Papers on English
Theme Developed Through Motif
Number of words: 700 | Number of pages: 3.... life his father enstilled values upon him and he was unable to cope with the pressure of them. Through these events the American dream is recurring because of the constant pressure to fit in and be like the norm. Another example that deals with the American dream and how it effects your motifs is the image of the new stockings. Linda Lowman, Willy's wife has had the same pair of holey stockings for months and she is constantly repairing those holes. These holes symbolize that the persuance of the American Dream can create pain and misery. As Linda is seen darning her stockins Willy gets very agraveaated because he feels that no w .....
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My Antonia
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2.... by the way she presented herself. Jim the narrator said "Mrs. Gardener was admittedly the best-dressed woman in Black Hawk, drove the best horse, and had a smart trap and a little white-and-gold sleigh."(Page 117) Molly liked to have the best meterial goods in the town, and she liked to show them off. Mollys personality was the reason that her husband’s and her business did so well. Jim also said "…he knew that without her he would hardly be more that a clerk in some other man’s hotel."(Page 122) Molly would also go on all the business trips because she was the smarter one between her and her husband.
Lena Lingard .....
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Flight I Am A Man
Number of words: 575 | Number of pages: 3.... he was so proud, has killed a man in an accident. A man said names to Pepe that he could not allow, and before Pepe knew it, the knife "went almost by itself." Pepe is changed from boy to man with one slip of the wrist. Now Pepe must flee for his life.
The author allows a major amount of space in the story for setting.
As Pepe leaves his family, he follows harsh, rocky, and unforgiving land. A parallel to the unforgiving society he lives in. This society is now plaguing his footsteps in pursuit of his life.
Pepe rides until he is bone weary. The trails seem straight up. Food and water are very scarce. As Pepe moves up he casts .....
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Number of words: 722 | Number of pages: 3.... he could fly but he didn’t know all the rules. And instead of leaving it be until
he did he was so sure of himself that he made his attempts blindly and came to a much
quicker end than if he hadn’t tried at all.
Toward the middle of the book my ability to accept Quinn’s ideas began to waiver. I believe this began when Quinn starting explaining the whys of man’s perceived destiny through religion or man’s need to overcome his religion. Now, I do believe that religion influences everyone, even those that don’t have it. And I’ll admit that Quinn offered many great points in history to back his theories, but I believ .....
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Catcher In The Rye By Jd Salin
Number of words: 2369 | Number of pages: 9.... end of it. Spencer asks him if he's thought about his future. Then holden tells spencer that he has to go to the gym and says goodbye not feeling one bit like he was getting the hell out of pencey.
Chapter three:
*Holden reveals how much of a lyar he is. He didn't really have to go to the gym to check equipment he just wanted to get out of there. He then talks about where his room is at pencey and how its in a hall named after Ossinburger some fat guy who donated alot of money to the school. He remembers of the time when Edgar Marsalla fladulated loudly during some speach that ossiburger gave during church. He then made it t .....
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The Charlie Barber Treatment -
Number of words: 454 | Number of pages: 2.... she has no intention of letting him go.
I think Charlie is a very independent girl. “Who cares what other people think?” She also shows she is independent by being in the village without her dad.
We know that Charlie is quite caring from when she won’t give Simon any sugar for his tea. She playfully argues with him. “It’s bad for you.”
Charlie is a very clever girl. She has eleven O-levels and is going to university. Simon is clever as well so they are quite well matched.
Charlie and Simon first know for sure that they like each other when Charlie is at Simon’s house. “I neede .....
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Number of words: 1800 | Number of pages: 7.... stanza creates an image of the dull, damp autumn evening when the tea party will take place. In the rest of the poem Prufrock imagines his arrival, his attempt to converse intimately with the woman whose love he seeks, and his ultimate failure to make her understand him. Prufrock has attended such parties many times and knows how it will be, and this knowledge makes him hesitate out of fear that any attempt to push beyond mere polite conversation, to make some claim on the woman's affections, will meet with a frustratingly polite refusal.
So Prufrock simultaneously plans his approach and tells himself that he can put off the act .....
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Great Gatsby 12
Number of words: 1386 | Number of pages: 6.... ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ she asked delicately, ‘That dog. That dog’s a boy. (Dog-seller) ‘It’s a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here’s your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’ (Pg. 28) This shows that Tom does not care if he hurts the feelings of the person to whom he speaks with. Nick’s carefulness when speaking and Tom’s Carelessness reveals a lot about their morality. It shows that Nick’s morals are high he can not hurt an old man who had just lost his son; whereas Tom’s morals are so low, that he hurts a poor stranger walking down .....
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Wordsworth-shelly Comparative
Number of words: 730 | Number of pages: 3.... uses tone to depict his conception of nature, but he goes on to use personification to characterize the strength and vigor the wind possesses. He gives the wind human characteristics by referring to the wind as “her” and “she.” For example, “Her clarion over the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With loving hues and odors plain and hill,” can be paralleled with a woman tending to her garden with love and devotion. Along with a heart-rending tone and personification Shelley uses imagery to describe nature. He refers to the clouds in the sky as “ang .....
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Relationship Between Odysseus
Number of words: 636 | Number of pages: 3.... of his father, which caused a sudden out-burst of tears, and the proud and accomplished feeling he received from leaving Sparta.
Odysseus's situation was only slightly different. He, like Telemachus had his worries about family-life, and his kingdom at stake, but also had concerns about his wife, possibly triggered by the mention of Agamemnon's by Proteus, who was killed by the hands of his own wife. These factors probably had taken their toll on Odysseus.
At the same time he had the wrath of Poseidon to contend with. Another factor which could have also lead to this distress could have been his visit to the underworld, and in hi .....
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