Papers on Book Reports
Brave New World Vs. Modern Soc
Number of words: 964 | Number of pages: 4.... has pregnancy substitute (a procedure
in which Utopian woman are given all the psychological benefits of childbirth
without undergoing it) and malthusian drill (similar to today’s birth control pills).
However, modern society and Huxley’s Utopia both explore the advantages of
artificial reproduction, although Utopia has taken it to the extreme: The
Bokanovsky Process, is a method whereby a human egg’s normal development
is arrested, then buds, producing many identical eggs. “My good
boy!”...”Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability!”
(Huxley, .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Summary
Number of words: 1215 | Number of pages: 5.... a fight with Holden, who lost trying to protect his old friend. This sets the scene for what life was like at Pency, which is a very important fact later in the book.
After the fight with Straddler, Holden attempts to befriend Ackley without success because he does not want to leave Pency friendless. Holden eventually decides to leave Pency early and stay in New York until the day that he is suppose to arrive home comes. On the train to New York Holden meets the mother of student at Pency and lies about him just to be sociable while all the time laughing that he is being a phony while he hates them. Once in New York at his h .....
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Lord Of The Flies Character Sk
Number of words: 662 | Number of pages: 3.... not like following rules of any kind. He only wants to hunt and have a good time. Golding uses Jack and his tribe as examples of the Beast. In the beginning of the story Jack, still conditioned by the previous society he had been apart of, could not kill the pig that was caught in the brush. As the story goes on, he becomes less and less attached to any form of society. Near the end, he feels no shame about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, or his attempt to kill Ralph. Ralph - "He was old enough, twelve yares and a few month, to have lost the prominent tummy of childhood and not yet old enough for adolescencence to have made him akw .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front: Life In The Army
Number of words: 1372 | Number of pages: 5.... (p. 224) he describes the importance of good food in the war and depicts that decent food is quite rare. Since the soldiers are not given enough food, the army life proves to be extremely dangerous.
Second, the shelter provided by the army does not appeal to the soldiers since it does not fit the soldiers’ needs. These shelters are often infested with lice, rodents, and other insects. After being around such surroundings, the soldiers adapt to their new smelly, gloomy, and dirty environment. Other shelters such as trenches often become destroyed by incoming ammunition or abandoned because of mustard gas. Since the sol .....
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An Analysis Of “Roses, Rhododendron”
Number of words: 445 | Number of pages: 2.... is having a hard time making money and writes letter to John asking for financial help. Jane spends most of her time with her friends. Often she does not even hesitate to spend the night over. they keep in touch even when Jane moves to San Francisco to live with her dad along with her mother. She never loses contact with her friends. It was so ironic to see Harriet to move to Rome. But even in Rome they write to each other.
The main character of the story is Jane. She has a dynamic character because from a little blond girl the story reaches to a point where she uses foul language by saying “God damn.” It was unexpected of .....
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The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall: Ellen Weatherwall
Number of words: 1192 | Number of pages: 5.... 46)
Ellen Weatherall’s life changes when she is jilted. “A young women with a peaked Spanish comb in her hair and a painted fan.” Ellen was characterized by her beauty and delicacy. “She is a prize to be claimed by a worthy man.” She dreams of getting married and living happily ever after. She depended too much on one man. George is to give her his name, but if not “chaos is to come again.”:
Such a fresh breeze blowing and such a green day with no threats in it. But he had not come, just the same… There was the day…
But a whirl of dark smoke and covered it, crept up and over into the bright field where every .....
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Walker's Everyday Use
Number of words: 424 | Number of pages: 2.... Dee without the quilts," (698). This implies that her connection with the quilts is personal and emotional rather than materialistic.
Dee has always been ashamed of her family; she told her mother that she would manage to come to see them but wouldn't bring her friends. Just by saying that you can tell right off that she was ashamed to bring her friends over to the house. She never valued anything; everything to her was old and worthless. Until she came to visit all of a sudden, she appreciated everything. She said, "I never knew how lovely these benches are" as if she really meant it. I think Dee needs a reality check she .....
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"Master Harold ...And The Boys"
Number of words: 605 | Number of pages: 3.... the lucky one compared to the way Willie treated his girlfriend.
Although Willie's son was neglected, the baby's mother was beat. Willie's father had more influence on his life than he wanted to. Willie treated his girlfriend as if she were beneath him, as his father did to him. On page (9) Willie shows his disrespect for women.
The best thing that could have happened to Willie was the accident his father was in, when Willie was eighteen years old. It killed his father. Willie refuses to talk about the incident. Few people actually know what happened to him. The important thing to Willie is, he is gone. As cruel .....
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True Sinners
Number of words: 1920 | Number of pages: 7.... consecration of its own. We felt it so! We said so to each other!" Hester fully acknowledged her guilt and displayed it with pride to the world. This was obvious by the way she displayed the scarlet letter. It was elaborately designed as if to show Hester was proud of what she had done. Hester is indeed a sinner; adultery is not a minor affair, even today. On the other hand, her sin has brought her not evil, but good. Her charity to the poor, her comfort to the broken-hearted, her unquestionable presence in times of trouble are all direct results of her quest for repentance. Her salvation also lies in the truth. She tells Dimmesdal .....
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Bennet's: The Executioner
Number of words: 2166 | Number of pages: 8.... with Ray,
(the only sober one), and the car was steered of the road into a tree.
Raymond was killed by the accident. However, everyone thought that Bruce
was not intoxcated at the time, and the car just accidentally swerved off
to the side.
Throughout the next chapters, Bruce keeps facing the guilt of killing
Ray, and tries to admit to everyone that he did. No one believes him though,
and think's he's just making up the story to cover the guilt up. This
carrries on for a while, and Bruce feels even more depressed. A few days
later, a mysterious man, (the executioner) comes into the bank, and takes
out a letter (The one at th .....
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