Papers on Book Reports
Flowers For Algernon Essay
Number of words: 1803 | Number of pages: 7.... never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and
through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family.
After the operation, In the bakery, he used to have friends. Friends
that would talk to him and care about him. Charlie then realized that he had
no friends but merely knew people that made fun of him. The bakery
employees just liked him because they could blame their mistakes on Charlie.
Then, they could not do this after the operation, so they all turned against
Charlie. Charlie also found out about Nemur and Strauss, the men who
preformed the operation. He realized they were not professiona .....
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Huckleberry Finn Essay 2
Number of words: 837 | Number of pages: 4.... a vessel by which Mark Twain shares his views with the world. In the South where he lived, there was still much bitterness towards ex-slaves and this dictated what was proper and what was not. Instead of writing a manifesto of his views, these views were consolidated with Huck's character. Through Huck's eyes, we are not only able to see Twain's views but we also see them justified. Twain's satirical view of religion manifests itself when Miss Watson confronts Huck on the subject of Heaven. She feels that Heaven is a place where
"all a body would have to do there was to go around all day long with a harp and sing, fore .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper: Oppression Of Women In Society
Number of words: 992 | Number of pages: 4.... one do? If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression -- a slight hysterical tendency -- what is one to do?" (160) These two men -- both doctors -- seem completely unable to admit that there might be more to her condition than just stress and a slight nervous condition. Even when a summer in the country and weeks of bed-rest don't help, her husband refuses to accept that she may have a real problem.
Throughout the story there are examples of the dominant submissive relationship. She is virtually imprisoned .....
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The Black Cat: A Comparison Between The Movie And The Book
Number of words: 547 | Number of pages: 2.... he liked it so much he let the cat follow him home.
The cat made itself at home but the man avoided it because of a sense of shame
for his former deed. The next day the man noticed that the cat was missing an
eye just as Pluto. His wife pointed out that the white spot on its chest
resembled the Gallows! The cat made the man trip in his basement one day. So
he picked up an ax to kill the cat, and his wife stepped in the way and he put
the ax through her brains. The man decided to hide the body and the cat behind
a bricked up wall in the basement. The police came and looked at everything.
Just before they left, they heard a n .....
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Analysis Of Animal Farm
Number of words: 631 | Number of pages: 3.... so drunk at a bar that he did
not get home until noon and then went to sleep until late that evening.
The animal had gone unfed that whole day. Then one of the cows could not
stand it any more and broke the door to the store-shed. She and the rest
of the cows started eating the feed in the shed. This commotion awoke
Jones, and he and his farm hands came at the cows with whips. The other
animals then began the attack by butting and kicking the men. Jones and
his men then retreated and the animals had won the Manor Farm.
What happened next:
The next thing that happened in this book was that Snowball was
chased ou .....
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Yolen's Briar Rose: Review
Number of words: 983 | Number of pages: 4.... child of two writers, is a gifted and natural storyteller. Perhaps the best explanation for her outstanding accomplishments comes from Jane Yolen herself: "I don't care whether the story is real or fantastical. I tell the story that needs to be told." When asked if she had any relatives who were in concentration camps during WWII and how she became interested in the holocaust, she replied, “My family--both sides--came over at the beginning of this century and we had no family left in either the Ukraine or Latvia during World War II. I am interested in the Holocaust as a Jew and as a citizen of the world.”
Briar Rose is the s .....
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Persuasion--austin Poor Dick
Number of words: 1011 | Number of pages: 4.... and capability that are attractive to the reader. To the aristocracy, what one does with one’s day is of the utmost importance. The Elliots are landed gentry and as such they do not work or conduct themselves in any manner of labor. It has often been said that the true mark of a gentleman is the ability to do no work. Austen, from the very beginning, sets the tone that the Elliots, excepting Anne, are worthless members of a worthless class. Austen describes Elizabeth Elliot in a most unforgiving manner: “Such were Elizabeth Elliot's sentiments and sensations; such the cares to alloy, the agitations to vary, .....
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The Crucible: Elizabeth's Strength
Number of words: 785 | Number of pages: 3.... be recited except for adultery. In the puritan culture, adultery is a grievous sin, one punishable by death. She has to live through each day knowing that John was unfaithful, and that he did not fulfill the commitment of marriage. She feels hurt and betrayed, but what Abby tries next is the most underhanded trick possible.
Abigail was placed in power due to her “ability” to spot the devil in people. She could see those who trafficked with the devil and who was in his book. This was an opportunity to settle the score for her. Goody Proctor had discharged Abby from her home, and now was Abby’s chance to get back at Eli .....
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“Harrison Bergeron”: Individuality
Number of words: 286 | Number of pages: 2.... He explains all the
rules and regulations that the people have to live by. The reader is then
assumed to understand that the rules and regulations are ridiculous and
absurd. Vennegut does this so that people will realize that we are all not
meant to be the same we are each our own person.
Some examples of this, for instance, are making the strong and the
weak equal. In order to do this, the strong must carry around many weights
on their shoulders. By doing this, it makes the strong weak. Another
example, is making the beautiful look like the ugly.The beautiful would
have to wear hideous masks in order to look like the others. .....
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Accordion Crimes: Dismal Reality Checks
Number of words: 1630 | Number of pages: 6.... maker reared twice and fell back.” A character that
has a great deal of intrigue is the accordion maker. The most interesting fact
of this character is that he has no name, only an occupation. This is symbolic
of all the millions of faceless immigrants that came to America in search of
their dreams, but very few found them waiting, much less at all. “...He had his
theory, his idea of the fine instrument; with the proof of this one, he planned
to make his fortune in La Merica.” The accordion maker himself was a large man,
but more sensitive that most like him. He despised working through problems and
simply let his wife hand .....
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