Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Dysfunctional Families In Cana
Number of words: 866 | Number of pages: 4.... Stevie’s father would be “...pounding on the walls with his fists
and swearing and crying all at the same time...” (pg. 195) The parent/child role reversal ,
the lack of structure, discipline, and authority in the home and the violent episodes
demonstrate the degree of dysfunction in this family.
“Fall of a City” depicts the dysfunctional relationship between Teddy and his guardians.
Teddy’s aunt is constantly ordering him around. After asking Teddy what he was doing in
the attic she says very harshly “Well, young man, you better wipe that scowl off your
face and march to the bathroom and get re .....
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Fibonacci Numbers
Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3.... Some of them were Practica geometriae in 1220 and Liber quadratorum in
The Fibonacci sequence is also used in the Pascal trianle. The sum of
each diagnal row is a fibonacci number. They are also in the right sequence:
Fibonacci sequence has been a big factor in many patterns of things in
nature. One has found that the fractions u/v representing the screw-like
arrangement of leaves quite often are members of the fibonacci sequence. On many
plants, the number of petals is a Fibonacci number: buttercups have 5 petals;
lilies and iris have 3 petals; some delphiniums have 8; corn marigo .....
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Number of words: 1195 | Number of pages: 5.... shallow--only three lakes are deeper than about 300 feet. Saimaa itself drains into the much larger Lake Ladoga in Russian territory via the Vuoksi (Vuoksa) River. Drainage from 's eastern uplands is through the lake system of Russian Karelia to the White Sea.
is heavily forested and contains some 55,000 lakes, numerous rivers, and extensive areas of marshland; viewed from the air, looks like an intricate blue and green jigsaw puzzle. Except in the northwest, relief features do not vary greatly, and travelers on the ground or on the water can rarely see beyond the trees. The landscape nevertheless possesses a striking beauty.
T .....
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In Process Randd
Number of words: 2347 | Number of pages: 9.... and development for products not yet developed, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) allow the acquirer to allocate a portion of the purchase price to IPR&D. If IPR&D were an asset, it would have to be subtracted little by little from future earnings. Amounts paid in the business combination are written-off immediately as purchased R&D. A large up-front write-off avoids future amortization and depreciation expense. Since the rules are not yet clear, and there is still some question as to whether IPR&D is an asset, a company can simply take an excessive loss up-front to the benefit of future periods. The misle .....
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Zen's Influence On The Art Of The Sword
Number of words: 346 | Number of pages: 2.... something familiar to the warrior. And what is more familiar
to a warrior than his weapon, most often a sword such as a tachi (long-blade),
katana, or iaito? From the first time that a samurai blade is picked up by its
owner until the day the owner dies, it is his goal to so completely master the
blade and make it as much a part of him as his own hand that there is seemingly
no effort in using it. As stated by Takuan, a Zen master from the Tokugawa
period, “you must follow the movement of the sword in the hands of the enemy,
leaving your mind free to make its own counter-movement without your interfering
deliberation.” Herein .....
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Rationalism And Religion
Number of words: 1059 | Number of pages: 4.... the religion. Many rationalistic views come from ones own interpretation of the Koran. According to Abdullah Ibn Abbas, "He who speaks about the Koran on the basis of his personal opinion only, will find his abode in hell fire." Because of the strong faith of many in Islam, rationalistic views are often condemned. An important element of my argument would be the topic of faith. Many rationalists in the religion believe that faith does not have to be "physically" shown. Those who demonstrate their rational beliefs do not "physically" believe. Rationalists can just think of God and say that they are one with God. They ques .....
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The DHC-6 Twin Otter
Number of words: 529 | Number of pages: 2.... in the DH3-3 Otter, originally called the King Beaver. According to Max Ward, long-time user of DHC aircraft and founder of Wardair, "The Otter changed the whole transportation picture in the Arctic…For the first time we could carry full sheets of plywood."
However, with changing needs of bush and utility operations in Canada's northern regions, it wasn't long before appeals came for a safer twin-engine version with an even larger payload. DHC accepted the challenge and, utilizing the newly developed turbo-prop engine system, produced a twin-engine Otter passenger plane. Not only was performance improved markedly - th .....
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The Guam Flag (description)
Number of words: 525 | Number of pages: 2.... river channel flows into the sea and is surrounded by unfertile yellow orange sand on each side. To the right of the oval sits a coconut tree with its brown trunk slightly bent to the left and then straightened into the sky. The green fronds on the tree spreads into the sky with its fruit nestled in the center of the fronds. The Flying Proa, a seagoing craft built by the Chamorro people measures three inches by one-half inch, the base is red with five yellow orange half circles one-quarter inch apart, with a white sail, raised and anchored in the middle of the sea. On the background, a common tourist attraction known as Two Lover .....
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Living With Parents Vs. Living
Number of words: 346 | Number of pages: 2.... And you can clean the house under your own standards of cleanliness, not your mom’s.
The new freedom comes with a greater responsibility as well. Living alone, you’llbe facing the combined wrath of the dirty dishes, the laundry, and all kinds of new bills to pay. And you can’t ask your parents for financial assistance, it will only prove to them thatyou can’t make it out on your own.
While moving out on your own is a big step for most young people, it is also alearning experience that willl help them to realize just what it takes to survive in the real world. Every young person should realize that livin .....
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Wal-mart And Its Market Struct
Number of words: 592 | Number of pages: 3.... the people from the suburbs would come to them, which is exactly what ended up happening. Their simple strategy worked; one store would cater to several different towns.
In less than three decades of existence, Wal-Mart grew from a single small discount store in Rogers, Arkansas, to the largest retailer in the nation. This title was previously held by Sears Roebuck and Co., but during the early 1990's they were surpassed by Wal-Mart and Kmart. Sears has since regained the number two spot as the nation's leading retailers, but it appears that Wal-Mart may never be caught.
A prime example why they may never catch Wal-Mart is by .....
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