Papers on People and Biographies
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Number of words: 1154 | Number of pages: 5.... boy he was aware of this situation. The theme that arose from this about a wife's inherited money appears frequently in Fitzgerald's writing (Magill 679). When the Fitzgeralds fell into financial trouble, the family had to depend on Mollie's family's money. When times like that came Mollie "abandoned the attempt to Tarleton 2 keep up her personal appearance (neglecting both grooming and fashion), which embarrassed her fastidious son. Scott later recorded a dream in which he admitted being ashamed of her" (de Koster 15). Furthermore, Fitzgerald's attitude toward his mother influenced him as a person. Because two of Molli .....
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Carlos Santana
Number of words: 534 | Number of pages: 2.... like the T.J.'s, where he added a unique touch and feel to his own renditions of all the great songs of the 1950's. As he continued to play with different bands along the busy Tijuana Strip, he not Page Two only started to perfect his style and sound, but actually started bringing home enough money to really help his family. His future looked promising. In 1960, Carlos' family moved to San Francisco while Carlos stayed in Tijuana for another year to make extra money until his family was settled. However, he soon found himself amid the multicultural atmosphere of San Francisco, with all of its diverse musical styles. It was here .....
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Booker T. Washington
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... southern white employers and governors that Tuskegee offered an education that would keep blacks "down on the farm" and in the trades. To prospective northern donors and particularly the new self- made millionaires such as Rockefeller and Carnegie he promised the inculcation of the Protestant work ethic. To blacks living within the limited horizons of the post- Reconstruction South, Washington held out industrial education as the means of escape from the web of sharecropping and debt and the achievement of attainable, petit-bourgeois goals of self-employment, landownership, and small business. Washington cultivated local white app .....
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Mark Twain
Number of words: 554 | Number of pages: 3.... until
the Civil War closed the Mississippi River, and
it set him up for "Old Times on the Mississippi" and "Life on the Mississippi."
In 1861, Twain traveled to Carson City, Nevada, with his brother Orion.
After attempts for silver and gold mining had failed, he continued to write for
newspapers. It was in 1863 when Samuel Clemens adopted the name "Mark Twain", a
riverman's term for "two fathoms" deep.
In 1884 Twain went to San Francisco and reached national fame with his
story, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." He then took a trip
to Hawaii which started him on a very successful career as a public s .....
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Emily Jane Bronte
Number of words: 430 | Number of pages: 2.... was responsible for
training the girls in the household arts.
While at home doing housework, Emily secretly worked on poetry. In 1845,
Charlotte discovered some of Emily's poems and confessed that she, too, had
written some poetry. As it turned out, so had Anne. After much persuading, the
poems were published in a small book entitled Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton
Bell. Pseudonyms were used because the girls wanted their poetry to be taken
seriously. Only two copies were sold. The failure led all three to begin work on
novels: Emily on Wuthering Heights, Charlotte on Jane Eyre, and Anne on Agnes
Grey. All three novels were s .....
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Ulysses S. Grant’s Leadership And Simplicity
Number of words: 342 | Number of pages: 2.... to lead a besieged army. Within a month Grant had turned the tables and had defeated the enemy forces. Grant was much more than just an incredible battlefield commander. He produced the foundation of the modern American army. Grant emphasized a strategy of maximum firepower with maximum mobility (Perret, 28).
Simplicity was the basis of Grant’s nature. He saw the war in its simplest form, which meant that he saw it as a whole. He did not see the difficulties in winning until they surfaced. His strategy was simple, he was going to hold Lee in Virginia and move Sherman through Georgia to attack him in rear. “His theor .....
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Thomas Paine
Number of words: 768 | Number of pages: 3.... reason for the Colonies to stay dependent on England. He had an awesome way of persuading people to take action through his writing. Paine says that sooner or later independence from England must come, because America had lost touch with the mother country. All the arguments for separation of England are based on nothing more than the facts and arguments. Paine saw the government as a possessed demon that could only become good when it was represented truthfully and changed by elections. He uses argumentation, in that the writer presents and logically supports a particular view or opinion. Paine uses motivation by which peopl .....
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Tom Clancy
Number of words: 841 | Number of pages: 4.... creator of the "techno-thriller" genre. He uses extremely detailed descriptions of military technology and weapons to create realism. Occasionally, his descriptions, which were derived from declassified information and interviews, were so accurate that military officials disapproved of them because they found the descriptions of weapons and tactics to be very close to reality. Today Clancy continues to write successful novels.
One of Clancy’s most popular books is Rainbow Six. This book starts with a prologue that introduces us to the main character, John Clark, an ex-Navy SEAL. Clark is the commander in cha .....
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Adam Sandler
Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2.... not everyone felt this way because he continued to get jobs in the entertainment field. Adam’s early career stretched to different areas, but he was really discovered during his first season on Saturday Night Live (“Celeb-Site’). Adam also worked on productions other than sitcoms, like movies. In fact, Adam has made many movies throughout his career. His films include Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Water Boy, and many others (“WBR”).
Adam also had his hand in the music career. His albums include “They’re All Gonna Laugh At You”, “What the Hell Happened to Me?R .....
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Gaius Marius: Savior.. Or Destroyer?
Number of words: 2481 | Number of pages: 10.... family, Marius found himself
better suited to the life of a warrior than that of a philosopher. He had
little tolerance for the aesthetic, finding more use with the sword than
the pen. He cut his military teeth under Scipio Aemilianus in the
Numantine war In Spain c.134, making an excellent impression on his
commander as did another up-and-coming young officer, Jugurtha, who would
later become king of Numidia and a hated enemy of Rome. After serving in
this campaign with distinction, Marius returned to Rome to stand for
Tribune of the People. Backed by the powerful family of Caecilius Metellus,
a hereditary patron, Marius .....
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