Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Romance Of Lace
Number of words: 818 | Number of pages: 3.... are once again beginning to appreciate the intricacy and workmanship of lace,” said Tackett.
The ways lace is used today might surprise some of its creators. Lace hankies are used as curtains hanging from a ribbon or clothesline. Or they’re used as decorative elements on pillows…or sewed together to form quilts or coverlets. Some use them to trim cabinets, adding a touch or elegance or softness.
Even items of clothing, particularly baby clothes, have found a second life as design elements.
“A lot of people like baby clothes to hang in nurseries or to add a touch of softness or whimsy to a .....
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The Disproof (and Proof) Of Ev
Number of words: 1944 | Number of pages: 8.... is reality?
Well, there are many explanations and theories about this, but I based
mine on what I can observe and how I perceive things as a whole. Reality, as we know it seems to be made up of various dimensions. Most people will say reality is three dimensional, but it's really more than that. Time is often considered a fourth dimension, and some people say that there are at least eight known dimensions, possibly as many as thirty. However, it will be easier to start with dimensions from the ground up. Let us start with zero dimensions. A zero dimensional reality is a point. It does not extend in any direction, it is one po .....
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Men, What Are We
Number of words: 516 | Number of pages: 2.... best gene to the next line of youth. We also do that. But that doesn’t explain the cruel behavior to “unusual” people. We are developed mostly with love, from our families and we hate. We all went though when we were bugged, and battered. Yet, when the time comes and the table has turned to another, we join and show cruelty. There is no animal that behaves like us. Men are trying to survive to, get good job, and give the beast for family. In nature more likely then less there is a born instinct, instinct to eat, run, and swim up the river when time to lay eggs, and instinct to kill. No matter what there is an individual whom .....
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Memory, Expanding Your Mind
Number of words: 941 | Number of pages: 4.... on the amount of attention a person gives to something depends on how well a person will remember that fact or event. Beginning at the age of 50, people of similar ages begin to differentiate more and more from one another in their mental performance. Some memories drop noticeably, but many stay the same or even rise. Most investigators agree that no mental decline occurs before the age of 65 or 70 that affects a person's ability to function in the real world (Schrof 89). In many societies today, such as in China, elders are considered the wisest amongst their people, and are very well respected. There are many elderly people who .....
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Mcdonaldization Of Society
Number of words: 1960 | Number of pages: 8.... the simplest
food there is to make. Other foods also do not need a lot of ingredients, and they are
simple to make and to eat. Most of the food is also prepared so one can eat it with their
hands, thereby reducing the need for utensils. In the process of McDonaldization,
consumers are forced to do a good deal of work as well. They have to stand on line,
carry their own food, and throw out the garbage. This is not as efficient for the
consumer, but it saves time for the workers. Education, health care, and the work place
are all becoming McDonaldalized in order to become more efficient. Efficiency in
McDonaldization .....
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Company Mergers
Number of words: 1115 | Number of pages: 5.... $1.6 trillion, according to Securities Data Company, a research organization in Newark, NJ The number of deals has more than doubled since 1990, when 5,654 transactions were reported.
In most merger and acquisition cases, the parties involved follow a well-established mating ritual called due diligence, which allows them to explore the merits of the marriage. Behind the scenes, lawyers, accountants and high-priced financial analysts join with top executives to make sure the move is strategically and financially smart.
Although predicted synergy’s point to handsome profits down the road, when the earnings reports s .....
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Importance Of Fractal Geometry
Number of words: 910 | Number of pages: 4.... of a Very simple, two-line generating formula does not have to be a dry and cold abstraction. When the output was what is now called a fractal, no one called it artificial. Fractals suddenly broadened the realm in which understanding can be based on a plain physical basis. (McGuire, Foreword by Benoit Mandelbrot) A fractal is a geometric shape that is complex and detailed at every level of magnification, as well as self-similar. Self-similarity is something looking the same over all ranges of scale, meaning a small portion of a fractal can be viewed as a microcosm of the larger fractal. One of the simplest examples of a fractal .....
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Dave Matthews Band
Number of words: 1504 | Number of pages: 6.... rehearsals in basements, they were ready to play in public. The first gig was May 11, 1991 at a party on the roof of an apartment building in Charlottesville. About 40 people were in attendance that night. Their first open-to-the-public performance was at the 1991 Earth Day Festival on Charlottesville, Virginia's Downtown Mall. That exposure led to regular Tuesday night gigs at a small restaurant called Eastern Standard. Before long, the largest music club in town had them playing Tuesday night gigs filling the club to capacity with locals and University of Virginia students week after week. As word spread, the band was pla .....
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Harmful Effects Of Being Stere
Number of words: 314 | Number of pages: 2.... tried to no avail. For example, I have a cousin; she is a little bit overweight for her age. One day, she was eating and her toher cousin called her "Pig". She got really mad and did not talk to him for a week. She felt sad about it and tried to go on a diet, which is hard for her. She would not eat anything for a couple days. Sometimes they feel really depressed aobut what people say about them.
Low self-esteem can cause emotional stress. Emotional stress can cause low self-esteem, which only perpetuates adn compounds their problem. Therefore, one should always consider the feeling of others before thoughtlessly stereo .....
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Rules On Golf
Number of words: 416 | Number of pages: 2.... try to kill the ball the first time becasue this might only lead to more discomfort. Start with just tring to make contact with the ball. Then comes the hard part and that is tring to get the ball on the putting surface for the first time and this will be very difficult but you must remember that putting is no push over. When putting take your time and really try because most people don't realize that putting might be the greatest thing to master in golf. How many times have you seen great player's on TV miss short putts well if you haven't watched much golf just start watching it. Always work on your game is my last bit of a .....
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