Papers on People and Biographies
Ben Hogan
Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3.... show up for work a couple of
hours early and practice his heart out, " Sometimes I practised until
my hands bled."(p.11) Finally he began winning the bets, but also
caddy and junior tournaments too.
Secondly, on February 1, 1949 Hogan was on top of the world,
having won the US OPEN, the MASTERS and appearing on the cover of Time
life Magazine. Until he collided head on with a twenty thousand pound
passenger bus. Hogan suffered a broken collarbone, broken left ankle,
broken right leg, broken pelvis and a few broken ribs. In the weeks
after the accident several other complications occurred like blood clots
in his lungs, the doc .....
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Number of words: 368 | Number of pages: 2.... that start the winner of the game leaves to go home and be with his wife for the rest of there lives. The looser goes back to play against the next contested. The game will continue until one final player is left and then that is the one that will be sacrificed to one God. They repeat this process once every month. The first people to be traced back to playing soccer were the Chinese which kicked a leather ball filled with hari ( Horse Hair ). The ancient rules were that there was only a one-on-one tournament. It was not allowed to have shoes or socks, it had to be played barefoot. There were two different kinds of jers .....
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Comparison: Caesar And Fidel Castro
Number of words: 487 | Number of pages: 2.... Not only where they great military leaders, they were great politicians. Both used propaganda to help become dictators. They used something to blame everything on. Fidel used the U.S. for everyone to hate. And Caesar used slavery to increase in popularity.
Though both leaders had to overtake a dictator but they did it in different ways. Fidel used only violence and threats to make Batista leave. Caesar on the other hand had to defeat Pompey, and then get voted in by the people. He did this by gaining popularity by attacking other countries and defeating them.
Another big difference was the country's they overtook. Fidel t .....
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The Life Of John Calvin
Number of words: 696 | Number of pages: 3.... the bible as the basis of all Christian teachings. Calvin was
very knowledgeable of the scriptures and often quoted them in his writings.
He would relate the ideas in the bible to the present times. He would also
search the bible as a text for parables and ideas that supported his own
teachings. Catholics read and study the bible as a lesson to be learned
not as a point to proven.
The Catholic Church models itself as an institution. As an
institution there is an existing hierarchy. In this hierarchy is a system
analogous to that of the caste system. There are various ranks of priests
that are separate from the layperson. .....
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Michelangelo Buonarroti
Number of words: 732 | Number of pages: 3.... in front of the
Palazzo Vecchio, the Florentine town hall.
With this statue, Michelangelo proved to his contemporaries that he
not only surpassed all modern artists, but also the Greeks and Romans, by
infusing formal beauty with powerful expressiveness and meaning.
Michelangelo’s David does not make me feel a certain way. It is
simply a magnificent statue. This statue does not have a certain mood.
David is a statue of David in the nude looking off into the distance. The
color is white, so it does not show any mood through its color. This work of
art is a realistic figure of David.
The sta .....
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Number of words: 712 | Number of pages: 3.... 1484 got a plan to sail west from the Canary Islands to the Indies (now East Indies) and the island kingdom of Cipangu (modern day Japan). When King John II declined ’s “Enterprises to the Indies” he decided to go to the Spanish monarch. traveled to Cordoba, in 1488 he and his mistress had another son. presented his plan to King Ferdinan and Queen Isabella two different times but both times a counsel of experts rejected his project. ’s ideas were made fun of by many in the court. However he received support from other powerful people, for example “Luis de Santagel”, “chancellor of the royal household of Aragon an .....
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Henry Ford Essay
Number of words: 1004 | Number of pages: 4.... year alone. It was easy to operate, maintain, handle on rough roads, and immediately became a success. Along with success came expansion, and in 1910 he established another assembly plant in Highland Park, Michigan. Through interchangeable parts, standard manufacturing, and a division labor, the demand greatly increased for the Model T. It was at this time in 1913 that Ford introduced the assembly line and forever changed our economy, our industry, and our culture.
Ford’s concept of an assembly line sprang from the thought that a car could be produced much quicker if each person did one, single task. He applied this in hi .....
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Ben Carson
Number of words: 557 | Number of pages: 3.... to not let it ever control him again. The change in Ben's attitude only led to better thing for him. Later in high school he joined the ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) program. He did so well in ROTC that Ben was offered a full scholarship to the United States Military Academy. In 1968, received a scholarship to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and accepted. Two years later Ben met Lacena "Candy" Rustin, who was a freshman at Yale. In 1975, Candy graduated from Yale and Ben who was already enrolled in medical school at the University of Michigan got married. Carson graduated from medical school in 1978 and went .....
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Michael Jordan
Number of words: 1164 | Number of pages: 5.... needed to make it over. ’s family helped him to fight and become one of the most influential, successful, and professional sports figures ever. Body Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, NY, to a proud Deloris and James Jordan. (Nba.com; BioLife.com) Now this very first point may seem like no big deal but it’s something in itself. Jordan almost wasn’t born. In 1963, when Deloris was carrying Mike her mother died unexpectedly causing her to fall into a deep depression and stress period. Fearing a miscarriage the family doctor ordered her to bed rest. (Greene 12; NBA.com) "I Davis 3 always said .....
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Henry Ford
Number of words: 396 | Number of pages: 2.... moderate sales. Henry’s son, Edsel was named president in 1919, but Henry remained in control. When Edsel died in 1943, Henry resumed presidency. Two years later he handed the presidency over to his grandson, II. died on April 7, 1947. My two affiliations for are: He made cars, and he was wealthy.
It took a lot of work and time for Henry to be able to make cars. It all started when he started working in a machine shop at 16 and the three jobs following that were all related to cars or engines. Ford had to beat the competition which were General Motors and Chrysler. He was the president of the Ford Motor Company. He made a lo .....
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