Papers on People and Biographies
Pompeys Rise To Political Prom
Number of words: 997 | Number of pages: 4.... bad politician. Pompey helped to end the slave revolt of Spartacus in 72 BC. Because of his leadership abilities, Pompey was elected consul in 70 BC. However, he ran into opposition in the senate, especially from Marcus Crassus, and returned to leading the army to more conquests.
Pompey was an opportunist, he worked by himself, all the while leading the senate to think that he was working with them. He manipulated the senate to make out that Caesar was dangerous. Pompey became the most powerful man in Rome. During the time of his political prominence, the senate was very weak. Because of Pompeys popularity with the public and his .....
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Report On Roosevelt
Number of words: 291 | Number of pages: 2.... nations had a right to interfere in the affairs of less advanced nations in order to improve the civilization of all.
Soon after the Spanish-American War broke out tin 1898, Roosevelt helped to organize the First United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment better known as the Rough Riders. He took command of the regiment in Cuba, and on July first he led an asult on a hill outside Santiago. For hours he braved withering gunfire form the heights as he rode up and down the line urging his men on, who were on foot, to press the attack. His elbow was nicked, a soldier was killed at his feet, and he had several other narrow escap .....
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Ethan Frome Essay
Number of words: 468 | Number of pages: 2.... the way he truly feels about Zeena.
Around the end of the book I discovered more about Ethan’s emotions and feelings. A silence is created because he hides everything inside and does not express himself or share his feelings. He keeps to himself, thinks a lot, wants to leave Starkfield but does not say anything. “He did not know why he was so irrationally happy, for nothing was changed in his life or hers. He had not even touched the tip of her fingers or looked her full in the eyes. But their evening together had given him a vision of what life at her side might be, and he was glad now that he had done nothing to troub .....
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Allen Ginsberg: Poet
Number of words: 1568 | Number of pages: 6.... Ginsberg believed in open, spontaneous poetry, speaking his thoughts and emotions in a raw and "uncensored" way. This rawness seemed to transcend the censoring imposed on his poetry by his digressors who considered his writing un-publishable. His main influences in writing were Kerouac and William Blake. This particular poem, America, was written in Berkley in 1956. Basically, "America" has 3 parts to it: Ginsberg questioning America, Ginsberg "rambling" on, and Ginsberg saying "I am America". I will also talk about Ginsberg's life, other authors interpretations of this poem and comments on Ginsberg. Ginsberg starts off "Ameri .....
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John Adams
Number of words: 1598 | Number of pages: 6.... Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson, a veteran politician became the
Secretary of State and Hamiliton, a young, outspoken New Yorker lawyer, became
the Secretary of the Treasury (Ferling, 1992). Jefferson, like Adams, had also
signed the Declaration of Independence. Hamilton, however, was the only cabinet
member relatively unknown to Adams (Ferling, 1992). It was Hamilton, nonetheless,
who excelled during this new administration by initiating numerous, innovative,
and often controversial programs, many of which were quite successful. Adams and
Hamil ton were both Federalists. Unlike Hamiliton, Adams was more moderate
(Smelser & Gunder .....
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Abe Lincoln
Number of words: 1526 | Number of pages: 6.... their destination. In the autumn of 1818 Abe's mother Nancy died from "milk sickness", and so young Sarah, who was only eleven, took over the chores of from her mother. A year later though, Thomas Lincoln found a second wife, in order to help around the house, named Sarah Bush Johnston, whom had three kids of her own. Abe and Sarah quickly grew to love their new stepmother, who kept an immaculate house and even pushed Abe to do his studies.
At age eleven, Abe was to required to go to school regularly when there was a teacher, and whenever this was, Abe got to walk a beautiful four miles each way which he did not mind. Th .....
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Leslie Marmon Silko
Number of words: 841 | Number of pages: 4.... They were either sick or she wasn’t providing for them. She wasn’t taking care of them in a way that pleased the whites; however, she raised her children beautifully in the Native American tradition.
“Lullaby” is full of Native American cultural traits. On page 1139 Silko says, “he used words to speak of the dead” which is an example of Navajo Culture. The Navajo do not use the names of the dead and speak carefully about as to not upset their soul. In addition, when they said not to send the body back home many people may see this is strange. They believe that after death the soul is re .....
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James Earl Ray
Number of words: 890 | Number of pages: 4.... Tennessee. King Jr. was visiting Memphis on a conference trip. He had done the same thing before and he had also been televised while doing so. This visitation was different in the fact it would be his last. Martin Luther King Jr. did not retire and he did not give up his cause, he was killed, assassinated by the bullet of the man . It is not entirely known whether or not this was a planned attack, a conspiracy, or just a spontaneous outburst of racial prejudice. However, Ray did submit a full confession to the court.
was the age of 42 when his rifle was found near the scene of King's death. This had been unexpected of the .....
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A Memorable Experience In Photography
Number of words: 639 | Number of pages: 3.... the act of
falling(Capa18). His own special talents and course of world happenings, led
him into a role as a professional photographer of war(Images of War20). To
really admire and understand Capa, you must have a fascination for dramatic and
emotional pictures of war. There probably has been thousands who admire the
work he does. Well you can include me in that group of thousands. Capa puts
into perspective in just one photograph, something my grandfather will never
forget. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor. The photograph that brings back these
memories is taken somewhere in Europe during World War II. It's a photograph
that has .....
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Grace Hopper Biography
Number of words: 523 | Number of pages: 2.... University. That is when she was introduced to and assigned to work on Mark I -- the first large-scale U.S. computer and precursor of electronic computers. Her first assignment with Mark I was to "have the coefficients for the interpolation of the arc tangents completed [in about one week]"… not a problem for Grace. She would then be the third person ever to program the Mark I. At that same time, the Mark I was being used to calculate the angles at which naval guns were to be aimed. Shortly after that a machine called BINAC was being developed which used the C-10 language. The C-10 according to Grace, "has been the b .....
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