Papers on Book Reports
Fahrenheit 451: Change
Number of words: 1502 | Number of pages: 6.... eventually becoming a revolutionary in a society
where books are valued.
Many factors contribute to the changes found in Montag. One of the first
influences during the story is the exquisitely observant Clarisse McClellan. She
is different from all of the others in society who like to head for a Fun Park
to bully people around," or "break windowpanes in the Car Wrecker." She likes to
observe people, and she observes Montag, diagnosing him as a
"strange...fireman." He is "not like the others" because when she talks, he
looks at her, and when she said something about the moon, he looks at it.
Clarisse tells Montag that he is dif .....
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Examine The Character And The
Number of words: 1668 | Number of pages: 7.... the naturalness of sex and childbearing. This is seen when she tells Juliet to look for love, - “Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days”. This displays a realistic attitude to love. Such bawdy realism is, like the ribaldry of Mercutio and company, a contrast with the tender, romantic and passionate feelings of Romeo and Juliet. The Nurse is a practical but rather stupid woman at times. She loves Juliet like her own child. Throughout the play The Nurse is very talkative. She will usually do what she believes is right or what Juliet wants, like secretly meeting with Romeo and arranging the wedding of Romeo and Juliet. .....
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The French Lieutenant’s Women: Sara As A Nonconformist
Number of words: 1245 | Number of pages: 5.... were predetermined. Their main goal in life was to get married. Sara swims against this current in the river of Victorian society and in return she is ostracized. Men also have predetermined roles; this is evident today in the stereotypes created for men by what they wear and by their interests. By entering into a category, you are somehow expressing your individuality. In reality, a person is giving up their individual freedom and fitting right into a stereotype that contains its own rules and standards that must be abided by. This same sort of thing is apparent in Charles. The life that Charles lives is that of a rich Victor .....
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Evolution Of Frankenstein
Number of words: 558 | Number of pages: 3.... without recognizing that with the creation of life comes responsibilities and unanticipated consequences. Instead of producing a wondrous man, Frankenstein assembles a monster who becomes a hideous terror. The monster destroys the very things that Frankenstein holds dear and tried to preserve.
Correspondingly, the monster, when he is created, is an inexperienced, benign being. At first he is grateful to his creator for being given life. The monster is a gentile, disoriented creature who has no real experience with the outside world. However, as he matures, he begins to realize that he is repulsive and will never be accepted as .....
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The Stone Angel - Character An
Number of words: 587 | Number of pages: 3.... saying, “I can see you’ve finished. I’ve got eyes. Get along now … (Laurence 112)”. Even as a child she was lacked emotion when she could not provide comfort to her dying brother, Daniel. Daniel needed the comfort of his mother, but for Hagar, “to play at being her – it was beyond me (Laurence 25).” Indeed, Hagar’s deficiency in feeling or expressing emotion was a visible characteristic throughout the novel.
As a result of her upbringing, Hagar possesses pride that despises weakness in any form. As a young girl she displayed this trait when her dad slapped her hand, .....
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The Great Gatsby: Morals And American Idealism
Number of words: 760 | Number of pages: 3.... separated and Gatsby went into
the Armed Forces. Now, at the time when this story takes place in the
spring of the 1920's Daisy and Gatsby still have a thing for each other and
their growing romance develops throughout. Taking what he has got going
with Daisy for granted, like almost everything else he's got going for him,
he begins to loose what he wants the most, Daisy.
While Daisy and Gatsby are having their little affair Tom is having
one of his own with Myrtle, the wife of an auto garage owner. Theirs too
develops throughout the story.
These two secrete relationships go and on through the book.
Meanwhile the backgrounds .....
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A Comparison Of The Magic In "The Rocking-Horse Winner" And "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"
Number of words: 1742 | Number of pages: 7.... the magical things they discover are unbelievable at best.
They often criticize Paul for his affection for a horse he should have
outgrown long ago. No one would believe that the rocking-horse essentially
talked to him. Although the characters in "A Very Old Man with Enormous
Wings" believe that an angel is in their presence, they have no idea what
to do with him. No one had ever dealt with a spirit on this level before.
As he rocked back and forth on his rocking horse, Paul had faith in
finding the winner of the next horse race. For some reason they could not
explain, Paul's uncle and Bassett had faith in him to pick it. Th .....
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Heart Of Darkness: Cruelty
Number of words: 1087 | Number of pages: 4.... darkness.
We have noticed that important motives in Heart of Darkness connect the
white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white men who come to Africa
professing to bring progress and light to "darkest Africa" have themselves been
deprived of the sanctions of their European social orders; they also have been
alienated from the old tribal ways.
"Thrown upon their own inner spiritual resources they may be utterly
damned by their greed, their sloth, and their hypocrisy into moral
insignificance, as were the pilgrims, or they may be so corrupt by
their absolute power over the Africans that some .....
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Number of words: 542 | Number of pages: 2.... detailed and vivid scenes, as seen in this random quote: “Mechanics in Melbourne noted that the fuel coupling was bent on the right wing, and the adjacent slats locking pin was slightly damaged. This was thought to have been caused by ground personnel in Java during the previous fuel stop.” (pg. 149).
As well as the writing, the characters were also a major factor in this novel. Unlike characters in most other novels, these actually seemed like real people. Crichton develops his characters giving them each individual attributes, emotions, and personalities. Also unlike most other characters, they were not totally perf .....
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Frankenstein: Morality
Number of words: 773 | Number of pages: 3.... commits the moral
sin of creating another monster he may be rid of both monsters forever. "With
the companion you bestow I will quit the neighbourhood of man,"(pg 142) promises
the morally corrupt monster to the doctor upon the completion of his partner.
When the doctor, if and when he, finished his first creation's mate there is a
chance that the monsters will not keep their promise and stay in Europe envoking
fear into townfolk.
The good doctor, trying to act morally, destroys the monster for the
good of the world. The monsters can potentially take over whatever they please.
"A race of devils would be propegated,"(pg. 163 .....
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