Papers on Book Reports
"A Wrinkle In Time"
Number of words: 1522 | Number of pages: 6.... he mysteriously disappeared. Now the time has come for Meg, her friend Calvin, and Charles Wallace to rescue him. But can they outwit the forces of evil they will encounter on their heart- stopping journey through space" (L'Engle 215)?
The story begins with the unsolved disappearance of Mr. Murray in the midst of one of his scientific experiments. The blunder was the quest to find out what happened to him and bring him back home to relieve mothers heartache. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin were granted help in finding Mr. Murray from the three heralds, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. They (the Mrs's) each gave their ow .....
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The Glass Managerie
Number of words: 721 | Number of pages: 3.... characteristic of him in the play is to escape. The last sentence of the above quote, he says "I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion" which means I like to hide the truth and run away from reality. This example shows whenever he think about escaping or wanting to escape, he will always sits beside the fire escape. The symbol fire escape is a good example of
symbolism for Tom, but there is also the portrait of father.
Another example of symbolism is the portrait of father. Tom's father left the family to travel the world and never came back. In scene 7, Tom says:
I'm like my father. The bastard son of a .....
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Loss Of Innocence
Number of words: 1603 | Number of pages: 6.... and is caused by a lack of care in a society to prevent the youth in that society from growing up not trusting the world. This is done through a child seeing his father beating his mother, a child who finds out Santa Claus is not real, a worker whose coworker takes credit for his ideas or even a child who is abused by someone.
The novel Montana 1948, revolves around David Hayden's life and his while growing up. David's continues until the end of the novel when he is in his late forties. David grows up being faced with many difficult situations. An example of this would be the racial tension that exists in Montana between the Ind .....
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Deliverance: The Establishment Of "Masculinity"
Number of words: 1283 | Number of pages: 5.... his music is his true companion.
Without having any talent, as he would be the
first to tell you, Drew played mighty well, through
sheer devotion.
(Dickey, 11)
For Drew the highlight of this trip is his duo with Lonnie, an uneducated banjo player. Drew obviously finds this the most exhilarating part of the adventure in that he is the center of attention and is playing very well with a talented young man.
I had never heard him play so well, and I really
began to listen deeply, moved as an unmusical
person is moved when he sees that the music is
meant….I could not see Drew's face, but the back
of his neck was shee .....
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“I Won’t Learn From You” And Other Thoughts On Creative Maladjustment
Number of words: 787 | Number of pages: 3.... that can be learned is an interesting phenomenon to me that is explored by Kohl in the title essay of his book. Sometimes a teacher may mistake a student for having a learning disability or a behavior problem, when rather the child is actually making a conscious choice to “not learn” certain values or morally unfavorable material that is being imposed on them. In Kohl’s own words, “To agree to learn from a stranger who does not respect your integrity causes a major loss of self. The only alternative is to not-learn and feject the stranger’s world” (Kohl 6). Kohl distinguishes between failure and not-learning .....
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The Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 1207 | Number of pages: 5.... is through the
use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the
turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end. As each symbol is
presented through the novel they show examples of the good and the bad
things that exist within the novel.
The opening chapter paints a vivid picture of the situation
facing the drought-stricken farmers of Oklahoma. Dust is described a
covering everything, smothering the life out of anything that wants to grow.
The dust is symbolic of the erosion of the lives of the people. The dust
is synonymous with "deadness". The land is a ruined way of life (farming)
gone, .....
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A Separate Peace; Chapter Summaries
Number of words: 1546 | Number of pages: 6.... the beach, and Phineas tells Gene he is
his best pal. Gene is not sure if he feels the same.
Chapter 4: Gene and Finny (Phineas) wake up and head back to Devon. Gene
fails his trigonometry examination for the first time. Finny tells Gene
that he studies too much. Gene thinks Finny is jealous. Gene wants to earn
the Scholastic Achievement Citation to get even with Finny. Gene knows that
Finny must be best and that he cannot be best if Gene becomes even with him
through his studies. Gene decides that he and Finny are locked in a
complete enmity rather than friendship. Finny announces Leper's intention
to jump from the tree and coaze .....
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An Analysis Of Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres
Number of words: 747 | Number of pages: 3.... Ultimately, her opinion as a woman
remains irrelevant. Ginny remarks, "of course it was silly to talk about
'my po int of view.' When my father asserted his point of view, mine
vanished" (176). When she makes the "mistake" of crossing her father, she
is referred to as a "bitch," "whore," and "slut" (181, 185).
It could be argued that many of the male characters in the novel
are suffering from a type of virgin/whore syndrome. As long as the women
remain docile receptacles they are "good"; when they resist or even
question masculine authority, they are "bad." Rose complains, "When we are
good girls and accept our cir .....
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Macbeth - The Masks Of Lady Ma
Number of words: 1084 | Number of pages: 4.... she would "dash the brains out" (1.7.58) of her own child in order to achieve her goal. The strong ambition within her makes it seem as if she had no conscience or human feeling. Supernatural incidents are what mainly motivates her desire for power. Lady Macbeth would not have wanted to commit murder if the three weird sisters had not said Macbeth would be king. She even mentions how "the raven himself is hoarse/ That croaks" (1.5.34-35), which foretells the upcoming death of Duncan. Lady Macbeth's hunger to be queen is only the start of the immense mask she creates for herself to become the dominating and powerful woman s .....
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The Lord Of The Flies: Summary
Number of words: 544 | Number of pages: 2.... and inappropriate behavior encouraged by
Jack. Ralph=s only supporter is Piggy, a fat asthmatic boys who nobody likes
because he is always lecturing and criticizing everyone=s behavior. Jack bullies
him constantly and the other boys make fun of him. Jack and his followers spend
most of their time hunting for wild pigs so Ralph=s efforts to organize the
group fail. By now, most of the older boys are beginning to act like savages,
hunting wild pigs, going into a frenzy when they succeed and celebrate their
kill with wild dancing around a fire.
One night during an air-battle, a body of a parachutist lands on the
island .....
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