of them traveled to preach and sing toge .....
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Biography On Mario Lemieux
Number of words: 393 | Number of pages: 2.... to spend more time with family and watch his kids grow. I talk about what Mario did off the ice including meeting with celebrities and even the president. Also I mention Mario's last game and some of his feelings.
My fourth, longest and last chapter is "The Memories". In this section I use a lot of statistics and quotations describing some of Mario's most memorable moments, and his amazing skill, from his rookie season to his last game. In my final chapter I don't just talk about what he did on the ice but off the ice also. I talk about things like how Mario felt in the locker room after winning the Stanley Cup and during award cer .....
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