Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Cyclops: An Unusual People
Number of words: 409 | Number of pages: 2.... (31). The Cyclopes were very good
smiths (12). They forged thunderbolts for Zeus because he freed them (Schmidt
74). A war was in the midst so the Cyclopes made armor and weapons for the gods
of Olympus (Evslin 39). Even though the Cyclopes performed all of these good
deeds the people still disliked them so much that they were forced to return to
their smithy in the middle of a volcano for eternity (71). The Cyclopes lives
were filled with helpfulness to others, but they were still shunned and hated.
The Cyclopes were basically good people, but there were other Cyclopes.
Homer wrote of Cyclopes that were extremely bad. They .....
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Backpacking: A Different Way Of Camping
Number of words: 667 | Number of pages: 3.... to name a few. Provisions must be carefully
measured. If overloaded, it can affect performance while hiking to one's
destination, but if not enough provisions are carried it, will impact how long
one can last out in the wilderness. The equipment must be minute in size and
weight. Special lightweight stoves, tents, sleeping bags, and clothes must be
used when backpacking. The average weight of a full backpack is about thirty-
five pounds. A camper is completely dependent on what is in his or her backpack
to survive in nature. Reaching one's final destination for car camping and
backpacking are also very different. To get to .....
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Circular Flow Of Income Model
Number of words: 867 | Number of pages: 4.... and flood mitagation programs.The final sector of the circular flow model is the foreign sector. The foreign sector represents another set of leakages and injections in the circular flow and, therefore, another opportunity for loss of equilibrium.
The current state of the household sector is in a slight slump. The household sector is reluctant to buy goods at the cirrent point in time. The income they are recieving is lower than what it has been, which would explain the drop in consumption. There has also been a noticable drop in the amount the sector has been saving. I have based my annalysis for this sector on comments from Th .....
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Greek Myths
Number of words: 1096 | Number of pages: 4.... nature.
The word mythology has two related meanings. Firstly it refers to a collection of myths that together form a mythological system. Thus one can speak of "Egyptian Mythology", "Indian Mythology", "Maori Mythology" or "Greek Mythology". In this sense one is describing a system of myths which were used by a particular society at some particular time in human history. It is also possible to group mythologies in other ways. For example one can group them geographically and then speak of "Oceanic Mythology", "Oriental Mythology" and "African Mythology". A second meaning of the term mythology is the academic study of myths and .....
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Cultural Diversity: Campus Climates And Classroom Instruction
Number of words: 1284 | Number of pages: 5.... effectiveness of a diverse democracy and, therefore builds a mutually respectfully community.
I would like to see more diversity courses offered at the campus that encourages students to understand the concepts of culture and their ramifications, so students can use these for insights into and active engagements within a specific culture. In this effort, the students could discuss diversity courses at their learning, rather than keeping them peripheral to their knowledge, lives, and society. This curriculum could also assist students in developing an appreciation for and a growing sensitivity to cultures other than their own .....
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The Last Temptation Of Christ
Number of words: 583 | Number of pages: 3.... aggressive ways to the programmed society that surrounded him and that goes against the grain of what society teaches us today. The episode, while on the cross, where he is brought together with Mary Magdalene was something that could have been in the mind of anyone or anything (as you prefer) given the circumstances. The Portrayal of Jesus Christ by William Defoe was magnificent and I do not believe anyone else could have played Jesus the way he did and the way that Martin Scorcese was trying to convey.
Judas Iscariot was portrayed in a way that does not coincide with popular belief. He is viewed as the one who betrayed Jesus of .....
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Managing Change In Operations
Number of words: 1623 | Number of pages: 6.... and options for future development.
Managers should make use of these models and many don’t. Those that do are more likely to be successful and have the ability to minimize risk of failure. Business managers who do are far more likely to survive. For planners and non-planners there is not a single universal technique that can be applied in all situations.
Use of strategic planning models can be a very important behavior trait for successful companies. Companies that do not use strategic planning models usually don’t because the model does not offer what the customer wants. It may be inadequate because of its ana .....
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Modern Torture
Number of words: 2888 | Number of pages: 11.... of all human qualities. Torture destroys the sense of self; it confuses right and wrong; any belief in the stability of the world is taken away; "truth" becomes a word without meaning. Methods of torture are limited only by the fiendish fantasies of those whose business it is to break others down. Physical methods include beating, electric shock (especially to the genitals), stretching (as on a rack), asphyxiation techniques such as submersion in contaminated water and smothering with plastic, burning, blows to the ears, forced standing or forms of suspension, sexual assault of men and women, sometimes with trained dogs. Psyc .....
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If I Cant See God, How Do I Kn
Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3.... there exists an Intelligent One who designs and directs all things, and apart from whom the meaningful structure and ordered process of the universe would not be possible. Peter L. Berger, a modern sociologist, approaches the existence of God by suggesting empirical evidence from within an individual which he collectively refers to as Signals of Transcendence. Berger points out that we, as individuals, have an inclination to call for ultimate order; a trust that everything will be "alright." This, in itself, is a belief of something beyond "natural" reality.
On the other hand, philosophers such as Ludwig Feuerbach contended .....
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Number of words: 1113 | Number of pages: 5.... person to engage in criminal behavior. Their theory includes nine points that describe this process, all of which relate to the learning of criminal behavior, which comes from . For instance, some of the points are as follows:
"2. Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons in a process of communication.
3. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal groups.
8. The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal and anti- criminal patterns involves all of the mechanisms that are involved in any other learning" (Sutherland and Cressey, 1960:1,2). .....
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