Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Number of words: 1423 | Number of pages: 6.... camps to look for new methods to log as much forest in the quickest amount of time possible. Carter, the boss-logger, money hungry man that he was, got his loggers
only to fell trees that were close to shore. As Grainger explains, "In those days good timber was plentiful- good timber, on sea-coast slopes, that could be felled and shot right down to water- hand-loggers' timber." Most boss-loggers of the early 1900's were looking to make cash and make it fast.
A typical logging camp at the turn of the century consisted of approximately a dozen men. The tools used by these loggers were not particularly developed as would ha .....
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Cancer Ward The Old Doctor
Number of words: 2186 | Number of pages: 8.... is not only literally true but shows a truth of greater glory and truth of the spirit. Dante used the example:
“...in the departure of the people of Israel from Egypt,
Judea was made holy and free. [7] For even though
the literal truth of this passage is clear, what it means
spiritually is no less true, that in the departure of the
soul from sin, it is made holy and free.” [8]
The doctor lives in a better-than-average home in a nice neighborhood. It is full of things from his past and is well maintained. He has an old Grand piano and there are many books on the shelves. Some of these books were recently acquired by O .....
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What Is An Education?
Number of words: 956 | Number of pages: 4.... unless one has at least a high school diploma there is no future anywhere
for him. This is completely untrue. There is no guarantee that getting a high
school "education" is going to get you anywhere. A student may spend eight
years between high school and college getting an "education." He can graduate
from college with A's in every class, but still, this "education" means nothing.
For example, suppose this "Straight A" student goes for a job interview.
Obviously one of the first things to be looked at is the college diploma. Good
grades, which by today's standards are an indication of an educated individual,
are usually ver .....
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Number of words: 1236 | Number of pages: 5.... Gift of Athena"
Long, long ago, when this old world was a very young place, and when the few
people there were had just begun to live together in groups for their own
protection, the great gods selected the places for humans to build the cities.
They looked down upon the earth, through the clouds that shrouded their home on
the very peak of the high mountain called Olympus, and they chose the sites they
thought would provide everything mortals needed to live and prosper. Now, each
god and goddess was eager to have a great city built in his or her honor, and so
the prime locations-the very best places for the great cities t .....
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Multinational Companies
Number of words: 2001 | Number of pages: 8.... outside the lifeboat are the less fortunate citizens of the world swimming around the lifeboat wanting to get in, or at least wanting to share some of the wealth with the well off. What should the rich do? In the heart of all of this are the that practically control every developing country in the world. These companies have a very significant impact on who lives and who dies, and at the same time, they have a grim grip on the needy nations of the world all in the name of profit. These multinationals exploit the people of these countries as well as their land by the practice of slave labour in both China and the Dominican Repu .....
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Is The Point To Life Love?
Number of words: 636 | Number of pages: 3.... and getting high were always on mind. Now all that?s on my constantly active mind is love and because of my Jewish heritage how to make as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time. I think that think that the overall point to life is to experience emotions.
It is these emotions of our life that make up our life. If you think logically if there is no emotions there is no life all. God gave us such a functional brain for a reason that reason is to have a point to life. If we did not have emotions we would be like a lifeless ant. An ant is an incest that follows the same daily routine. It goes finds food brings it to t .....
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Number of words: 2296 | Number of pages: 9.... is the next process, or where the work goes next. A buyer’s customer is the associate in the department to whom the purchased item goes; a cost accountant’s customer is the manager who uses the accounting operations-where the design will be produced or the service provided. It is also clear that throughout the organization, people not only have customers, they are customers. Let’s turn our attention to what customers want. A Short List of Basic Customer Wants The requirement is a recipient’s or customer’s view of a good or service. A close partnership with the customer’s actual requirements. A close partnership wit .....
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The Praise And Strife Of A Her
Number of words: 746 | Number of pages: 3.... level, perceived as being helpful or as being harmful, depending on the character’s viewpoint. People are regularly regarded as having traits ranging from the most trivial as being a perfectionist, to the most weighty, such as being a coward. These traits form the basis of human personality and define the individual’s personal nature. Ideal heroes are perceived differently in different periods of history. In Chaucer’s Prologue of the Canterbury Tales a worthy man is described. He is a chivalrous knight who prided himself on his own personal truth, honor, freedom, and courtesy. Chaucer’s view of a hero is on .....
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Definition Essay
Number of words: 627 | Number of pages: 3.... as one who is ignorant and is involved with the usage of drugs, or most often referred to as the “beach bum”.
When people look at surfers all that comes to mind is ignorance, drugs, parties, so forth and so on, but little do they know that surfers are always amongst them doctors, lawyers, teachers, and even their own kids. Surfers are one of the most peace minded and charismatic types of people. Ten percent of the Australian population surfs. Most Doctors are repeatedly saying, “surfing is the ultimate stress reliever.” I will tell you one thing though, if I ever have a problem it automatically disappears from m .....
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College Football-bcs
Number of words: 951 | Number of pages: 4.... NCAA is called the Bowl Championship Series or BCS
for short.
The Bowl Championship Series is a point system that selects what college football teams will play in one of the four major bowls. The bowls in the BCS include: the Rose Bowl, the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, the Nokia Sugar Bowl, and the FedEx Orange Bowl. Not only does the BCS decide who plays in those bowls, but also who will play for the right to be crowned national champions.
The way the system works is somewhat complicated but very effective. Points are awarded by a formula with a combination of poll rankings, computer averages, strength of schedule, and losses. Al .....
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