Papers on People and Biographies
Black Boy: Richard's Hungers
Number of words: 958 | Number of pages: 4.... Soon
after the disappearance of Richard's father, he begins to notice constant
starvation. This often reappears in his ensuing life. The type of hunger
that Richard describes is worse than one who has not experienced chronic
hunger can even imagine. “Once again I knew hunger, biting hunger, hunger
that made my body aimlessly restless, hunger that kept me on edge, that
made my temper flare, that made my temper flare, hunger that made hate
leap out of my heart like the dart of a serpent's tongue, hunger that
created in me odd cravings” (119). Because hunger has always been a part
of Richard's lifestyle, he cannot even imag .....
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King William I
Number of words: 935 | Number of pages: 4.... He used the United Nations as an excuse
to intervene in something that didn't concern us because "it was in the best interests of mankind as a whole." That was not unlike the Treaty of Vienna in the 19th century. The treaty basically gave the most powerful nations in Europe the right to intervene and interfere in any conflict or uprising that was deemed "harmful" to the rest of Europe. The treaty was written by countries where, by and large, monarchy was still prevalent. So it would not be much of a change to just make Clinton a king because he is already the most powerful man in the universe.
Kings were also able to enact any .....
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John Quincy Adams
Number of words: 456 | Number of pages: 2.... forms of social disintegration.
In 1774 to 1776 Adams was a deligate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. He was a champion of American rights in Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence.
John Adams' presidency that lasted from 1797 to 1801 was a troubled one. Adams made many contributions during his term. He gave the Government stability by continuing practices established under Washington. The crisis he faced was the difficult relations with France.When in the XYZ affair peace commissioners retuned from Paris with stories of bribery and deceit, Adams built up the armed forces and took many nation .....
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Albert Einstein 4
Number of words: 865 | Number of pages: 4.... of him, Einstein graduated from school in 1900 by studying the notes of a classmate. For the next two years Einstein resorted to substitute teaching and tutoring because his superiors did not recommend him for a university position. In 1902, he was secured a position as an examiner in the Swiss patent office in Mern. During this time he had fallen in love with Mileva Maric who he later married in 1903, and became a father to two sons. His marriage ended quite quickly but it did not stop him from studying his physics. In 1905, Einstein received his doctorate degree from the University of Zurich specializing in theoretical disser .....
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Approach To Edgar Allen Poe’s Writings
Number of words: 638 | Number of pages: 3.... captains fault
that they are caught in the outer ring of the maelstrom and are coming
closer to the center(Schopper). In the “Black Cat”, the husband in the
story was cruel and unjust to the cats. The cats were probably
representing Poe when he was defenseless and young. Poe’s child hood
played a key factor exposing the “evil old man” figure(Schopper).
Most of Poe’s stories have a motif of obsessive-compulsive
behavior(Edgar Allen Poe web page). this would be expected of Poe when
taking a look at his life. He was kicked out of West Point for gambling.
This was a very addictive form of recreation. He would have t .....
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J.p. Morgan
Number of words: 2967 | Number of pages: 11.... in Hartford, Connecticut. He helped to organize a canal company, steamboat lines and the new railroad that connected Hartford with Springfield. Finally he became one of the founders of the Aetna Fire Insurance Company. Joseph's first son was Junius Spencer Morgan, also destined for the life of a businessman. He spent a number of years as a dry-goods merchant before moving to Boston and into the foreign trade business. Junius was invited to join the firm of George Peabody & Co. in 1854. In 1864 Junius took over the Peabody Company and changed the name to J.S. Morgan & Co.
John Pierpont Morgan was born on April 17, 1837 in Hartfo .....
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Number of words: 1427 | Number of pages: 6.... game such as; wolves, bear, deer, etc.
Geronimo's father died when Geronimo was at a young age. They wrapped his
father in his finest clothes, painted his face, wrapped a rich blanket around
him, saddled his favorite horse, bore his arms in front of him, and led his
horse behind, repeating in wailing tones his deeds of valor as they carried his
body to a cave in the mountain. They then slew his horses and gave way all his
property, as was customary in our tribe, after which his body was deposited in
the cave, his arms beside him. Geronimo's mother never married again, which
was not a custom to the Bedonkohe Apache. In 1846, .....
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Dreams And Dreaming
Number of words: 442 | Number of pages: 2.... of sleep. Though for some of us we still sleep deeply even to the wee hours of the morning. The “deep
sleepers” Thus light sleeper are more likely able to remember dreams.
The Menangkabau tribes of Indonesia believe that the real life force, the sumanghat, actually leaves the body
in both dreams and serious illness. The shaman, or Dukun, must project his conciousnes into the realm of dreams in
order to placate or harry the malicious malignant spirits who are hostile to the subject
Dreamtime of the Aboriginees is a primal state which embraces the creation of the world at the very dawn of
our time. It is the .....
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William Faulkner
Number of words: 1273 | Number of pages: 5.... out of acts of hate and tries to stop it (Faulkner "Barn" 23). He attempts to put out the "fire" inside his father. He is sick of his family’s way of life and is ready for a change no matter what it takes, even if it means going against his own blood. No matter what is done, they can not stop Abner from lashing out and burning buildings. Through his sheer enjoyment of the negative sides of his anger and power, Abner rips his family apart. He does so by forcing his family to put up with the consequences of his actions. In a way, Faulkner writes as a moralist. He demonstrates, through his character Abner, .....
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Francesco Petrarch
Number of words: 1993 | Number of pages: 8.... two was disappointment to Francesco. He describes him as:
"Intelligent, perhaps even exceptionally intelligent, but he hates books"
He let Giovanni live with him till he could no longer stand the sight of him and sent him to live in Avignon, at the age of 20. It wasn't until just before Giovanni's death, of the Black Plague, did they start to write each other. Just before his sons death, Petrarch's friends though of Giovanni as a good person and wrote Petrarch about this. He never saw his son before his death but in his mind knew that he had started to get his life back together. He also had a daughter, Francesca, she g .....
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