Papers on People and Biographies
Number of words: 515 | Number of pages: 2.... into conflict with Alexander Hamilton when Jefferson was Secretary of State in President Washington's Cabinet. He resigned in 1793. Sharp political conflict developed, and two separate parties, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, began to form. Jefferson gradually assumed leadership of the Republicans, who sympathized with the revolutionary cause in France. Attacking Federalist policies, he opposed a strong centralized Government and championed the rights of states. As a reluctant candidate for President in 1796, Jefferson came within three votes of election. Through a flaw in the Constitution, he became Vice Preside .....
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John Steinbeck
Number of words: 849 | Number of pages: 4.... started the many jobs he would be a part of in his lifetime. Some of these jobs include an apprentice hod carrier, an apprentice printer, a working chemist, caretaker of Lake Tahoe Estate, surveyor in Big Sur County, and a fruit picker. He also worked other more physically labored jobs, such as a rancher, road worker, deck hand, cotton picker, and bricklayer. While involved in these jobs, he made many close friends that he came to admire because of their "cant and hypocrisy" which he applauded and whom all of these people soon were characters in his novels. Many of these experiences were the "helpers" to his ma .....
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George Washington
Number of words: 2481 | Number of pages: 10.... him to take a lifelong interest in the development of western lands. In the summer of 1749 he was appointed official surveyor for Culpeper County, and during the next two years he made many surveys for landowners on the Virginia frontier. In 1753 he was appointed adjutant of one of the districts into which Virginia was divided, with the rank of major.
Early Military Experience
Washington played an important role in the struggles preceding the outbreak of the French and Indian War. He was chosen by Lieutenant Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia to deliver an ultimatum calling on French forces to cease their encroachment in the .....
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Henrik Ibsen
Number of words: 585 | Number of pages: 3.... The next year, he wrote the historical play The Vikings at Helgeland. The Pretenders was written in 1863. Beside Bjornstjerne Bjornson’s Sigurd Slembe, The Pretenders is considered the main work of historical fiction produced during this era. married Suzannah Thoresen (1836-1914) in 1858. Soon after, he wrote the poem "On the Heights"(1859) and the play Love’s Comedy (1863). The years in Christiania were difficult for Ibsen. He was given a means of escape when a group of his friends, headed by Bjornstjerne Bjornson, collected enoughmoney for him to move to Italy in 1864. Shortly after moving, Ibsen began a major drama abou .....
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Virginia Woolf
Number of words: 1892 | Number of pages: 7.... to meet her own standards" (Bond 39). With the death of her mother Woolf used her novel, To the Lighthouse to "reconstruct and preserve" the memories that still remained. According to Woolf, "the character of Mrs. Ramsey in To the Lighthouse was modeled entirely upon that of her mother" (Bond 27). This helped Virginia in her closure when dealing with the loss and obsession with her mother.
Although Virginia clung to the relationship with her mother, she favored her father, Leslie Stephen. Virginia resembled her father uncannily in character traits, in her writing and self-doubts, in her great and malicious sense of h .....
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Muhammed Ali 2
Number of words: 290 | Number of pages: 2.... under the care of a famous trader named Abu Talib, and is reputed to have accompanied him on trading journeys to Syria. About 595, on such a journey, he was in charge of the merchandise of a rich woman, Khadijah , and so impressed her that she offered marriage. She is said to have been about 40, but she bore Muhammad at least two sons, who died young, and four daughters. Muhammad appears to have been of a reflective turn of mind and is said to have adopted the habit of occasionally spending nights in a hill cave near Mecca. The poverty and misfortunes of his early life doubtless made him aware of tensions in Meccan society. Abou .....
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The Life Of Thomas Edison
Number of words: 442 | Number of pages: 2.... car of the train. He did his experiment in Detroit while he waited for the return trip. One day the train Lurched and some chemicals were spilled, And his lab caught on fire. The conductor Threw Thomas and his chemicals off of the train. He then sold newspapers at stops along the railroad.
Thomas had tons of problems with his ears, when he was fifteen he tried to jump on a moving train and a conductor pulled him up by the ears. Thomas said he felt something snap in his head and soon lost much of his hearing. His loss of hearing could have been corrected by an operation but he said that his present condition could help him con .....
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Ernesto Guevara De Serna
Number of words: 1097 | Number of pages: 4.... and later became more interested in leprosy.
In 1949 he made the first of his long journeys, exploring northern Argentina on a bicycle. This was the first time Ernesto came into contact with the very poor and the remnants of the Indian tribes. It was during this leave of absence from schooling that Guevara, now nicknamed “Che” (Italian origin meaning chum or buddy), first experienced the depth of poverty and suffering of his fellows. In 1951, after taking his exams, he made a much longer journey. He visited southern Argentina, Chile, where he met Salvador Allende, and Peru, where he worked for several weeks i .....
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The Writings Of Pat Conroy
Number of words: 1281 | Number of pages: 5.... important lessons of life (Burns 5).
Pat Conroy gained a lot of inspiration for his writing while attending
college. His first book, The Boo, was published in 1970. It is based on a
relationship with Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Nugent Courvoise, Assistant
Commandant of Cadets, nicknamed Boo (Burns 1). It was a kind account of
the Citadel (Disc. Auth. 2). Conroy once said The Boo was his longest
letter to the world. In 1980, Conroy decided to write another book with
influence from his alma mater. The Lords of Discipline was a story about
the Carolina Military Institute, primarily based on The Citadel. It took
the reade .....
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Frank Lloyd Wright 3
Number of words: 1268 | Number of pages: 5.... and gained some practical experience by working part time on a construction project at the university. In 1887 he left school and went to Chicago where he became a designer for the firm of Adler and Sullivan with a pay of twenty-five dollars a week. Soon Wright became Louis Sullivan’s chief assistant. Louis Sullivan, Chicago based architect, one of America’s advanced designers. Louis had a profound influence on Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright was assigned most of the firm’s home projects, but to pay his many debts he designed ‘Bootlegged Houses’ for private clients in his spare time. Sullivan disa .....
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