Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Greed In Sports
Number of words: 876 | Number of pages: 4.... they averaged thirty points
a game in college, but struggle to make the transition into the pros, and
average only four points; pay up! If their egos swell so much that they are out
of control in public and do something to disgrace the organization they play
for; pay up, because the contract guarantees that they get their money.
The NFL is a breeding ground for holdout players. I think that Holdout 101,
taught by Professor X-Pro Millionaire, is a required class for all pro
football players. Rule number one: if you think you can get more money
than what your contract says, holdout. Rule number two: if you are in the
mid .....
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Male And Female Observation: T
Number of words: 698 | Number of pages: 3.... except for the very occasional high-five or handshake. In cafeterias, they sit sown as far away from each other as possible, and they talk without looking at their friend or moving towards them.
Shopping malls are a different story altogether. When men go to shopping malls together, usually it is to look for "chicks". Out of sight of a girl a man will walk a casual distance away from their friends. Yet, when a girl is within eye contact they will usually start horsing around, punching each other on the arm to impress the girl.
Woman to woman touch behavior is much different compared to men. If a woman is having lunch with her fr .....
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Road Rage -
Number of words: 908 | Number of pages: 4.... (Bowles, Scott, and Paul Overberg).
So what is this new-sprung expression that has received so much
attention in recent years? Numerous people have tried to define the term and
add some clarity to it’s meaning. Some have tried to determine it’s
psychological significance and apply it to certain people. Others have defined
the term according to traffic violations--speeding, running stoplights and
recklessness. In addition, others have tried to classify it according to poor
driving conduct such as obscene gestures and unkind words. Each of these
definitions are valid interpretations of road rage’s meani .....
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Chrysanthemums And Its Symboli
Number of words: 617 | Number of pages: 3.... chrysanthemums. She takes this also as an interest in her as well. The garden in other words is a symbol for her femininity and womanhood.
The chrysanthemums are also seen as a symbol for her heart. Her existence seemed drab, dull and inevitable. She wanted to travel the world but she knew that she should not leave her husband. She felt that her husband wasn’t taken enough care of her personally so she took care of herself in the form of her chrysanthemums. She meticulously trimmed them and transplanted them with intense care. The type of care that she felt was missing form her marriage. Later on in the story when .....
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The Channeled Scablands Of Eas
Number of words: 1010 | Number of pages: 4.... surrounded by mountains and encircled by three rivers. As the molten rock cooled it began to crack and form hexagonal patterns through out it. These joints broke up the lava in vertical columns of basalt rock. After eruptions as a whole stopped, the lava field was tilted as a unit to the southwest. Today the northeast rim is 2,300 feet taller then the southwest, creating a natural flood plan to the Columbia River. Beginning a while after the lava cooled, windblown silt, or loess, began to accumulate over the field, eventually producing the rich farmland of the Palouse hills. The silt reaches a maximum depth in the Pu .....
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Korean Traditional House
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... Korean culture is preserved.
Many thatched-roof houses have simple fences made of sticks or stones. The walls of the houses are made of mud mixed with straw. In the colder northern provinces, roofs are very thick and hang low over the house. In the warmer southern part of Korea, roofs are thinner, and windows and porches are larger.
In the Choson Kingdom, which ruled Korea from 9 to 90, there was an elite class called the yangban. They held government positions and were respected for their learning.
Many yangban homes were whitewashed with brown trim and gray tile roofs. The yangban, and all commoners, w .....
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Popularity Of Soccer Around Th
Number of words: 718 | Number of pages: 3.... “soccer” came from their name, specifically from the word “assoc”. By 1900 football teams from all different countries were playing against each other, and there was a need for a common set of rules. In 1904 the Federation Internationale de Football Association, or more commonly known as FIFA, was formed. They proposed one set of rules for all countries in the world to follow. At first there were only 7 countries that members of FIFA, but today almost every country in the world recognizes them. In the present there are more than 2 million players registered with official football organizations, and about 275,000 clubs .....
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Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3.... Differentiation of institution, practices and activities from religion
3. Transposition of norms from religion to the world
4. Desacralization of the world
5. Conformity of religion to the world
There are also causes of
1. Industrialization
2. Urbanization
3. Some beliefs and practices in Christianity may have fostered some forms of secularization
The Three separate moments of secularization
The core and central thesis of the theory of secularization is the conceptualization of the process of societal modernization as a process of functional differentiation and emancipation of the secular sphere from the religious sphere and .....
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How Should The Indian Mutiny B
Number of words: 2218 | Number of pages: 9.... January 1857 a labourer at the Dum Dum arsenal near Calcutta, a low caste Hindu, taunted a high caste Sepoy who had offended him that “You will soon lose your caste, as long as you will have to bite cartridges covered with the fat of pigs and cows” . The news of this incident spread. As it was against Muslim and Hindu religion to come into contact with these meats, it would have been a disgrace for them to have had to use these rifles. However, it was not personal pollution that the Sepoys feared but, social ostracism, they feared they would be ex communicated by their own people. Furthermore, the whole incident appear .....
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Prepubescent Strength Training
Number of words: 3019 | Number of pages: 11.... have enabled many people associated in medical and exercise sciences to take a further look at the field of prepubescent athletics and their impact on the developmental patterns of the children involved. The research in the field has provided feedback regarding the physiological, mental and social effects - negative and/or positive - that strength training influences over prepubescent growth and development.
American society has entered into an era in which strength training has become the standard and most popular method of keeping the musculature of the body in aesthetic shape. Fitness centers and personal home gyms have e .....
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