Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Escaping Extinction - The Amer
Number of words: 1393 | Number of pages: 6.... the field of broadcasting, the focus on concerns in this essay.
All of broadcasting, but television in particular, has the most far-reaching effect on the minds of individuals and therefore on the nature of human society. Television is by far the most popular of all the media, engaging, on the average, the attention of Canadians for more than three hours a day. Children spend more time in front of a
television than in the presence of teachers. Dominant perceptions of ourselves, of others, of this country and its neighbours, of desirable lifestyles, of national and world affairs, of different ethnic, religious, and social gro .....
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Number of words: 1220 | Number of pages: 5.... closed and the number of local restaurants was reduced from 243 to 146. Richard Byron, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, describes gambling expenditures as Money Extracted From Other Consumer Spending. When come into a small community such as Atlantic City or Biloxi the people living in that community start to go there for entertainment instead of movie theaters, restaurants and other places they used to go to before. In 1994, more people went to the than went to major league baseball parks and more money was spent on than books, albums, and theme parks. It also affects real estate values, in Atlantic city th .....
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Muckraking Newspapers And Maga
Number of words: 2106 | Number of pages: 8.... type of investigative journalism that had rarely been seen before. Instead of the soft-spoken commentaries that were so common, the new journalism was filled with hard-hitting, well investigated facts. Muckrakers investigated the corruption of business, politics, and the labor movement and spread it all in front of their readers. They weren’t there to make friends or to appease the people who held power in the U.S.; they were there to make a point. They were there to point out policy and practice in America that needed changed or crushed and during the era, there were many issues to choose from.
In the late 19th century, the .....
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Opinions On Esoteric Practices
Number of words: 2842 | Number of pages: 11.... signs, 13 moon cycles to a year). The missing sign is the Snake
or serpent (dependant on where in the world you were born) and it was the
13th house of the system, fitting, if I remember correctly, on one side of
Scorpio. If anyone is claiming true accuracey and results using Astrology
they must be ignoring the current calendar and co nverting back to the
classical one. I don't doubt there are some who do just this, but they are
not the majority. Never believe Mass-marketed horoscopes in books,
magazines or newspapers...they pay no attention to the time you were born
or actual day and thus lack the information on your ascendency si .....
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Greeks Who Are They Really
Number of words: 778 | Number of pages: 3.... For example Alpha Xi Delta Sorority’s national philanthropy is “Choose Children,” which is a way for various chapters to raise money for local children organizations in their community. They also hold an annual Xi-Man competition for the fraternities on campus in order to raise money for local children’s charities.
As well as being involved with one’s fraternity or sorority, greek life helps one become involved on their campus. Leadership opportunities are made more available to the greek system. Through social interaction with your greek organization you are educated with vast opportunities of le .....
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Incineration, Is It Really Wor
Number of words: 680 | Number of pages: 3.... are applied there is still a significant amount of Carbon Dioxide and other harmful gases such as furons and dioxins being released. This makes an incinerator equivalent to a giant bonfire that burns 24hours a day, 7 days a week. This isnt good for our atmosphere, carbon dioxide can act as a greenhouse gas. We are trying not to have the icecaps melt, not encourage it. If incineration became widespread the environmental results could be devastating. We have 6 billion people living on this earth and if everyone of those peoples garbage was burned in incinerators we would all be dead soon enough.
Incineration is also inefficen .....
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The Florence Baptistery
Number of words: 1454 | Number of pages: 6.... hung on the east end, but were soon moved to the north side to make room for the final set. These final doors, by Ghiberti, have earned the name “Gates of Paradise.” The name S. Giovanni was given to the baptistery because of the remains of Piazza S Giovanni found beneath the floor in a medieval cemetery. Historians have argued the baptistery’s date for a few hundred years and it is still completely unsure what is it. The first recorded documentation of the baptistery’s existence was March 4th, 897. Many have come to agree that the original constructed was during the 6th and 7th centuries and much o .....
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Imagination And How It Relates
Number of words: 2502 | Number of pages: 10.... along with his learned skills. Imagination drives everything, makes everything
what it is.
Imagination is what is responsible for creating society. We all imagine how our lives
could be. What profession we want, house, clothing style, children. The human society is
never, and will never, be truly content with life. We always want more, better. For some
people, they want less. In my opinion, our society wants to achieve peace; to be content with
everything, to have everything they could need or want. We want to have no worries and no
stress. Every day we imagine what we want in life. A seven- .....
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Number of words: 912 | Number of pages: 4.... and purposefulness of nature. In order for humanity to attain such a
climax, everyone must imitate The Almighty's perfect profile. Aristotle's
basic philosophy deduces that humanity strives for an identical peak of
moral excellence, as judged by a higher being (Aristotle).
Existentialism declares that the individual must choose his way;
there is no predetermination. Since the universe is meaningless and absurd,
people must set their own ethical standards. The universe does not
predetermine moral rules. Each person strives toward a unique moral
perfection. The Nineteenth-Century Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, .....
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Steroids The Easy Way To Destr
Number of words: 542 | Number of pages: 2.... fast gains in muscularity and body size because they take over the body's hormone system. According to Joe Weider, publisher and editor of many bodybuilding, health and fitness magazines, "When an athlete takes steroids his body's own production of muscle building hormones is cut off. Those athletes who have taken the drug shortcut, eventually are passed by because their body can no longer function in a normal way" Some athletes take steroids for so long that when they quit, the testosterone level in their bodies is so low that they develop feminine characteristics, such as the enlargement of breast tissues. Taking steroids is .....
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