Papers on Society and Social Issues
Single Sex Schools
Number of words: 324 | Number of pages: 2.... studying in a single sex school would
also keep attendance problems to a minimum. Boys and girls, being in the
same classroom every day would naturally talk about activities aft er
school such as going for movies, having a drink in the evening. In a sch
ool of single sex, the students will not be given any extra temptations t o
skip or be late because of their social life.
Opinions from the public seem to indicate that schools of sin gle sex
are more popular than co-ed schools . If this system was not beneficial
then all the schools such as Brebuef that has adopted t his system would
have eliminated it. Therefore the adv .....
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Morality; The Pre-existing And Universal Code
Number of words: 1387 | Number of pages: 6.... can we as collective society discover what is right, what is wrong, and what is best, therefore there exists not modern morality but simply morality.
An empirical philosopher, W.T. Stace, argues that if we believe all morals are culturally relative, it is impossible for us to judge what is best. Although admitting he does not know what is best, he concludes that it is the responsibility of man to discover what is. He does not dispute that moral customs and moral ideas differ from country to country and from age to age, but that the fact that one culture thinks something is right does not necessarily make it right just as much as wh .....
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Bilingual Education...”Si” Or No?
Number of words: 1128 | Number of pages: 5.... an effective essay with a strong point: children should learn a “public” language in school, not only to increase their educational prowess but also to gain acceptance in society.
Rodriguez builds ethos by describing his childhood experiences. He talks of the trouble he had speaking English in front of his class (230) and how his teachers at school always said he seemed “so timid and shy” (230). But at home he encountered different experiences; such as a distance from los gringos in his neighborhood (232), and how the more English he learned, the further he felt from his parents (232). Rodriguez’s strong credi .....
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How The Availability Of The Weapons With Fire Can Affect The Rates Of Crime Of Violence?
Number of words: 957 | Number of pages: 4.... very valid and it is exposed further in the section entitled " the attacks perpetrated with a weapon with fire and the probability that they will involve serious wounds and deaths ".
Another reason for which the weapons with fire perhaps facilitate the perpetration of the crimes of violence is that they constitute an impersonal means and " clean " to cause an injury with another person while being held with a certain distance, in the case of too delicate people to cut the arteries of somebody with a sharp instrument or to fracture cranium of somebody with a heavy blunt instrument (Kleck and McElrath, 1991). In addition, these sa .....
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Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked and he lowered his costs. He lowered the New York to Hartford fare from $8 to $1. Rockefeller made his fortunes selling oil. He also lowered his costs, making fuel affordable for the working-class people. The working-class people, who use to go to bed after sunset, could now afford fuel for their lanterns. The people, who worked an average 10-12 hours a day, could now have a private and social life. The consumers were happy, the workers were happy, and they were happy.
Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft Corporation is another example of a “y” per .....
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Contrast/Comparison Of A Country Lifesytle Vs A City Lifestyle
Number of words: 291 | Number of pages: 2.... harvest. Employee of
the company work inside and work on machine. Second, the country has small
markets and the city has big markets. The third way, is the people in country
don't need more money. Everytime, they need to buy something , they can trade
each other such as rice,potato.etc...But the people in the city make more money
because they need more thing such as food, fish,etc..
Next, it is the environment . The two places have different environments. First,
the country is quiet, but the city is noisy . Second, the country has clear
climate and few vehicles ; but the city has pollution and too many vehicles.
Finally, one has .....
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College Fraternities
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3.... many new fraternities were
founded, but none of these were permanent. By the end of the nineteenth century
there were over thirty general fraternities in the country.
Today's fraternities still have the characteristics of past fraternities.
These characteristics include "a ritual, oaths of fidelity, a grip, a motto, a
badge , friendship and comradeship (Klepper 1937:56) . During membership one
must learn leadership skills. For this reason fraternities embrace these
offices held by members: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Scribe, etc.
Since membership is seen as a great achievement by other organizations, every
bro .....
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Number of words: 587 | Number of pages: 3.... fact that the Christian religion was fundamentally opposed to Black but employed it anyway in order to work the plantations that financed their countries. All in all, those influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment, equality, liberty, the right to dignity, tended to oppose the idea of .
Differing from the philosophes, the political leaders and property owners tended to see as an element that supported the economy. These people believed that if and the slave trade were to be abolished, the French would lose their colonies, commerce would collapse and as a result the merchant marine, agriculture and the arts would d .....
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Peer Pressure
Number of words: 1507 | Number of pages: 6.... shopping with friends and the sweater you love is considered out of style by your friends. Based on what your friends think, you will probably not buy the sweater.
Teens often give into because they want to fit in with their friends at all costs. As a child grows to become a young adult friends become more and more important, and have more influence on the decisions that a teenager will make. This makes them more susceptible to give into negative .1
A recent study was conducted on 2100 Canadian teenagers, ages 15-24. It asked the question, “what is the most important factor in your life?” The top things of importance were .....
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The Nature And Scope Of School Violence State And Local Perspective
Number of words: 950 | Number of pages: 4.... physical fighting, and victimization on school property, is administered to students in grades 9-12. States that conduct the YRBS benefit from having information about their students' health risk behaviors to use in planning and monitoring programs.
YRBS data are collected every two years. In 1997, 12 States did not conduct the survey. CDC provides technical assistance to States interested in conducting the YRBS. States that want assistance should contact CDC's Division of Adolescent and School Health at 770-488-3259. More information about the YRBS may be found at Eleven States and seven cities have data that can be used to compar .....
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