Papers on Book Reports
The Role Of Women In The Odyss
Number of words: 1230 | Number of pages: 5.... and lands Odysseus visited that were inhabited by mortals were dominated by men.
In The Odyssey women are unequal, treated differently, and are considered inferior to men. Throughout the epic women are not given an appropriate amount of respect by men. The male characters of The Odyssey expect certain traits and characteristics of women that they do not expect of themselves. Men expect that the women in The Odyssey be loyal to them, and not be adulterous or seductive. When Odysseus returns to Ithaca in disguise, he expects Penelope to be faithful and loyal to him. It is doubtful that Odysseus would have stayed with Penelope if .....
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Heart Of Darkness: The Journey Into The Soul
Number of words: 1525 | Number of pages: 6.... turns and being able to find one's inner-self is very
difficult and twisted. The snake represents some of the animal imagery in
the novel. Perhaps this is a sign that the jungle is something living and
not just an ordinary jungle.
Literature's imagery helps to show the main idea through a picture
painted in one's mind. Imagery is very insightful and in Conrad's novel
there is a lot of animal and hell imagery that branches together to form
the main theme of the novel, the journey in finding one's self; the soul.
The snake as mentioned before is an image of evil. In biblical times the
snake created the evil in the story of Adam .....
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Number of words: 562 | Number of pages: 3.... reading , I understand the narrator’s feelings and predicaments. Although she is an Asian, her thinking lies more on the American side. Leila wants to move out to stay with Mason but yet she fears leaving her mother alone and also of what her mother might say in regards to a girl staying with a man before marriage. In Asian culture, cohabitation is not popular and widely accepted. In the book’s narrative hierarchy, I find the narrator placed herself at the top, always wanting or hoping that things were done her way or that she should know everything of what’s going on. Mason is placed second, while her mother is placed .....
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The Double Life In The Importa
Number of words: 1338 | Number of pages: 5.... and defining human identity. The use of earnest and Earnest is a pun, which makes the title not only more comic, but also leads to a paradox. The farce in The Importance of Being Earnest consists in the trifle that it is important not only to be earnest by nature but to have the name Earnest too. Jack realizes "the vital Importance of Being Earnest"(53) not till the end of the play. Algernon calls the act of not being earnest Bunburying which gives the plot a moral significance. Bunburying means inventing a fictitious character by which one can escape the frustrating social norms. Algernon says to Jack:
"W .....
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Say A Prayer For The Youth Of America
Number of words: 807 | Number of pages: 3.... She is miserable in all of them, but they are still better than what she had to put up with before. When she finally does reach a house which she likes, her aunt Betsy kicks her out after the weekend, telling her that Ellen was only meant to visit for two days. The torment she receives is not limited to her father. Relatives like her aunt Nadine, who blames everything her daughter Dora does on Ellen, instead of paying her the attention and love she needs, toss her around like an Christmas fruitcake no one wants. These events, though somewhat exaggerated in Ellen’s life, are all a part of growing up. Unbearable parents, relatives .....
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A Winter Dream: Judy Jones
Number of words: 527 | Number of pages: 2.... who such desire her will sacrifice life and limb for her, and she not only excepts that, but also usually makes them prove it. Judy looks out for herself only, and does anything that will benefit her. This is typical behavior from the Jazz Age, however it is taken to an extreme in this case.
Judy’s good look, and ability to manipulate men, comes with a price. She may have the looks, but she doesn’t have the intelligence to back up her perfection. A perfect example of her stupidity is shown with Dexter Green. Judy met Dexteron many occasions, in one instance only a day apart, and still did recognize him. She is obviously not the .....
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Milton Vs Pope
Number of words: 576 | Number of pages: 3.... assault a gentle Belle? / O say what stanger cause, yet unexplored, /could make a gentle Belle reject a Lord?” (Pope, ll. 7-10). This is an allusion to Adam’s rejection of Eve in Paradise Lost when he laments, “ ‘Out of my sight, thou serpent!’ ” and to Eve’s crime against God (Milton, Bk. X, l. 867). The motives of Sir Plume’s actions are now seen as similar to that of Adam and Eve’s and it sets up the crime against Clarissa as one that could not be avoided.
While Clarissa seems to be visited in her sleep by her guardian angel, it is an obvious reference to Eve’s visi .....
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The Importance Of Learning Your Heritage
Number of words: 661 | Number of pages: 3.... her heritage and her family. She was willing to visit China and meet with her two half-sisters only out of respect for her mother's wishes. Jandale should have been delighted to have the opportunity to visit China and get to know her roots and her family. The theme to this story was effectively treated in that the reader could see the reunion of the sisters, but yet could feel pain and sorrow inside of themselves.
Having the story take place in China, helped it to become more realistic for the reader. The reader can feel as Jandale traces her Chinese roots and becomes in touch with her heritage and her past. It is also possible .....
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The Significance Of Food In "Like Water For Chocolate"
Number of words: 690 | Number of pages: 3.... and magic are mixed in sparingly in the story, which revolves about
Tita, third daughter of a Elena.
The time is the early 1900's and the Mexican Revolution is raging, but
in the kitchen of the family ranch, the emphasis is on cooking. The family
servant, Nacha, Tita's surrogate mother, teaches the her secrets and makes her
the next in an ancient line of great family chefs. From Nacha and her mother
Tita learns the art of cooking. While all the food did not center around Tita,
most of it was. Even from the time of birth of Tita she was a part of the
cooking, for example when she was born and Nacha scooped up the salt left .....
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The Magic Circle
Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2.... the end. Peter turns into a strong young man who is very knowledgeable about anatomy and demons due to his studies in books.
Bala was the neighbor who convinced The Ugly One to heal people. The Ugly One was not sure if the Bala was good or evil because of her name. The letters in Bala’s name were so similar to the Devils’ names. Bala treated The Ugly one very cruelly and had no respect for her because she was a hunchback. When The Ugly One turned into a witch, Bala was very quick to turn against her and sided with the crowd.
In conclusion, was a very engaging book. It presented the background and a different pe .....
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