Papers on Book Reports
Critique Of "The Invisible Man"
Number of words: 1758 | Number of pages: 7.... a founder of the college he attended. Mr. Norton was a well
educated but very ignorant man. He felt that the college was doing all of
the good that could be done. He had no idea of the evils that dwelled upon
the grounds. Dr. Bledsoe, the head of the college, had arranged for Mr.
Norton to go for a tour of the grounds, but didn't expect for him to see “
everything” at the college. Mr. Norton asked to see some of the more
unseen areas of the college, so the driver had to oblige him. Their they
met a man with an incestuous past. Mr. Norton was dumb founded, he had no
idea something like this could happen at his colle .....
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Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 1267 | Number of pages: 5.... possible. The young soldier becomes a man with plenty of courage by the end of this book.
Stephen Crane brings the reader into his book, first with his power of describing details so eloquently, and second by telling us very little of the young soldiers' life, leaving him a mystery. Crane might have generalized all the young soldiers into one. Although Crane tells the reader his characters’ name (Henry Flemming), he usually refers to the boy as “The soldier.” Crane also tells the reader parts of Flemming’s life up until present, but most of the character is left very much in the dark. It is known, however, that Henry grew .....
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Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 427 | Number of pages: 2.... experience but even more stimulating since he can maintain the overtones of depression.
Hemingway’s ability to pull so many tragedies together to stress the themes of depression, despair, a futility in humanity also make this novel very impressive. Just the setting of a love affair during wartime implies a dark reckoning upon the two lovers. Everything about the book drives the idea of fate and futility even when the idea and promise of hope is thrown in.
Although the author drive his point home, we have to look at the psychological effects of it on the readers. Now, I have no solid evidence, but I suspect that this b .....
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The Great Gatsby: The American Dream
Number of words: 613 | Number of pages: 3.... "No wasting
time at Shafters, No more smoking or chewing, Read one improving book or
magazine per week, Save $3.00 per week, Be better to parents" (page 181-
182). Nick says "I became aware of the old island here that flowered once
for Dutch sailors' eyes-a fresh green breast of the new world"(page 189).
This quote shows the pristine goals of where the possibilities were endless
and one could accomplish anything through hard work.
The American dream became corrupted, its main aims were wealth and
power. Gatsby became corrupted because his main goal was to have Daisy.
The only reason he want Daisy was that she symbolized weal .....
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Cooper's "Deerslayer": View Of The Native Americans
Number of words: 2277 | Number of pages: 9.... were searching in different
directions for their path" (Cooper, p. 5). Bewley states that this meeting is
symbolic of losing one's way morally, and then attempting to find it again
through different paths. Says Bewley, "when the two men emerge from the forest
into the little clearing we are face to face with... two opposing moral visions
of life which are embodied in these two woodsmen" (cited in Long, p. 121).
Critic Donald Davie, however, disagrees. His contention is that the
plot is poorly developed. "It does not hang together; has no internal logic;
one incident does not rise out of another" (cited in Long, p. 121). .....
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Animal Farm: Socialistic And Fascist Governments
Number of words: 484 | Number of pages: 2.... social commentary against communistic governments. The animals in animal farm are involved in a communist system, which is where the results of everybody’ work is spread around equally. Which in theory would work, but Wells is making a point through the character Moses. He makes a statement that some will not do work and still reap the benefits. While others like Boxer, do enough work for two animals and is given the same amount of rations. This seen throughout the story in ways of a dictator controlling by intimidation rations being cut from everyone but the pigs and lies spread to cover the truth.
This was a very good boo .....
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Fallen Angles
Number of words: 721 | Number of pages: 3.... 48 hours of freedom. They go to Saigon and have a few drinks and generally have fun, before they have to report back to their unit, which is stationed in the northern highlands of South Vietnam. When they return, they are happy that they made good use of their weekend passes in Saigon.
The next day, Peewee and Perry are sent on another patrol, but this time they are sent in by helicopter. They are sent to an area known to have active Vîet Công troops in the vicinity. It does not take long for the patrol to run into a huge unit of Vîet Công in a rice paddy. They end up getting into a firefight for their very lives. Perry and P .....
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Wright's The Man Who Loved Underground: Summary
Number of words: 337 | Number of pages: 2.... . . the rite
of separation is complete; the opposition between "aboveground" and
"underground" is firmly established" (Bloom 147). Though at times in his
journey, Daniels does go aboveground, he never again crosses that border
until the very end of the story when he goes up for the final time. Here,
Fred Daniels has not only escaped from the police for the time being but he
has also escaped from his racial definition by escaping the system.
However, though he is no longer a black man in a society ruled by whites,
he is still on the sidelines because now he is a human in an unreal
enviornment, not meant for people (Fabre 241). I .....
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The Pelican Brief: A Review
Number of words: 1398 | Number of pages: 6.... year. In 1992 his third book, The Pelican Brief was published and it
became and enormous success. At the same time "A Time to Kill" was
republished and this time it became a best-selling book. In 1993 "The
Client" was published and "The Chamber" came the year after that. His two
most recent books are "The Runaway Jury" (1996) and "The Partner" (1997).
All of his books are or will be movies, five of them already are (The
Client, The Pelican Brief, The Firm, A Time to Kill and The Chamber). In
1990 he gave up his job as a lawyer and resigned his seat in the state
Legislature to write books. Today he lives in Charlottesville, Virginia .....
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The Great Gatsby: Symbolism In Colors
Number of words: 782 | Number of pages: 3.... talking about Tom and Jordan Baker, and he is
suggesting that tom might be heading for moral decay. In the book there are
several things that Tom does that might prove this. First of all Tom is having
an affair with Myrtle Wilson. A second thing is that he does not like Gatsby,
and several times he tries to prove that he is not who he says he is. Tom even
hires a detective to prove this. Gatsby had a Rolls Royce that was yellow "His
station wagon scampered like a yellow brisk-bug . . ." (Page 39). Gatsby's car
was referred to many times in the book, but it was always referred to as "The
yellow car" (Page 157).
The color ye .....
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