Papers on Book Reports
Call Of The Wild
Number of words: 1178 | Number of pages: 5.... would’ve sent out a message or an investigation in order to find Buck. Because Judge Miller had a big house to live in, the book implied that he was wealthy. The trip to Seattle must of taken days and by then, Judge Miller would’ve been worried sick about his inseparable companion. As the story goes on, Buck’s first experience of snow left him feeling pretty stupid. When the train got to the station in Seattle, two men named Perrault and Francois bought him. Then, they put him on a ship called the Narwhal. At this point of the book, I was thinking about the cruelty of animals and how the humans treated them. It .....
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Compare And Contrast Dystopian
Number of words: 3737 | Number of pages: 14.... ideology and a single point of view, which is the motto of Brave New World "Community, Identity, Stability". To achieve the first objective Community Brave New World satirises Christianity encouraging people to reach solidarity through sexual orgy in a service that mimics mass. Life is organised so that a person is almost never alone. Identity is in large part the result of genetic engineering, sleep teaching and various processes undertaken during decanting. It is also achieved by teaching everyone to conform so that anyone who feels slightly different is considered an outcast. The desire for stability requires the production .....
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Literary Questions On Lord Of
Number of words: 1486 | Number of pages: 6.... Jack Merridew, the novel’s antagonist. These many changes put Ralph into the category of a round character, one who is more human as opposed to a flat character who is one dimensional. Ralph’s contribution to The Lord of the Flies is his representation of law and order or an organized society.
Simon is an introverted boy who cannot speak in front of the assembly. Golding describes him as being "a small skinny boy" with "a pointed chin, bright eyes and a broad forehead." He is also described as being "darkish in color." All the boys think he is "batty." He says and does strange things. However, he is the only boy .....
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Mordecai Richler`s Solomon Gursky Was Here
Number of words: 1407 | Number of pages: 6.... and his re-incarnation as Sir Hyman Kaplansky, in
conjunction with his family and their exploits. Every character in this
novel is in some way corrupt or failure. Moses is an alcoholic who did not
live up to his potential; Bernard is a greedy self-centered bastard;
Solomon is a cheat, when it comes to gambling, women and anything else you
can think of. Richler, through this exaggeration of corruption and
failure, is satirizing the idea that Canada is a second rate nation. One
character, in conversation with Moses, once said:
"Canada is not so much a country as a holding tank filled with the
disgruntled progeny of defeat .....
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Tragedy Of Macbeth From Macbet
Number of words: 1001 | Number of pages: 4.... without my stir. (I,iii,141-143) hides Macbeth's true intentions towards the king and he feelings on what the witches said.
The play is also filled with many references to the night or darkness which would have been used to further explain to Shakespeare's audiences the mood of deception and that cold tone, considering the fact that the audiences would have been watching this play in the middle of the afternoon. The darkness is set to "hide" the actions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth "Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell," (I,v,51-52) And again when Macbeth orders Banquo and his son's death he calls upon .....
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The Mill On The Floss: Summary
Number of words: 1956 | Number of pages: 8.... intention to send Tom to school and it is met
with opposition. In the eighth chapter he goes to his brother-in-laws house to
demand the money that he owes him so that he can pay his wife's sister Mrs.
Glegg. In chapter nine you read about the Tullivers going to visit the Pullets.
In the tenth chapter Maggie pushed Lucy in the mud because she is receiving
most of Tom's attention. When Tom goes to tell on her she runs off and can't be
found. In the eleventh chapter Maggie decides to run away to the gypsies, but
after learning how poor they were and how little of food they had she decides to
go back home. In the twelfth chapter .....
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Why The Name "Things Fall Apart"
Number of words: 488 | Number of pages: 2.... life falls
apart was when he was thrown out of the clan for a few years. From this episode
one can see that Okonko's hopes dreams have begun to fall apart. His hopes of
being a rich and popular individual had drifted away with this upsetting
incident. Okonko had no longer had his farm or animals. Also Okonko lost faith
with most of his friends. This goes to show that Okonko lost faith with his
friends, like his father lost faith with his.
Another episode that showed the downfall in Okonko's life was when Nwoye,
his oldest and favorite son, converted to the white mans religion, Christianity.
To Okonko this was very upsetting .....
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Lord Of The Flies Essay
Number of words: 398 | Number of pages: 2.... head on a stick called “ the lord of the flys “ as another
animation to substitute the thoughts of evil and fear within the boys. Seeing the head
causes Simon to have hallucinations of this head talking to him. The Lord of the Flys
says “
.” After hearing this, Simon returns to the
other boys, who are rallying around a fire, indulged in a victorious chant, and is soon
trampled to death by the preoccupied boys. Being away from civilization has driven the
boys to near delirium and as any person does, they easily got wrapped up in their success.
These kids ar .....
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Number of words: 505 | Number of pages: 2.... groceries through the till, "'Hello (bing) there, you (gung) hap-py pee-pul (splat)!' - the splat being the drawer flying out.". Sammy knew he had been working there for a long time and was getting sick of working there. I believe Sammy felt as if he was placed in the job and was never going to move. Sammy was given the job from his parents knowing the manager. I don't think Sammy had the feeling that he went out and got that job for himself. Sammy probably felt very weak in his heart. Sammy needed a reason to leave and found one with the girls walking in with swim suits on.
Although I think Sammy regrets his decisi .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Symbolism
Number of words: 497 | Number of pages: 2.... symbol which is carried throughout the novel is
undoubtedly the scarlet letter A. It initially symbolizes the immoral act of
adultery but by the end of the novel the "A" has hidden much more meaning than
that. The "A" appears in many other places than on the chest of Hester Prynne.
It is seen on the armor breastplate at Governor Bellingham's mansion. At night
while Dimmesdale is standing on the scaffold he sees a bright red letter A in
the sky. While Pearl is playing near the bay shore she arranges some grass in
the form of an A on her own breast. But one of the most important A's is one
the spectators see burnt on Dim .....
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