Papers on English
Selfishness Among Characters
Number of words: 960 | Number of pages: 4.... in the theater or going to a nice restaurant for lunch. At the end it seems that she has no recollection of her life before this day had begun. She was so wrapped up in assuming the identity of a wealthy person under false pretenses. The way that the narrator was telling the story, the main character Mrs. Sommers, both
Succeeds and fails at the same time. She succeeds in the sense of fooling people and also herself into believing that she is a member of the upper class, at the same time failing in her responsibilities to her family of being a responsible mother.
In the second story, we read by Kate Chopin, “Regret”, .....
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Taming Of The Shrew 2
Number of words: 534 | Number of pages: 2.... he is playing a mind game with her. If she does what he says and agrees with him, even if she knows he’s wrong, she will get what she wants, a loving husband, a nice home, nice clothes, food and a warm bed to sleep in. In a way she manipulates him into thinking he has won when really they are both equal.
Kate’s independence is overwhelming for the sixteenth century. Shakespeare had a very wild imagination, he creates a woman who would be respected today but is so extroverted that in it’s day and age it was almost unbelievable. To contradict you’re father or husband was unimaginable. Kate not only talks back .....
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Tortilla Flat
Number of words: 2147 | Number of pages: 8.... and events is most important in letting the reader know what is meant and how the writer wants the reader to feel about what is going on. Tone is the result of style [style recommends certain attitudes or conclusions following technical means of diction, syntax and imagery. Serious style employed to recount ridiculous events often helps establish a comic or satiric tone. Sometimes tone is achieved through contradiction. [Some types of tone are: forward, solemn, formal, informal, intimate, pompous, scholarly, angry, contemptuous, humorous, satirical, melancholy, prudish, flippant, cautious, sentimental etc.
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To Kill A Mocking Bird 2
Number of words: 1317 | Number of pages: 5.... made a foundation out of dirt and then covered it
with what snow they had. If the snowman was made completely out of snow, Jem's action would not be so
significant. Scout is very surprised when she sees the brown snowman and she exclaims: "Jem, I ain't never heard
of a nigger snowman." (72), and to this Jem replies: "He won't be black long." (72). Scout's words indicate the
strange nature of the snowman which is half-black, half-white. Jem, however did not find it peculiar and he
"scooped up some snow and began plastering it on". Gradually Mr. Avery turned white? (73). The symbol of the
snowman .....
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Beowulf And King Authur Comparison Essay
Number of words: 1016 | Number of pages: 4.... people they protect. In order to obtain maximum respect per battle, both Beowulf and Arthur enter into battle somewhat alone. Beowulf specifically asks, "That [he], alone and with the help of [his] men, / May purge all evil from [the] hall" (Beowulf, line 165-166). His request is granted by Hrothgar, King of the Danes, so he and his man enter into the battle themselves and when Grendel is defeated, the glory, love and respect belong solely to Beowulf and his men. Arthur does the same, "he met with his man and his horse, and so mounted up and dressed his shield and took his spear, and bade his chamberlain tarry ther .....
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Compare And Costrast Little Li
Number of words: 325 | Number of pages: 2.... compares Libby to a flower that dies too soon in the second stanza and then repeats it in the third. The word "little" appears eight times throughout the poem to over emphasize how little Libby is. She also tells us that her friends mourn for Libby three different times in lines 12, 16 and 17. This repetition seems to make the poem dull. Compared to Owen's poem, this poem lacks the descriptive details of her death. It concentrates more on the way she was and how she was perceived by others. Although both poems are good, Owen's poem is a far more interesting poem because I believe it is written in a more descriptive way. .....
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The Outcasts Of Poker Flat - J
Number of words: 399 | Number of pages: 2.... But not Mr. Oakhurst, he just gave him a swift kick in the stomach. That to me shows the utmost courage in the world.
Another one of John’s traits is that he is overwhelmingly modest. Mr. Oakhurst’s modesty is proven numerous times in this short story by Brett Harte. One of those times is when John puts the death card on the tree, he doesn’t boast about dying while trying to save a life. He simply states that he ran out of luck on a certain day. Another time in which John displayed modesty is when he never boasts of winning all that money during card games. He had a perfect opportunity too when he met The innocent on their .....
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Using The Student Study Sheets In The Classroom
Number of words: 2132 | Number of pages: 8.... between the most memorable passage of Jefferson's document and a parallel passage from George Mason's nearly simultaneous "Declaration of Rights" should help students appreciate that Jefferson was but one voice in a chorus reciting the reasons for self-government and, more importantly, help them tune into the special music of his voice, which has made his words seem the incantation that called our nation into being. A transcript of Jefferson's original draft for this passage is provided to illustrate for students that Jefferson worked hard to achieve the "tone and spirit" that have made his words immortal. You might under .....
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Frankenstein, Every One Needs
Number of words: 1465 | Number of pages: 6.... it not hard . . . a hope of meeting you in another world” (42). Elizabeth is expected to fill in as the role of the mother by taking care of and protecting the young children. Although she replaces the role of the mother, there is still the fact that a family member is missing. A mother is impossible to replace; you can’t have a stepmother because she will never be a replacement for an original mother. Nor can a mother be bought, but Victor uses his knowledge from Ingolstadt to create a being to fill in that missing figure.
In the later part of the novel, the monster stumbles upon a family where he learns the basics .....
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Themes In Macbeth 2
Number of words: 890 | Number of pages: 4.... evilness, of a disturbance in nature. It creates a perfect scene for the murders. Another disturbance in nature comes from Macbeth's mouth, "Now o'er the one half-world, nature seems dead.” This statement might mean that nowhere he looks, the world seems dead. It might also give him conceited ideas that the murder he is about to commit will have repercussions spreading far. The doctor says in Act V, "A great perturbation in nature," while talking about Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking. This is just another example of how nature is disturbed by human doings.
"Come, you spirits. That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here," says La .....
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