Papers on People and Biographies
Henry David Thoreau
Number of words: 1031 | Number of pages: 4.... familiar with it. His knowledge of the woods and fields, of the rivers, the ponds, and swamps, of every plant and animal was outstanding. Emerson even stated, "His power of observation seemed to indicate additional senses." Thoureau wrote a book titled Walden(1854) in which the theme of it was the relationship to the order and beauty of nature in the human mind. This book consists of records of Thoreau's stay at Walden Pond. Thoreau's love and devotion to nature and his writing was a key to his excellence in writing. also felt that individualism was a great necessity to his writing style. In his piece of literature titled "C .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 524 | Number of pages: 2.... his acquisition of the Loisiana territory. In Jeffersonian principles, large expansive governments were bad, and small was good. This was a antithesis of that principle. Jefferson knew that the acquisition of the Loisiana territory was beneficial to the welfare of the U.S. According to the constitution, nowhere in the constitution is the acquisition of land a right of the government, Jeffersons' predisposition was to strictly go by the constitution (as seen with the national bank controversy), this is another contradiction during his administration. Since the appropriation of the Lousiana territory was important for the expansion o .....
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Karl Marx 6
Number of words: 459 | Number of pages: 2.... and kill the bourgeoisie (prosperous middle class). Because life overall improved for the workers, there was no need for them to rise up and fight.
“During the 1800s, Parliament gradually passed a series of social and economic reforms. Many laws were designed to help the men, women, and children whose labor supported the new industrial society.” (World History, p 611) many of the new laws included free trade, the abolition of slavery, and a new criminal justice system. However, the major reforms were ones that included better working conditions, health conditions, and education. For example, in 1842, mine owners .....
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Alexander The Great: A Life With A Meaning Like No Other
Number of words: 985 | Number of pages: 4.... held most of the power and influence over Macedon. Therefore, Macedon's power and influence are due almost entirely to Philip. At the time, Greece was not a single nation, but rather a collection of individual states, each with its own government. The Greeks did not derive their power form military strength, but from the cultivation of new ideas in the different areas of study. Due to the fact that Macedon was a city of farmers and herders, they were seen as second rate citizens in the Greek Empire, and were referred to as barbarians. With Philips ascendance to the throne and with Alexander's continuance, the situation would .....
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Ernest Hemingway 2
Number of words: 528 | Number of pages: 2.... woman are discussing whether the woman should have an abortion operation. They have only forty minutes (the time they have to wait for their train to arrive) to make their decision. At the end of the story, the woman is still not certain if she should have the abortion operation.
In “Hills Like White Elephants”, there are many examples of the “iceberg” theory. One strong example was when the woman, referring to the hills,
says,“ They look like white elephants.” The woman later says, in response to the man’s request of trying to have a fine time,“ All right. I was trying. I sai .....
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Christopher Lathrop: Autobiography
Number of words: 598 | Number of pages: 3.... circus Vargus as the
head clown. When the Circus came too my hometown of Olympia My mother witnessed
my performance, and decided too let me move back home. Living at home was worse
than I had hoped. I decided to venture, as I called it; on a long and hopefully
successful quest to find an answer to one of mans most pondered questions. "If
a cow laughs, does milk come out of his nose?" So I took what was left of the
care package, most of it though, was broken during my stay in the Turkish prison.
That's a whole different story though. Well anyway; I took what was left of
the care package, and left.
Then at the age of fourteen .....
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Number of words: 1279 | Number of pages: 5.... of life and were therefore needed to form
a complete household. In fact Aristotle went as far as to say that a slave was
comparable to a tame animal, with their only divergence in the fact that a slave
could apprehend reason. For he concluded that a slave and animals only use was
to supply their owners with bodily help.
At the end of the Theories of the Household, Aristotle explains how
slaves are different from andy other types of people, in the sence that they are
the only class who are born into their occupation and become property of their
masters. In examining this relationship we find that he thought that while
ma .....
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Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5.... Davies, who preferred to be called Justin De Villeneuve, was quite an interesting character with his past resume containing ex-model, ex-antique dealer, and ex-hairdresser. After he discovered her, he (age 25) became ’s (age 15) agent and boyfriend. He took her to Paris and a short while after her popularity grew, she was put on the cover of Elle Magazine, as well as Paris Match and the British edition of Vogue. During ’s peak success in Europe, De Villeneuve set up Enterprises Ltd. where he gathered a line of clothes, false eyelashes, cosmetics, dolls, and posters all endorsed by . The business brought in millions. Sin .....
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Number of words: 949 | Number of pages: 4.... BC, right after VII’s birth in 69 BC. VII had two older sisters, VI and Berenice IV, and one younger sister, Arsinoe IV. She also had two younger brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.
Ptolemy XII ruled until his death in 51 BC, with only a brief interruption in 58 BC when his second eldest daughter, Berenice IV, took over the kingdom. His will named Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII as heirs to the throne. Leaders in Rome were named as guardians and were to uphold the choice of Ptolemy XII for the two to marry and jointly rule Egypt. Ptolemy II had established these brother-sister marriages as custom when he married his siste .....
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Number of words: 2246 | Number of pages: 9.... to his sudden death, Senator McCarthy has been a controversial figure. Even today, Senator McCarthy remains at the heart of a long-lasting argument about morality and politics. Some people feel that he was a counter-productive demagogue who aimlessly attacked innocent people. Others felt that he was bringing to the attention of America the eminent threat of Communism. He was a cold-hearted man who was a disgrace to the United States, whose anti-Communist fervor was not based upon ideology but upon his need for a headline gaining cause.
Joseph Raymond McCarthy was born in 1908 on a family farm in Outagamie County, Wisconsin. His p .....
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