Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Institutional Patterns In Raci
Number of words: 1206 | Number of pages: 5.... perspective views society as countless encounters between human beings and everyday social activity. The fact that an interactionist would make a study based on everyday, example by example cases separates them from the other perspectives, which tend to look at the larger scheme of things. Using the above approach to the study, there are three particular questions that this article answers. First, why do individuals do the things they do? Second, do people always mean what they say? Finally, how is society experienced (what was the difference between black and white experience while shopping for a home?) The following w .....
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Number of words: 1552 | Number of pages: 6.... toward nobility."
"Belief in God is a tool to bring submission to the individual of noble character."
-- F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
Hero Morality Nietzsche had an ideal world in mind, with an ideal
government and an ideal God: the "Overman" or "Superman." These Gods were a product of natural selection, or social Darwinism. He felt, very strongly, that any kind of moral limitations upon man would only stand in the way of The Overman.
"The Will To Power," his strongest teaching, meant that The Overman should and would do anything possible to gain power, control and strength. If one showed the smal .....
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History Of Gunpowder
Number of words: 1710 | Number of pages: 7.... you would moisten it and
pound it into a cake. Then it was broken into small bits and put into a sieve to be
sifted. The pieces that came through the sieve were different shapes and would
not fit together well enough to pack tightly, so that careful packing of a cannon
was not necessary.
When a long-barreled, rifled cannon came into use, it became necessary
to slow down the burning rate of the gunpowder. Its swift explosive force would
often burst the barrel of the gun, causing the man who fired it to be in almost as
much danger as the man he was attempting to shoot. Captain Rodman of the
United States Army .....
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Stress On Police Officers
Number of words: 1904 | Number of pages: 7.... were half that of the general population. Between 1980 to the present, suicide rates in some departments almost doubled. What is the difference? You can't choke them anymore! Street justice is all but gone. Everyone has video cameras. The media gets off on putting down cops. Politicians continue to throw new laws and restrictions for police officers that further tie their hands, and you can't choke anyone with your hands tied! So you start to feel that you're choking yourself.
Lets take a quick overview of police work and look at the research of what the biggest stressors are:
· Killing someone in the line of duty.
· Hav .....
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Parts Of A Bomb
Number of words: 466 | Number of pages: 2.... to the circumstances and concealed next to their target. They may consist of explosives and a timer in a cardboard box or some other inconspicuous casing.
Without fins to stabilize them in flight, bombs would be almost impossible to aim. The fins transform a bomb from an unstable nonspinning projectile into a stable spinning weapon that travels through the air like a bullet.
There are two types of bomb fuzes. An impact fuze detonates a bomb when the projectile strikes its target, and a time fuze acts after a controlled delay. An impact fuze contains a charge that goes off at once, transmitting shock waves to the bomb's primary c .....
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Descartes And The Existence Of
Number of words: 1062 | Number of pages: 4.... the second, through feeling a value that is independent of the will of the object; and the third, the objective reality of an idea, or the “cause and effect profile.” The third point is the one that we will primarily spend our time with.
Descartes drills us with the idea that an object will have an effect when it stems from a legitimate cause, or an initial idea that precedes with equal or superior properties in one’s intellect. In other words, the mind generates thoughts and ideas about a physical form, and develops a reality for this form, through previous schema and beliefs.
“And although an idea .....
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Personal Growth Experience
Number of words: 654 | Number of pages: 3.... other parts of the world as a higher education. For him to have a better education, a better standard of living, and for him to have what we never had, we had to give up our lives in Brazil. As the years went by I was always there for my son. Through my eyes as he grows older, he is still the little boy that I held in my arms for the first time. In his teenage years I have seen him grow further away from me. Every day when he gets home he goes to his room without talking to me, or saying anything about his day. I guess that is what all kids go through in these years, because of the stage of exploration of new things in life .....
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Number of words: 1871 | Number of pages: 7.... result of returning to REM sleep directly from an awakening with unbroken reflective consciousness (LaBerge, 1985). These types of lucid dreams occur most often during daytime napping. If the napper has been REM deprived from a previous night of little sleep their chances of having a REM period at sleep onset are increased. If the napper is able to continue his or her train of thought up to the point of sleep, a lucid dream may develop due to an immediate REM period. The basic definition of lucid requires nothing more than the dreamer becoming aware that they are . However, the quality of lucidity varies greatly. When lucidity is .....
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American Dream
Number of words: 1538 | Number of pages: 6.... and think. Advertisers start this form of brainwashing on us at a very early age. They lay the groundwork of ideals early on because it is easy to persuade a child. Now, with the two income family, children are left to interpret not only advertisements but television programming as well without supervision. Children are forced to make their own evaluations and most of the time they go along with the views of what they see. How many times do children want something because they saw it on television? With the unending viewing of shows and advertisements who could blame them. By age twenty, Americans have viewed an estimated half .....
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Number of words: 1619 | Number of pages: 6.... I know. She likes me for who I really am and
doesn’t laugh at me for mistakes I make, or ever criticizes me for anything I do. She is
always there with a compliment or telling me how good of a job I did on something. She
is always there to listen to me when I have get something off my chest. I don’t know
what I would do with out her. At the current moment, the only people I love with my
heart are Jodi, my mother and father, and my two siblings Jordan and Erin. I don’t like to
admit it, but its the truth. Like any son or daughter, I would be devastated if anything
ever happened to them before their .....
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