Papers on People and Biographies
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Number of words: 1160 | Number of pages: 5.... than what a text book says.
After several independent private schools and college prepatory schools,
Emerson entered Harvard. Emerson later says of Harvard, “ It has done
little for me on the whole.” If this is true at least Harvard is where he
says his, “...mind commenced its characteristic and beautiful activity.”
Over the years Emerson became interested in the church and eventually
enrolled in divinity school. In 1829 Emerson married seventeen year old
Ellen Tucker, however seven months later, she died of “consumption.” With
Ellen’s death, Emerson’s and most tender and loving relationship was lost.
It is possible .....
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Number of words: 932 | Number of pages: 4.... kids almost killed him, and went into a coma. The day after he got out of the hospital, they moved again. continued to move back and forth from his mothers to his grandmothers, until the age of 11, when he and his mother settled in Detroit for good. Marshall first started to get into rap when he was 14. Some of his musical influences growing up were the Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, and Run DMC. As persued his rapping career, he would often hustle radio stations into playing his self-made tapes, to get some publicity over the radio waves. Marshall felt that his rapping career was starting to take off. He was getting some big calls .....
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Charles Augustus Lindbergh
Number of words: 468 | Number of pages: 2.... in 1929 and over the Far East in 1931, and in 1933 he made a survey of more than 48,000 km (about 30,000 mi) for transatlantic air routes and landing fields. Lindbergh also collaborated with the French surgeon Alexis Carrel in experiments to develop an artificial heart pump. Despite early promising results the experiments were finally given up without entirely achieving their purpose. The two men were coauthors of The Culture of Organs (1938).
In 1932 the kidnapping and murder of Lindbergh's first child, 19-month-old Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., attracted nationwide attention. A German-born carpenter, Bruno Hauptmann, was later .....
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Martin Luther
Number of words: 2864 | Number of pages: 11.... felt his suggested reforms York-3 could be implemented within Catholicism. If this had taken place, the Protestant Reformation would probably not of ever seen the light of day--nor would it have been necessary. But the theological practices being what they were in the Roman Church, there was little chance at that time for any great variations to occur within its folds. The Church of Rome was thoroughly monolithic and set in its ways and was not about to mutate into something else. If a metamorphosis had occurred within the Roman Catholic Church, Luther would have had a different destiny. But Luther's fate was sealed, and his jo .....
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Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary
Number of words: 885 | Number of pages: 4.... suggest that police arrest blacks at a
higher rate than whites.
While Malcolm was in jail, he was well known to the guards. One
time he was asked to state his number, but instead he said he forgot his
number. The guards beat the hell out of him and sent him to the darkroom.
In the darkroom he met Brother Baines. Baines was a man everyone respected
including the guards. He was know as the real man and gave speeches about
Islam. Malcolm didn't want to listen to him at first, but Baines's cool
style helped Malcolm realize that Islam is for him and that the white man
is the devil.
During his time in prison, Malcolm read wid .....
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The Impact Of Frederick Douglass
Number of words: 991 | Number of pages: 4.... recalled sadly that
"slavery had made us strangers." (Compton’s Interactive
Deluxe 1)
At the age of 13 he read “The Colombian Orator”, a book
of speeches denouncing slavery and oppression deepened his
hatred of slavery.
“In 1833 Frederick was sent to work for Auld's brother,
Thomas, at a plantation near St. Michael's, Md. Frederick's
pride angered his new master, who placed him in the hands of
a "slave breaker" in an effort to "tame" him. One day the
two fought, and Frederick emerged victorious. Sometime
later he wrote that the fight had been a turning point in
his life. “I was nothing before--I was a man now. .....
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Albert Camus
Number of words: 597 | Number of pages: 3.... figure. After enduring the hardships of his childhood, Camus began writing at age seventeen.
Camus wrote many influential works and gained much success, starting at age seventeen, when he decided to strive to become a writer. Albert's first "literary experience" was gained as a member of the "North African Literary Group." By 1932, he was writing articles for the magazine entitled Sud. Albert entered the University of Algiers on scholarships in this same year. As an art critic, he wrote articles for the newspaper Alger-Etudiant in 1934. In the same year he married Simon Hie who was wealthy but was plagued with a drug addi .....
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Jules Verne
Number of words: 372 | Number of pages: 2.... stories. After spending many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, engeneering, and astronomy, published his first novel Five Weeks in a Balloon. Soon he started writing many more novels novels. Some of his more famous novels are Five Weeks in a Balloon, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, Mysterious Island, and Master of the World. A few of his novels have been turned into movies, like Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Because of the popularity of these and other novels, became a very rich man. In 1876, he bought a l .....
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Frank McCourt
Number of words: 668 | Number of pages: 3.... through perseverance and determination. For example, Frank grew up in just about the worst environment possible but was determined enough to get himself to America and eventually become the author of a Pulitzer Prize winning novel! Frank achieved his goals by taking any extra jobs that he could find and saving every penny possible until he could finally afford his passage to America. Because his father never brought home any money, Frank supported the family with what little wages he earned at his job and was determined to make a good life for himself, his brothers, and his poor mother. Frank learned to depend upon no one but hims .....
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Ernest Hemingway
Number of words: 1486 | Number of pages: 6.... when a shell landed 3 feet from him. In the hospital he met a girl and fell in love with her, but she threw him over for another guy. He later met Elizabeth Hadley and married her on September 3, 1921. Later that year he went to France as a correspondent for the Toronto Star. InFrance he made friend with several expatriates, such as Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein.
Hemingway's first wife, Elizabeth left him because of his interest in other women. She took their son with her. On January 27, 1927 he married Pauline Pfeiffer. At this point in his life he spent time in Key West Florida, Spain and Africa. He returned to Spain during the .....
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