Papers on Book Reports
Book Review: Darkness, Be My Friend
Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3.... have to attack the airbase themsleves_
I think that this book is as much about adventure and survival as it is
about emotions, friendships and relationships. The book is written as the
diary of the unofficial leader of the group and she speaks a lot about her
thoughts, her relationships with the other members of the group and of her
emotions about what she was forced to do during the course of the war.
"I was determined I wasn't going to get angry, so I ignored that. I didn't
blame him in a way. If only I could have understood what was going on in my
own mind_ but I found that difficult at the best of times."
"It was nothing to .....
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Odysseuss Brutality
Number of words: 730 | Number of pages: 3.... Odysseus’s actions are indeed aggressive and morality at this point in his life seems to have faded.
All these things considered, the validity of Odysseus’s actions remain fair. Because of his denial of the power of the gods, Poseidon forced Odysseus to the raging sea. For these years that he was apart from Penelope and Telemachus he felt such pain and longing for Ithaka. And when Odysseus returned finally to his home only to hear of suitors and harlots about his home, he had to take revenge on them for his pain. This pain was brought about through lies and betrayal. His long journey led him through many tribulat .....
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Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis Taking Place Involving Gregor And Its Effect On The Family
Number of words: 546 | Number of pages: 2.... for the others; once such
consideration had been his greatest pride."
Everyone in the Samsa family experiences changes brought on by
Gregor's metamorphosis. Since Gregor's physical change renders him no
longer able to work, the family's financial situation changes. Gregor's
mother, father, and sister have to get jobs. Mrs. Samsa, Gregor's
mother, sews lingerie for a local clothing store. His sister, who took a
job as a salesgirl to help the family,
also learns French in the evening so she might get a better position in
the future. Mr. Samsa, Gregor's father, takes a job as a messenger for
banking i .....
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The Great Gatsby As A Metaphor
Number of words: 708 | Number of pages: 3.... reach her economic standards. When he amasses this wealth, Gatsby buys a house that is across the bay to Daisy's house, and throws immense and lavish parties, with the hope that Daisy would come to one of them. When he realizes this is very improbable, he starts asking various people from time to time if they know her. In this inquiry, he meets Jordan Baker, who tells him that Nick Carraway his neighbor, is Daisy's cousin. Nick agrees to invite Daisy to his house one afternoon, and then let him over.
Later, in the Buchanans house, when Gatsby is determined to watch and protect Daisy: "How long are you going to wait? "All n .....
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My Antonia: A Review
Number of words: 1043 | Number of pages: 4.... Looking back on his memories, he knows
what is eventually going to happen to the characters. He persuades you to
sympathize with all of them. His perception, being broad and persuasive,
sets the tone for the whole book. What is the purpose of having the story
told by Jim Burden thirty years later? From that perspective he can
present with great clarity and tenderness the highlights of his memories.
A man of the world, he is reinvestigating his values. Jim Burden sets down
everything the name of Antonia brings back to him. Antonia represents to
him the most fundamental, traditional way to lead one's life, including the
virtu .....
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The Allegory Of The Cave: Turn Around
Number of words: 1401 | Number of pages: 6.... even stand, but chains
bind him to the ground, and the puppeteers have servants who hold his head in
place. One day, a situation arises where he finds that the chains are broken,
and he stands. This is against the will of the servants, but they have no
physical power over him, if he does not allow it. He turns round and sees the
fire and the puppeteers and then he realizes that all has been lies. He is not
what they have told him. He does not feel what they have said he does. The
fire blinds him. The puppeteers, seeing they have lost another to knowledge,
quickly get rid of him by pushing him into the dark cave that looms off .....
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Summary Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Number of words: 679 | Number of pages: 3.... There is no pinpoint of what Endfield
saw that was so disturbing but it was something about him that did not seem
to be right.
When Mr. Utterson himself came across meeting Mr. Hyde in person,
he understood what his friend had told him. At first Hyde would not let
Utterson see his face, but when he saw it he got a sense beyond words. "He
must be deformed Somewhere; he gives strong feeling of deformity, although
I couldn't specify the point"(Stevenson,18). Utterson was truly shocked at
this man's appearance. "God bless me, the man seems hardly
When Jekyll had fled to his room for se .....
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Madame Bovary: Memorable Scene
Number of words: 837 | Number of pages: 4.... called
to her more than ever.
She remembers how she had longed for the love affairs that she had
read about in her romance novels, and how she had imagined her future. She
recalls how her imagination had carried her away into the depths of the
story; perhaps it is her imagination that is at fault for implanting these
ideas in her head. Life certainly has not turned out the way she dreamed.
Next, she remember the few precious moments in her life: the
waltzes, lovers, etc. She then decides that she was never happy. Even
though Emma has just listed several of the most happy moments in her life,
she feels that life is simply n .....
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Tortilla Flat Evaluation
Number of words: 507 | Number of pages: 2.... Danny is not that interesting, it's just that all of the
other characters are really boring. One thing that I thought was
interesting is how Danny was quite a drinker. He got drunk a lot.
And he ended up. . . whoops! Almost slipped you the ending.
Anyway, Danny was also the character that gave all of the other
characters their shelter. That's the only character in the book I
found faintly interesting.
The most exciting part of this book was finishing it. Woohoo!
Gosh, I felt like I could conquer the world after I completed this
book of boredom. I read about some friends getting drunk, going to
jail, and burn .....
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The Right To Privacy By Robert Bork.
Number of words: 875 | Number of pages: 4.... to overturn the conviction of two doctors distributing
information on condoms. Bork felt that Douglas's liberal use of penumbras to
create a zone of privacy was an excessive use of judicial power. Bork feels a
judge must follow the Constitution and should not imply anything from the
various ideas in the Constitution. This poses problems when trying to deal with
cases that the Constitution does not specifically mention. For example, without
the ability to interpret some of the various amendments in the constitution it
would be virtually impossible for a judge to decide cases dealing with the on-
line world. Is an on-line servi .....
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