Papers on People and Biographies
Martha Graham
Number of words: 966 | Number of pages: 4.... to a performance of Ruth St. Denis in 1911 where she was mesmerized by the dancers (Harmon et al. 182).
Martha entered Cumnock School of Expression after graduating from high school. There she trained in dance, drama, and self-expressions. Martha's love to study people's actions was incredibly strong. After Graham graduated from the junior college in 1916, she then enrolled in Denishawn School of Dance (182). She was recognized at the school for her talent and determination, not her potential as a dancer. When Shawn, who was the owner of the school, went off to serve in World War I, Graham started teaching for him. After his .....
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Thoreau As A Prophet
Number of words: 455 | Number of pages: 2.... and fuel. (1495) “When he has obtained those things which are
necessary to life, there is another alternative than to obtain the
superfluities” (Thoreau 1496). Thoreau is saying that it is a choice to
obtain more than the necessities of life. We choose to buy excess clothes
and excess technology. What happened to being content with what God has
given us? “But if my jacket and trousers, my hat and shoes, are fit to
worship God in, they will do; will they not?” (Thoreau 1501). In the Bible
it says, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are .....
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Ghengis Khan The Great
Number of words: 1620 | Number of pages: 6.... animals, and plants.
Temujin started working harder on his archery. He was one of the best in the land by the time he was eleven. By eleven seventy-three, Temujin had risen, he became chief of a tribe. People noted how fierce he was and how he had no mercy. He was engaged to Botei in eleven seventy-five. They were married in eleven seventy-eight. After the marriage, a tribe kidnapped Botei. Temujin was outraged. He attacked the tribe and slaughtered them all. This was the first time when Temujin killed everyone in a tribe. He showed the world his bad side. He rescued Botei in eleven-eighty and she never fell und .....
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Jack Kevorkian
Number of words: 1717 | Number of pages: 7.... was 54 years old and lived in a wealthy Oregon suburb with her stock broker husband, Ron. She was also the mother of three sons, taught English and piano, went hang gliding, trekked in Nepal, climbed Mount Hood, and generally behaved with a lot of energy (Gutmann 20). She and her husband were longtime Hemlock society members, which advocates Euthanasia in some cases (Betzold 22). ³Doctors at a Portland hospital told her that eventually she would be dependent on her husband for feeding and bathing² (Gutmann 21). She did not want to take her own life in case she messed it up, and her own doctors wouldn¹t help her (Hendin .....
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Albert Camus
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2.... was working class, with an illiterate mother of Spanish origin and a father of Alsatian descent who was a day laborer. His mother, left a widow with two small sons when her husband died during the Battle of the Marne, did cleaning in order to her-self and the children. Camus and his brother were left in the care of their grandmother and an uncle who shared the apartment. His background of poverty and a somewhat harsh existence may have helped account for his suffering from tuberculosis, the first appearance to this dread disease occurring when he was seventeen. This “plague” never completely disappeared; he suffered f .....
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Rocky Marciano
Number of words: 2772 | Number of pages: 11.... oak tree in the Marchegiano's back yard....In hot weather, they usually finished their workouts by racing over to Saxton's Spring to get a cold drink of water."
Unfortunately, Rocky's experience of growing up in a multi-ethnic, working-class setting contributed to his involvement in a number of "altercations." Although most were territorial battles that took place at James Edgar Field, some occurred well beyond....
Even prior to his teenage years, Rocky's reputation for being a "really tough Italian kid" extended all the way over to the Bush, Brockton's Irish section. However, by the time he was 14, Rocky's notorie .....
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The Life And Works Of Frederic
Number of words: 2356 | Number of pages: 9.... of how when his mother and sister played dances on their grand piano he would burst into tears for the sheer beauty of the sounds he heard. Soon he began to explore the keyboard for himself and delighted in experimenting. By the age of seven he had become sufficiently good for his parents to try and find him a teacher. Their choice fell on Adalbert Zywny, a Bohemian composer then aged sixty-one and now remembered solely as Chopin’s first teacher. Within a few months of beginning his studies with Zywny, Chopin began to play in public, and by the end of 1817, at the age of seven, had already been described by many as ‘Moza .....
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Karl Marx
Number of words: 1206 | Number of pages: 5.... of that year Marx along with another Left Hegelian, Arnold Ruge, moved to Paris and began publication of a radical journal entitled Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher. However due to the problems in publishing such a radical paper, only one issue appeared. Karl met his closest friend in September of 1844, when Frederick Engels arrived in Paris. Together they participated in the activities of many revolutionary communities. They formed the theory and ideas of revolutionary proletarian socialism, also known as communism. Also in 1844, Marx wrote a revolutionary book called the Holy Family. It is a materialist view of the history of man. .....
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Colonel Oleg Vladmirovich Penkovsky
Number of words: 2824 | Number of pages: 11.... doing various assignments that took him between Moscow and the Ukrainian front for the rest of the Second World War. When the war was over, Penkovsky attended two military academies. One of the academies was the Frunze Military Academy and the other was the Military Diplomatic Academy. By 1950 he had married a woman who was the daughter of a fairly important general in the Soviet army. At this time he was also promoted to the rank of Colonel and was a member of the Soviet military intelligence agency, also known as the GRU. He was given various foreign assignments, Ankara, Turkey being the last location of these assignments .....
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Hieronymus Bosch
Number of words: 236 | Number of pages: 1.... journey through life. His powerful imagination created haunted worlds where grotesque monsters and hideous demons frolicked about; twisted and gnarled structures filled the backround; distorted human souls being pitchforked into hell; fruit and eggs endowed with arms and legs; giant birds and fornicating humans scattered throughout fiery landscapes.
Bosch’s use of imagery was strong. The central panel of The Last Judgement is an especially hellish landscape, infested with a swarm of devils, burning pits, furnaces, bizarre and twisted constructions, and instruments of torture. Half human, half animal monsters prance around the .....
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