Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Question Of An Answer: What It Is To Be Human
Number of words: 1871 | Number of pages: 7.... our "being" that are intangible. Take thoughts, dreams, and
things of the like. We know they exist, yet they are unable to be inspected
scientifically (to any valuable degree at least). The distinction between
beliefs begins here. How one views this intangible side of life with respect to
the tangible, is the factor that defines one's beliefs.
There are several ways in which one may view the body. A dualist is one
who views the body and mind, or tangible and intangible, as two separate
intities existing together to form one being. The principle of "Cogito, ergo
sum," or in english, "I think, therefore I am." The "I" mean .....
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Witchcraft 2
Number of words: 3301 | Number of pages: 13.... witchcraft is simply “devil-worship” or just plain sin. However, the secular definition is somewhere along the lines of “cool,” “trendy,” and “new.” Although these are the main meanings of the term “witch craft,” there are also some other definitions within different cultures, such as Indian medicine men, also known as witch doctors, who are believed to have magical powers that can heal the sick. Different time periods and religions also alter the meaning of witch or witchcraft.
The history of witchcraft dates back all the way to the thirteenth century. During the 13th .....
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The Existence Of God: Theories Of Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, And William Paley
Number of words: 2237 | Number of pages: 9.... anguish of
losing a loved one.
In the Bible, a book meant to be the word of God, condemns such things
as murder, adultery and theft. I find it hard to believe that an all-powerful,
all-knowing, infinitely-good being that “created” this world and everything in
it would allow any of these things to occur. He would not only condemn them in
an ancient book, but abolish them altogether along with any other things evil.
If God is supposed to be the “heavenly father” wouldn't he want and impose onto
his children his goodness and weed out all evil?
Aquinas also shows this non-existence through Objective 2 where he
writes how i .....
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Hot Springs National Park
Number of words: 1038 | Number of pages: 4.... has it that the first Europeans to see the springs were the Spanish explorer Hernando deSoto and his troops in 1541. French trappers, hunters, and traders became familiar with the area in the late-l7th century. In 1803 the United States acquired the area when it purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, and the very next year President Thomas Jefferson dispatched an expedition led by William Dunbar and George Hunter to explore the newly acquired springs. Their report to the President was widely publicized and stirred up interest in the "Hot Springs of the Washita."
In the years that followed, more and more people came here t .....
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Euclidean Geometry
Number of words: 387 | Number of pages: 2.... Anyone who cannot tell a good proof from a bad one may easily be
persuaded in the wrong direction. Geometry provides a simplified universe, where
points and lines obey believable rules and where conclusions are easily verified.
By first studying how to reason in this simplified universe, people can
eventually, through practice and experience, learn how to reason in a
complicated world.
Geometry in ancient times was recognized as part of everyone's education.
Early Greek philosophers asked that no one come to their schools who had not
learned the 'Elements' of Euclid. There were, and still are, many who resisted .....
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Endangered Whales
Number of words: 659 | Number of pages: 3.... must be as painful to whales ears as a truck on a highway is to human’s ears.
The decimation of great whales has been going on for centuries, one species after another hunted to levels so low that it is no longer profitable to hunt them. As early as the eighteenth century the Basques of northern Spain hunted the Atlantic Right Whale for meat and whalebone. It was so named by English whalers because it was "right" for their purpose, easy to kill, peaceful and slow moving, feeding in shallow coastal water on plankton and krill, which is strained through its baleen plates. The Atlantic Right Whale was eliminated from the Europea .....
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Inclusion Of Handicapped Students In Public Education And Politics
Number of words: 2084 | Number of pages: 8.... There were no toys in the rooms, the children were neglected day after day, and most died at a very young age, much to the relief of their families.
These newscasts also told of other horror stories. Finn (1996) writes that children were abused, burned and beaten by institutional caretakers, but the alternative was perhaps even worse. Horror stories emerged about handicapped children being locked up in attics and cellars by their families, neglected and without food; the families were just waiting for the children to die. An additional problem was that most of the parents of these children could not afford to provide any o .....
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Do Trends Ever Really Die
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2.... freedom.
A lonesome teenager will enter a thrift store in search of clothes for “Nineties Day” at school. The teenager will stumble upon some baggy pants, just like the ones worn now, and buy them for his or her outfit. The pants will be a huge hit, forcing fashion designers to rush to the sewing machine, or some other new sewing invention,
and produce as many as possible. They will be worn mostly by teenagers, and also adult men going through a mid life crisis. The new and improved baggy pants will be sold at any local clothing store and also at Target and Wal-Mart.
In the year 2020 many people will become tired of the fa .....
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The Media As An Institution
Number of words: 1418 | Number of pages: 6.... growth since the first daily newspaper for the ‘common man’ was produced on 4 May 1896. ‘The Daily Mail’ was a halfpenny paper of eight pages with advertisements on the front cover and was described as ‘A Penny Newspaper for One Halfpenny’ and ‘The Busy Man’s Daily Journal’. The Daily Mail reported on domestic and foreign news items, political gossip, society, sport and the stock exchange. The Daily Mail was also the first newspaper to include a number of features for women.
In Australia the daily newspaper continues to be a major part of the media industry. The hi .....
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Does Plato Believe There Can Ever Be A Just Society?
Number of words: 636 | Number of pages: 3.... A society must be fit, participation in athletics, they need to be
sensitive to prose poetry, and have knowledge of mathematics and science.
Education can not be on specialties, but everything mind, spirit, and body.
Having a well rounded education will help people to communicate in all areas.
The more you know in many different areas the better over all communication a
society has. One of the reason there are inequalities in a society is due to
lack of knowledge. Everyone in the society must to some extent be a philosopher
because they seek education and knowledge. A just society must also have a just
ruler. A just r .....
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