Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Medical Budget Spending
Number of words: 570 | Number of pages: 3.... Hospital Insurance (HI) or Supplementary
Medical Insurance (SMI) trust funds. The proposal includes an evaluation
after three years to consider whether to expand the demonstration.
Aid for the territories: The budget proposes $153 million in
increased funding under CHIP for Puerto Rico and the other
four territories, fulfilling the President's promise to
provide more equitable funding for children's health care in
the insular areas.
Health insurance for legal immigrant children: The budget
would give States the option to provide health coverage to .....
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Carnieros Theory
Number of words: 450 | Number of pages: 2.... and existence of states. Environmental Circumscription is obtaining the good, scarce land from the surrounding dry land and being able to maintain and keep it from surrounding states.
Social Circumscription can also be a deciding factor on the length of existence of each state. It is the relative closeness of a group of people, that results in everyday confrontations and increases chances of fighting. The last factor is Resource Concentration. This is one of the most prominent reasons behind war. When a certain
area or state has certain resources that others do not, conflict arises. Trading may occur for a period of t .....
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The Communication Of Cyberspac
Number of words: 1184 | Number of pages: 5.... people use correct, if any, punctuation. Here is an example of poor grammar and punctuation from on of the thousands of chat rooms on IRC, Internet Relay Chat, "Ms_grace:[her nick] looking forward for that PAN AM game". The question mark is the most frequently used because it can be difficult to distinguish between a question and a statement without the help of syllable emphasis. These changes in communication styles have several reasons and purposes. The first reason is that using conventional sentence structure would require a too much time to type and correct if need be, to maintain a steady conversation. Very few people h .....
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American Red Cross
Number of words: 482 | Number of pages: 2.... As a symbol of neutrality, the Red Cross insignia was adopted at this first International Conference and was to be used by national relief societies. The representatives of twelve governments, in August 1864, signed the First Geneva Convention Treaty. The extraordinary efforts of Henry Dunant led to the eventual establishment of the International Red Cross.
In 1881, due to the dedication and devotion of Clara Barton the American Red Cross was established. Today, the organization’s actions, guided by its dedication to humanity and a desire to promote mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst .....
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Number of words: 602 | Number of pages: 3.... strains they can get to the market quickly. Careful and
attentive raising is non existent. The leaves are quickly dried and
thrown into boxes for shipment to the rolling factory.
Fine cigars are hand rolled, whereas all cigarettes are machine
rolled. Including the type and quality of the leaf, rolling is the
ultimate judge of whether a cigar is good or bad. Cigar companies go to
great pains to be sure they hire only the best "Torcedores" (cigar
rollers). If a cigar is underfilled it will burn hot and harsh; if it is
overfilled it is "Plugged" and will not draw. To be sure that the cigars
are of the best quality, one o .....
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Number of words: 923 | Number of pages: 4.... The money made from this should be given to the poor in forms of programs and financial aid. Another way the government can help better the people is to tax people according to how much money they earn. If a person makes over a certain level of income then the government should make it mandatory to donate so much of their money to a charity that can help people less fortunate. For instance, Bill Gates is the wealthiest man in the world. He has a net worth that topples over ninety billion dollars. If he were to donate thirty billion dollars in helping out the poor, he could place hundreds of people in homes and sti .....
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Types Of Skiing
Number of words: 3300 | Number of pages: 12.... at Lees Acres, France, in April 1984.
In slalom competitors race downhill through a series of gates
represented by pairs of poles. The flags on the gates are either red or blue.
There are three types of events: Slalom, Giant Slalom, and Super-G. Slalom
has many gates and tight turns. Giant Slalom has fewer gates and wider turns.
Super-G is a combination of Giant Slalom and downhill racing.
Getting through the gates of a slalom course calls for great balance and
skill. Races are won on the fastest time, as in downhill, but if a gate is
missed or taken wrongly it means disqualification of the racer. Olympic s .....
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Why Do Convenient Stores Have Locks On Their Doors If They Are Always Open?
Number of words: 611 | Number of pages: 3.... store and gets it ready for the first customers of the day. This
situation would never happen at a store that is open all the time because there
always has to be someone working.
On a rare occasion, the store might need to the lock the doors if
someone outside is causing trouble. However, if they locked the doors and
wouldn't let any customers in they would be lying saying that they're open 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Doing this would cause the
store to lose money because no one could then get into the store.
By adding locks onto the doors would also make people think that
sometimes they do close, li .....
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Hopes And Dreams
Number of words: 736 | Number of pages: 3.... will always be with us, its something we must learn to live with. So we build more prisons and hire more police to protect us from the underclass. Unfortunately we forgot to ask ourselves a very important question, is that the way to cooperate with the poor? It is not there fault that they were born penniless, but it is our fault for abandoning them from our lives and pushing them away
from living a happy life. We were all born into this world and hold a right to enjoy it. So
I hope that in the future we will learn how to wash a child's tear, and help the elderly to survive with no worries and so carry this poverty outside ou .....
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Healthy Eating
Number of words: 566 | Number of pages: 3.... on the pizza. There’s no excess oil, no excess sauce, no excess hair, no excess anything. Providing your own ingredients guarantees you freshness also. Another advantage is that Homemade pizza’s will also save you time since they don’t have to be delivered. But on top of that you will only be making two slices which is a French bread cut in half.. However compared to frozen pizzas, fresh one’s take a little longer if not the same amount of time.
But there are advantages over frozen pizza’s. obviously, Frozen pizzas are never fresh. And you don’t know how old they are. The toppings on these pizzas are very mi .....
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