Papers on Book Reports
The Epic Of Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh
Number of words: 421 | Number of pages: 2.... that Gilgamesh himself is evil. He has sex with the virgins, he does what he wants, and he tends to offend the gods. He has lots of problems with Ishtar. By going into the forest and facing Humbaba, Gilgamesh makes a name for himself and changes the views of the people in his city. The past of Gilgamesh does not change, but the great deed of killing Humbaba, makes him a better person because he protects his city. Gilgamesh does this because of his love for Enkidu and his people. Finally and most importantly, the main reason that Gilgamesh changes from the beginning of the book is the friendship that he has with Enkidu. Enkidu is .....
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Black Boy
Number of words: 1462 | Number of pages: 6.... white racists were blood thirsty lions at heart, as was
demonstrated in the book Black Boy.
The setting of Black Boy is in the deep south of Jackson,
Mississippi where whites attempted to tame into submission blacks by hard
discipline. Such was the case for Richard in Black Boy, his autobiography.
It seemed that the more Richard gained success, the more he was hurt. In
Black Boy, Richard is abused by whites because he reminds the whites of
their lack of identity and failure to meet society's expectations. Their
lives became bland and their world became, "bleak and undeniable." (193)
The largeness, the coldness, and .....
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Summary Of The Scarlet Pimpernel
Number of words: 1662 | Number of pages: 7.... He is the man of courage who with his crew has
saved many lives. In his everyday lives he acts as though he was a dull
but rich gentleman. While his business are daringly dangerous. His rival
fiend Chauvelin a French spy. He use many ways to try to find the identity
of the Scarlet Pimpernel. He even use his old friend Lady Blakeney. She
is Sir Percy wife and he love her very much. But due to her past. He has
hesitate to tell her his secret. Chauvelin asked her to help him find out
who is the Scarlet Pimpernel and capture him for French. But she couldn't
accept the offer, because she felt that it was wrong. Chauvelin t .....
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The Great Gatsby: Time As A Key Dimension To One's Life's Theme
Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3.... illusions of the past preoccupying all his
thoughts, he forgets about the key dimension he exists in which is the
Although Gatsby was persistent on reliving the past, Gatsby vaguely
lived for the present. This is apparent when he cancels his biology by
leaving home, changing his name, and leaving his heritage behind which was
not done by following the past. In the past Jay Gatsby made, "...a
platonic conception of himself". What Nick said about Gatsby's platonic
theory of himself was that Gatsby "...was a son of God". From Jay Gatsby's
theory he makes a ideal conception of himself, of which he projects himself .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities: Faults Of Social Structure
Number of words: 479 | Number of pages: 2.... the lunacy associated with the revolution. The way the people of St. Antoine
get crazy from being in such a violent situation is the fault that is being
described here. When the wood-sawyer starts talking about his saw as "his little
guillotine" it shows that he is affected and is a "typical revolutionary", with
a cruel regard for life. Another place where Dickens describes this revolution
lunacy is when the crowd of "five thousand demons" come around the corner
"dancing" to the Carmagnole, the song of the revolution. This shows that
everyone who has a part in the revolution has become like one, a large mass of
mindless people w .....
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The Great Gatsby 2
Number of words: 984 | Number of pages: 4.... how he meets Daisy. She was a very rich girl, from a wealthy family. They were in love from the beginning. Unfortunately, Daisy believed that "rich girls don't marry poor boys." From that moment on, Jay Gatz wanted one thing; to get rich so he could show Daisy that a poor boy could get rich. This obsession ate up the real man inside. Jay Gatz became Jay Gatsby. This new man wanted to become the American Dream at an early age. He did what ever he could to get his money.
One of the more puzzling things about Jay Gatsby is where did he come from and where did he get his money? Nobody other than Daisy really knows where he cam .....
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Amazing Grace A Book Report
Number of words: 807 | Number of pages: 3.... of employment outside the ghetto, or being accepted outside it. It was their home, they were not supposed to leave it, and when they did they were eyed with hate by other people who did not want to be in their presence.
I was also mortified by the extremely high amounts of child deaths in this particular ghetto. It seemed terrible that so many young children were getting killed, whether it be an accidental death in an elevator shaft, and mistaken shootings, or because of the extremely unhealthy conditions they were living in and the poor treatments that were available at area hospitals. I cannot even imagine myself in t .....
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Criticism Of Practical Application Of Utopia In "Brave New World"
Number of words: 1162 | Number of pages: 5.... students:
And home was as squalid psychically as physically. Psychically, it was a
rabbit hole, a midden, hot with the frictions of tightly packed life,
reeking with emotion. What suffocating intimacies, what dangerous, insane,
obscene relationships between the members of the family group! (37)
In an earlier passage, Huxley shows the effects of Mond's
explanation on one boy, "The Controller's evocation was so vivid that one
of the boys . . . turned pale at the mere description and was on the point
of being sick" (36).
In reality, the family unit is the core of society. Huxley
realizes the importance of the home and .....
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Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1754 | Number of pages: 7.... and incorrect by the already corrupt society. To Huck, nobody needs to be "civilized" in order to live happily. To live a happy life he wants to be able to live a life of swearing and smoking and that would be perfect. He's not hurting anybody. Plus it's better than living in a society where people hold other people as slaves.
After Huck's father comes back from where ever, he was he kidnaps Huck from Mrs. Watson and takes him to his cabin out in the woods. Whenever his father leaves, he locks him in the house, so he can't escape. Finally, after his dad left one day, he managed to get free and fakes his own death. Now every one th .....
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Tom Sawyer And Huck Finn
Number of words: 1703 | Number of pages: 7.... when they witnessed a murder by Injun Joe. At the time Muff Potter was drunk and asleep so Injun Joe blamed the murder him (Muff Potter). They knew if crazy Injun Joe found out they knew, he would for sure kill them. Tom wrote on a wooden board "Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swear to keep mum about this and they wish they may drop down dead in their tracks if they ever tell and rot", then in their own blood they signed their initials TS and HF.
A few days after that incident Tom, Huck and Joe decided to go and become pirates because no one cared for their company anymore. They stole some food and supplies and then they stole .....
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