Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Mock Stock Portfolio
Number of words: 644 | Number of pages: 3.... by using securities with characteristics similar to your benchmark. Characteristics of similarity range from market sector, company size, yield to maturity, and the riskiness of the asset. Since the pension fund is in the growth stage of its life and the benchmark the class would be comparing their returns to is the S&P 500, my asset selection consisted of the given 25 common stocks, 4 mutual funds, and currency. In addition to these I purchased 4 more stocks three of which are still in the portfolio (see Appendix B) and performed one currency swap.
We see in table 9-2 of Investment Management that the asset mix for the top 1, .....
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College Life
Number of words: 490 | Number of pages: 2.... want to go and how do I plan on achieving to become successful are just a few of the many questions that run through my mind as I plan for . All of these are small hurdles; compared to the biggest question of all, what career path do you want to take? My answer, I don’t know. This makes my most important race of all. The next for years in college will help me discover and determine how I plan the rest of my life. I don’t just plan on learning, but also expanding my sense of what the real world is like. I have the rest of my life to choose the right career, but I have these next four years to teach me how to survive in order t .....
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Descartes Existence Of God
Number of words: 598 | Number of pages: 3.... for truth and certainty.
Descartes second meditation gives a definite certainty for which to use as his foundation to build his beliefs. Then his third meditation proves the existence of God and the external world, while disproving the evil genius theory. That definite certainty that cannot be doubted, is the fact that I exist. Whenever I utter or think “I am” I know this to be absolutely true, without doubt. From this definite foundation Descartes tries to prove that there is something external to the mind. So he states the law of casualty. This basically says that nothing can be created from nothing, and that the less p .....
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Piece Of The Pie
Number of words: 1862 | Number of pages: 7.... are most often carried out to ridiculous lengths which
ultimately do not serve the purpose they are intended to have. For example,
Northwestern University has an aspiring young actor named Darnell Autry who also
happens to be the starting running back for the University's football team.
Darnell was offered a role, based entirely on his acting abilities, in a major
network's sitcom. The NCAA nearly forbid him from accepting this offer based on
the regulations against athlete employment. Darnell was eventually allowed to
accept the job, however, the NCAA did not allow him to get paid for his work.
They reasoned that the cost of t .....
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Schools 2
Number of words: 681 | Number of pages: 3.... are in form 6. All the lessons in the primary and secondary schools are, with the exception of the English lesson, are conducted in Malay.
There is only one type of Tamil school in Malaysia and they are the government ones. Tamil schools are very much like the Malay schools with the exception that all lessons except English and Malay are in Tamil. Their syllabus is a lot like the syllabus of the Malay schools. The only difference is that they have to enter a Malay school when they go to form one. They normally spend a year in a special class after they finish the UPSR examination so that they can cope with the high standard of Mal .....
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Comparative Harms Of Legal And
Number of words: 3398 | Number of pages: 13.... narcotics unless the drug was prescribed by a doctor (Drugs 79). The next major act the came about to try and enforce drugs was in 1970. It was the Controlled Substances Act and the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act. These two acts created schedules for drugs amended the penalties for violation and also gave strength to the regulation of the pharmaceutical industry. What the federal government meant for these acts to do was act as a model for the states legislation to follow, and more often than not have been followed (Drugs 82). Then during the beginning of the 1980’s the government began what is known as the .....
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Effects Of Graffiti 2
Number of words: 1516 | Number of pages: 6.... on the wall), the form graffito would be etymologically correct but might strike some readers as pedantic outside an archaeological context. There is no substitute for the singular use of graffiti when the word is used as a mass noun to refer to inscriptions in general or to the related social phenomenon. The sentence Graffiti is a major problem for the Transit Authority Police cannot be reworded Graffito is . . . (since graffito can refer only to a particular inscription) or Graffiti are . . . ,which suggests that the police problem involves only the physical marks and not the larger issue of vandalism. In such contexts, the u .....
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High School Drop-outs: Cause And Effect
Number of words: 398 | Number of pages: 2.... future.
Sometimes teens drop-out because of a lack of fear instilled into them by
their parents. Many teens have little or no parental supervision. Coupled
with a lack of communication skills between parents and teens, the result
can be a lack of involvement with school.
There is an absence of effort put forth by many of today's students.
They seem quite lackadaisical and have no discipline when it comes to
their studies. Continual failure is often a prescription for tremendous
overload and stress. It tends to amount to the self-fulfilling prophecy
of dropping-out. Dropping-out is their only escape.
Dropping-out can be .....
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The Last Day Of The Year
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... silence, O deep night! Is there an open eye?” (Droste-Hulshoff 5-7) is one example of how she considers the era of women’s oppression at its end. Another example is the following quote: “ My life breaks down somewhere in the circle of this year. Long have I known decay. Yet my heart in love glows under the huge stone of passion” (Droste-Hulshoff 37-42). She has felt this persecution for all of her life, but she still prospers as a individual and waits with short patience for her time to come.
At one point in this poem, Droste-Hulshoff speaks to an unidentified second party. “You, child of sin, h .....
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Mothers That Work
Number of words: 1262 | Number of pages: 5.... presence. This belief is no longer true. Studies have shown, “Despite the declining population of young people, the number and proportion of children with working mothers rose steadily during the past decade” (Kamerman 13). In fact, “1979 was the first time more U.S. children lived in families with a mother in the labor force than in families with a mother who was a full-time homemaker” (Kamerman 13). Mothers no longer have to worry; they are free to choose the career path they want to follow. Mothers can make this decision with confidence because experts believe that a mother who works has a positive effect on he .....
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