Papers on People and Biographies
Julius Caesar
Number of words: 1403 | Number of pages: 6.... BC, Julius decided to return to Rome. There he served as an officer in Crassus's army against Spartacus, Caesar climbed steadily in the government by serving as an official in many provinces (Internet Explorer). After the death of his wife Cornelia, Julius remarried a wealthy wife and allied with Crassus, who was the richest man in Rome at the time (Internet Explorer). Their opponent was Pompeius Magnus (the Great). Caesar wanted to become part of the consulate. The consulate was a governmental position where two consuls, nominated each year, held the power of the state. Caesar was hoping that he and Crassus would become the power .....
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Machiavelli - The Prince
Number of words: 820 | Number of pages: 3.... also how to handle internal problems; such as when to bribe, oppress, cajole etc… Machiavelli’s real objective in writing The Prince was far different from the words that are found composed by him.
The letters from Machiavelli to the Prince of Florence were not messages of suggestion as much as they were a job application for a place in his dynasty. The actual ambition of Machiavelli was to use this political hypocrisy to promote his own good. He was a firm believer that one should give the people what they want in order to earn their support and respect. Then, once in the public’s good graces, to use your au .....
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Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3.... of greed concerns the auto industry and its planned obsolescence of cars. If the people in charge of car companies respected the Socratic philosophy, they would do everything in their power to further the development of the industry. It is too bad they aren’t as wise as that. For example, car bodies in Northern states tend to rust away gradually, thus ruining the car even if it were to last longer anyway. Auto companies have the capability to research and implement newer, more efficient engines that save us money on gas and cause less harm to the environment. They refrain, however, from doing anything to drastically improve the s .....
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Alvin Ailey
Number of words: 530 | Number of pages: 2.... formative years going to Sunday School and participating in The Baptist Young People's Union. At age twelve, he moved to Los Angeles and, on a junior high school class trip to the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, fell in love with concert dance. Ailey began his formal dance training inspired by the performances of the Katherine Dunham Dance Company and the classes with Lester Horton that his friend, Carmen de Lavallade, urged him to take. Horton, the founder of the first racially integrated dance company in the US, was a catalyst for Ailey as the young dancer embarked on his professional career. After Horton's death in 1953, Ailey .....
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St. Francis Of Assisi
Number of words: 2968 | Number of pages: 11.... so sick that he almost died and it took over a year to recover. It was during this year that for the first time in his young life, he did some serious pondering. He explored the age old problems, "What am I?", "Where do I come from?", "Where am I going", "What is this world?" and "What is love?".
St. Francis was an Italian Catholic and a talented poet. As an Italian, his heart moved naturally to deep affection, love and enjoyment. As a poet, he could see right through the outcome of those answers. One night during a dream, he saw his house turned into a palace. The walls of t .....
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Francesco Petrarch
Number of words: 1993 | Number of pages: 8.... disappointment to Francesco. He describes him as:
"Intelligent, perhaps even exceptionally intelligent, but he hates books"
He let Giovanni live with him till he could no longer stand the sight of him and sent him to live in Avignon, at the age of 20. It wasn't until just before Giovanni's death, of the Black Plague, did they start to write each other. Just before his sons death, Petrarch's friends though of Giovanni as a good person and wrote Petrarch about this. He never saw his son before his death but in his mind knew that he had started to get his life back together. He also had a daughter, Francesca, she gave birth to P .....
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Number of words: 847 | Number of pages: 4.... an important position in the College of Priests.
learned a lot from his uncle, Gaius Marius (Grant, pg 34). Marius was involved in politics at a very young age, just as was. It was very difficult being a young man involved in a career that mostly adults were in charge of, but Marius won the loyalty of the common people and was elected into consul in 108 BC. Marius was also a brilliant general who won a lot of battles for Rome and its people.
Caesar was also in the military and held a rank as general. Caesar led his troops to many battles and was rarely defeated. During this time, his military was one of the s .....
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Maurice Sendak
Number of words: 2104 | Number of pages: 8.... writes the type of books he wished he had as a child; entertaining stories which are not limited by any effort to make things so simple for children that they become mundane.
Sendak's greatest influence as a writer was his father. Phillip Sendak was a wonderfully creative storyteller who amazed Maurice and his brother and sister. "He didn't edit," remarks Maurice in an interview with Marion Long. "It's funny, because that's what I'm accused of now: being a storyteller who tells children inappropriate things." Sendak strongly believes that children are curious by nature, and so he must write stories which beckon the child to k .....
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Number of words: 897 | Number of pages: 4.... he commanded the Tank Brigade at Camp Meade. Even though he never went overseas, he was given the Distinguished Service Medal for his work.
After the war he was reverted to rank of captain and soon after, he advanced to major and commanded the 301st Tank Battalion. In 1922 he was again reverted to rank of captain and was again promoted to major as the executive officer at Camp Gaillard, in the Panama Canal Zone till 1924. After he returned to the United States, he attended the Command and General Staff School, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He graduated 1st in class out of 275 in 1926. In 1928 he graduated from the Army Wa .....
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Bram Stoker
Number of words: 651 | Number of pages: 3.... the forefront. In a four part serial called the "Chain of Destiny," were themes that would become Stoker's trademark: horror mixed with romance, nightmares and curses. Stoker encountered Henry Irving again, this time in the role of Hamlet, 10 years after Stoker's Trinity days. Stoker, still very much the critic (and still holding his civil service position), gave Irving's performance a favorable review. Impressed with Stoker's review, Irving invited Stoker back stage and the resultant friendship lasted until Irving's death in 1905. The Stoker/Irving partnership solidified around the year 1878. During this time Henry Irving had take .....
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