Papers on People and Biographies
Autobiography Of Albert Einstein
Number of words: 877 | Number of pages: 4.... to become a professor. He also was interested in music, so his mother taught him how to play a violin that would help him to relax, and think more carefully on problems.
When he was ten, he made a decision that he changed his life. He decided that he would not be as other students and go along with what teachers were teaching, he began to question the things around him and why they were happing the way they did. In search of answers and truth he was reading Bible. But soon he turned away from Bible and tried to pay more attention to math and science. To him science seemed much more realistic than ancient stories.
At six .....
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Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856)
Number of words: 407 | Number of pages: 2.... showed how the use of Avogadro's number could solve many of the problems in chemistry. This time Avogadro's paper was looked at more carefully over a wider and more distinguished group of scientists, thus his work was finally recognized. Avogadro's work helped other scientists to solve more problems and develop more theories.
Avogadro has based his work on the findings of Joseph Gay-Lussac in 1809. Gay-Lussac had discovered that all the gases when subjected to an equal rise in temperature expand by the same amount. Avogadro therefore derived his hypothesis. He also made it clear that the gas particles need not be individual a .....
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Hillary Clinton
Number of words: 1389 | Number of pages: 6.... became a staff attorney for the Children's Defense Fund. A year later she was recruited by the Impeachment Inquiry staff of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives. Hillary left Washington and "followed her heart to Arkansas," marrying Bill Clinton in 1975. The couple taught together on the law faculty of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980. Hillary Rodham Clinton served as First Lady of Arkansas for twelve years. During that time, she worked as a full-time partner of a law firm, founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, introduced Arkansas' .....
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The Traits Of Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1047 | Number of pages: 4.... was a great orator and when he spoke, everybody listened. He sometimes spoke several times a day, moving from town to town seemingly tireless. Ken McVay had this to say about this subject, “He was a tireless speaker and before he came to power would sometimes give as many as three or four speeches on the same day, often in different cites. Even his opponents concede that he is the greatest orator that Germany has ever known,”[sic](Ken McVay 1995, (Internet)). Though he didn’t have a good education his orator skill, which is a leadership skill, helped him achieve his goal.
Along with being a tireless orator, Hitler a .....
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The Good Times Of Clark Gable
Number of words: 743 | Number of pages: 3.... MGM, where he ended up working for 23 years. Clark Gable tended to play opposite virtually every MGM female star- Greta Carbo, Carole Lombard, Jean Harlow, Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford and Myrna Loy; in such films as No Man of Her Own (1932), Red Dust (1932), Strange Interlude (1932), Dancing Lady (1933) and Manhattan Melodrama (1934). He was loaned to Columbia Pictures to star opposite Claudette Colberte in the romantic comedy It Happened One Night (1934), the performance that won his only Academy Award. A string of successful roles followed in films as Call of the Wild (1935), China Seas (1935), Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), S .....
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Hope Is The Thing With Feathers
Number of words: 1115 | Number of pages: 5.... faith is the only thing that can get someone up to heaven because without hope, you have no feathers and therefore you will fall down to hell. It is like someone said, "There is no future without any hope." Hope is what keeps us going and what makes our life worth living. If there was no hope, you will be better if you died and be stuck in hell because there is no point in living.
Hope is everywhere and is always there for you even though you do not realize what it is or feel its presence. It is just like "the tune without the words." You may not realize exactly what the song is but you understand vaguely and what kind of .....
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Aristotles Life
Number of words: 322 | Number of pages: 2.... be set to death for this charge, Aristotle fled to the city of Chalcis. A year after his arrival in Chalcis, Aristotle died (World Book 663).
Aristotle’s Physics
Aristotle work on basically all of the basic known subjects (Math, Science, Literature, English, Ethic, etc…). He also made his contribution in the field of Physics and Metaphysics (means after physics). Aristotle’s Physics is composed of several books and each is broken up into different parts of physics.
In Aristotle’s Physics, he thinks that natural objects are substances, and that they consist of both matter and form. Matter and form canno .....
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Martin Luther King Jr.
Number of words: 1606 | Number of pages: 6.... though Martin did not like these rules, he could not change it as a child. Even with them though, he still managed to live a normal life. He loved church and reading the bible. He decided to become a minister very early in his life. That dream was not far away for him. Because he liked to read so much, it made him very smart in school and he skipped two grades. As King learned about white mans laws, he tried to think of different ways to try and change them. This is what lead him to becoming a minister. So at the age of 15 the deacons of his church licensed him to minister. He then went to Morehouse College which was in Atlanta. .....
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JFK: His Life And Legacy
Number of words: 2060 | Number of pages: 8.... history. Both parents impressed on their children that their country had been good to the Kennedys. Whatever benefits the family received from the country they were told, must be returned by performing some service for the country(Anderson 12). The Kennedy clan included Joe, Jr., Bobby, Ted and their sisters, Eunice, Jean, Patricia, Rosemary, and Kathleen. Joe, Jr., was a significant figure in young John's life as he was the figure for most of John's admiration. His older brother was much bigger and stronger than John and took it upon himself to be John's coach and protector. John's childhood was full of sports, fun and .....
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Robert Browning
Number of words: 2151 | Number of pages: 8.... With this open atmosphere, however, Browning exhibited signs of disinterest in religion during his early childhood. The town preacher, in fact , found it necessary to publicly scold "for restlessness and inattention Master "(as cited in,Miller, 1953, p.9). 's tendency toward skepticism was recorded early on. 's first deviation from his faith was at the age of fifteen or sixteen. His primary influences were the Flower family and the writing of P.B Shelley. Browning often traveled to the Flower's house to discuss music, poetry, and aethism (Irvine & Honan, 1974). Eliza Flower , with whom Browning was infatuated was an influen .....
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