Papers on People and Biographies
Anne Bradstreet: The Heretical Poet
Number of words: 2104 | Number of pages: 8.... in that she did not dissent
from accepted beliefs and doctrine. She was a woman of the 17th Century
and lived in a male dominated, intensely religious society. She lived
within the limitations not only of the beliefs and standards of her society,
but of her sex. A woman's place was definitely in the home in Colonial
America. The experiences of women were considered narrow and trivial in
comparison with men's.
Puritanism was more than a religious belief; it was a way of life.
"In the dozen years before 1640, some 15,000 Englishmen crossed the
Atlantic in order to establish a 'Holy Commonwealth' in which that way of
li .....
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Carl Friedrich Gauss
Number of words: 684 | Number of pages: 3.... concepts and methods of number
theory -- dealing with the relationships and properties of integers. This book
set the pattern for many future research and won Gauss major recognition among
mathematicians. Using number theory, Gauss proposed an algebraic solution to the
geometric problem of creating a polygon of n sides. Gauss proved the possibility
by constructing a regular 17 sided polygon into a circle using only a straight
edge and compass.
Barely 30 years old, already having made landmark discoveries in
geometry, algebra, and number theory Gauss was appointed director of the
Observatory at Göttingen. In 1801, Gauss turned hi .....
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Senator Joeseph McCarthy - Lif
Number of words: 806 | Number of pages: 3.... a ship during a party and gained a lot of attention from the press along the way. Although later he claimed that his injured leg was caused by ten pounds of sharpnel that he was carrying at the time. There is also a dispute about exactly how many flying missions he actually went on.
Sometime in 1944, McCarthy attempted to beat Alexander Wiley for a senitorial seat in Wisconsin but was defeated. But that wasn't all. He was already planning to run against Robert La Follette (a senator who's seat was up for re-election in just two years).
La Follette would be a difficult one to beat because he was a pretty well known man. But Joe .....
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Ray Bradbury
Number of words: 1251 | Number of pages: 5.... was that of a pleasant memory of a half-forgotten dream" (Person I). In 1932, after his father was laid off his job as a electrical lineman, the Bradbury family again moved to Tucson and again returned to Waukegan the following year. In 1934 the Bradbury family moved to Los Angeles, California.
Bradbury graduated from a Los Angeles High School in 1938. His formal education ended there, but he furthered it by himself -- at night in the library and by day at his typewriter. He sold newspapers on Los Angeles street corners from 1938 to 1942. Bradbury's first story publication was "Hollerbochen's Dilemma," printed in 1938 in .....
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Benjamin H. Latrobe
Number of words: 1535 | Number of pages: 6.... of the time. Two of which were Gorge Dance and John Soane. Both of these architects were very influential to Latrobes own work. In fact, all three architects were very influential. They all helped mold and create Latrobe's architectural style. During this advancing time period in architecture there were mainly three distinct styles of architecture. The first style was Old school. This style was strict Palladianism which was inspired by Palladio himself. The second school was Roman in origin and had a lot of functional space and had a lot of decorative detail. Latrobe found both these styles to be over rich and also to .....
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Guy Fawkes
Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4.... the Archbishop of York. On his mother’s side, he was descended from the Harrington family who were eminent merchants and Alderman of York.
In 1605, (also known as Guido), and a group of conspirators attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kill the King, James I and the entire Parliament. The conspirators were angered because King James had been exiling Jesuits from England. The plotters wanted to wrest power away from the king and return the country to the Catholic faith. Today, they would be known as extremists. However, in an attempt to protect a friend in the House of Lords, one of the group members sent an anonymous .....
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George Orwell
Number of words: 2773 | Number of pages: 11.... life experiences.
It was August 1914, right after the start of World War One. Three children were playing in a garden at the end of the summer holidays, on the Oxfordshire side of the Thames River. The children saw a young boy about their age standing on his head from across the street. The children asked the boy why he was on his head. The boy responded “you are noticed more if you stand on your head than if you are right way up.” This young boy was Eric Blair who later in life adopted the name George Orwell, the famous author of “1984” and many other classics. George Orwell, one of the most significant writers .....
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Biography Of Ernest Rutherford
Number of words: 799 | Number of pages: 3.... research into radioactivity. The some of the most important work was in the identification of the alpha, beta and gamma radiation. In 1902, with the collaboration of Frederick Soddy, he enunciated and verified the 'spontaneous transformation' theory of radioactive decay, whereby a radioactive atom changes to a different atom on the emission of radiation. In 1903 Rutherford published a general paper on radioactivity and in 1904 published his first book on radioactivity.
In 1906 the then professor of physics at the University of Manchester promised to retire on the condition that Rutherford would take his place. Rutherford accepted .....
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Warren G. Harding
Number of words: 553 | Number of pages: 3.... a leader in fraternal organizations and charitable enterprises.
He organized the Citizen's Cornet Band, available for both Republican and Democratic rallies; "I played every instrument but the slide trombone and the E-flat cornet," he once remarked.
Harding's undeviating Republicanism and vibrant speaking voice, plus his willingness to let the machine bosses set policies, led him far in Ohio politics. He served in the state Senate and as Lieutenant Governor, and successfully ran for Governor. He delivered the nominating address for President Taft at the 1912 Republican Convention. In 1914 he was elected to the Senate, wh .....
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Number of words: 1003 | Number of pages: 4.... wiser than he was. went on this search because the Oracle at Delphi said he was the wisest man there was but believed that to be false (5). This lead to a futile search for a person who did have wisdom so could prove the oracle wrong. went to people who had a reputation of wisdom and then he would question and talk to them to find out if they in fact were wise. When he met someone who thought they were wise, would come "to the assistance of the god" and show him that he is not (6). When he found out that they were not wise he would tell them that to their face and by doing that make another enemy. traveled from one group to a .....
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