Papers on People and Biographies
Virginia Woolf
Number of words: 1165 | Number of pages: 5.... Woolf wants them to know why she decided to use this topic instead of some less meaningful one, that may have made for a good speech but would not have really covered the full scope of the problem. Woolf said:
They just might mean simply a few remarks about Fanny Burney; a few more about Jane Austen; a tribute to the Brontes and a sketch of Haworth Parsonage under snow; some witticisms if possible about Miss Mitford; a respectful allusion to George Eliot; a reference to Mrs. Gaskell and one would have done. But at second sight the words seemed not so simple (719).
Woolf wanted her essay to be different and break away f .....
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Reflections Of Milton In Is Works
Number of words: 1034 | Number of pages: 4.... talent is "lodged with [him]
useless"(Text 417). His religious side soon realizes that he is
"complaining" to God and he takes it back. He discovers that God will not
look down on him if he does not write a masterpiece. He granted Milton a
great talent, and he expects Milton to be happy. He has to learn to do his
work in a dark world. This poem was not the last time Milton referred to
his condition in his writing. In book one of Paradise Lost, while invoking
the Muse, Milton says "what in me is dark illumine"(Hndout 22). He asks to
be granted the power to work through his blindness. He obviously thinks of
his blindness .....
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Michael Crichtons Life
Number of words: 290 | Number of pages: 2.... player in high school.
C. Graduated in 1960, from Roslyn high school.
D. Decided to go to Harvard University and become a Writer.
III. Life at Harvard
A. Writing was severely criticized, had grades around a C.
B. Thought Harvard was an error.
IV. Persuing other options
A. Decided to study anthropology.
B. Became a visiting lecturer in Anthropology at Cambridge university.
C. Came back to the US and begun training as a doctor.
D. Every year he tried to quit. He didn’t.
V. Writing Thrillers
A. Wrote under different names such as John lange and Jeffery Hudson.
B. “The Andromeda StrainR .....
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Spike Lee
Number of words: 1492 | Number of pages: 6.... Sal in this movie. Mookie literally delivers pizza, yes, but he also acts as a mediator between the two races. Sal relies on Mookie not only to get the pizzas delivered, but to also keep his fellow black folks happy with Sal so they will come and patronize his restaurant. I think that this shows a very interesting side of Sal. It for the most part pawns him off as a racist. On the one hand he can put on a happy face and greet all the black people as they shell their hard earned money out to him for his pizza, while on the other hand he turns into a bigot, hating most black people and talking behind their back while they are not ar .....
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Theodore Roosevelt
Number of words: 1669 | Number of pages: 7.... the essence of Americans at the turn of the century as well as those of today. led the way for America’s path to greatness and showed us what it means to live life to its fullest.
was born into a wealthy New York home while the nation was at the brink of civil war. His father was a Northern advocate during the civil war while his mother, whose brother was an admiral in The Confederate Navy, was for obvious reasons a southern sympathizer. This parental diversity gave Roosevelt a firm understanding of the assorted American Cultural beliefs and mindsets. Roosevelt graduated from Harvard in 1880 at the age of 22. From 188 .....
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A. A. Milne
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3.... all sons. Milne
was the youngest and often wished he had a sister. At the school he
attended, Henley House, he had teachers that included H. G. Wells, who
undoubtedly helped ignite his flame for writing. (The Oxford Companion to
English Literature) As you can see, he was exposed to writing influence
even from an early age.
In 1915, Milne went into the army and left his job as editor of Punch
magazine. When he returned, his friend, Owen Seaman told him that they
had replaced him with someone they all liked more. At first, this
disappointed Milne, but soon he realized that he was an avid writer. He
preferred writin .....
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Emily DIckinson
Number of words: 1605 | Number of pages: 6.... timid housewife dedicated to her husband, children, and household chores. The Dickinson’s only son, William Austin, also a lawyer, succeeded his father as treasurer of the college. Their youngest child, Lavina, was the chief housekeeper and, like her sister, Emily, remained a home, unmarried, all her life. A sixth member who was added to the family in 1856 was Susan Gilbert, a schoolmate of Emily’s, who married Austin and moved into the house next door the Dickinson home which they called Homestead. Emily and Susan were very close friends and confidantes, until Susan and Austin’s marriage. It was at this time that Susan st .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 589 | Number of pages: 3.... the northwestern coast of South America. It was here that Darwin found huge populations of Tortoises; and he found out that diffrent islands were home to diffrent types of tortoises. He found that islands without tortoises, pricky pear cactus plants grew with their fruits spread all over the ground. And on Islands that had lots of tortoises, the prickly pears grew really thick, tall, bearing the fruit high above the tortoises reach. He wondered if the differences in the two plants were from being isolated from one another on seperate islands. In 1836, Darwin returned to England after his 5 year expedition. He became established as .....
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Issac Asimov
Number of words: 1821 | Number of pages: 7.... robots for all time, and he did this at a time when not even the simplest one existed.
Asimov is a human writing machine, who has published more than 500 books, and has at least one book in each of the major divisions of the Dewey decimal system. Although, his most influential writing was about robots, which he basically created. In his book I, Robot, one of the stories is about the first consumer robot. This robot is non-verbal and obeys the three laws of robotics; he is sold as a nursemaid to a wealthy family. The little girl that owns him loves him a lot, although her mother doesn’t trust the robot, which is named Robbie. .....
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of words: 3076 | Number of pages: 12.... Napoleon attended the Ecole Military School in Paris in 1784 after receiving a scholarship. This is were he received his military training. He studied to be an artillery man and an officer. Napoleon finished his training and joined the French army when he was 16 years old. He was appointed to an artillery regiment , and commissioned as a lieutenant. Once again he was not well liked by his fellow officers because he was short, spoke with an Italian accent, and had little money. Napoleon spent little time with his regiment. He was more concerned with trying to free his home land of Corsica, witch had been taken with fo .....
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