Papers on People and Biographies
Dr. Harvey Wiley: Courageous Pioneer And Crusader
Number of words: 894 | Number of pages: 4.... took on the business of supplying food and were prepared to make more profit at any cost. Honest manufacturers were put at a competitive disadvantage and were forced to adopt the practices that could enable them to meet the prices of the less ethical competition. These practices were evident in the debasement of food, and in "patent" medicine.
At the turn of the century selling goods under another name, and substituting cheaper ingredients was common practice. Over-ripe apples were cooked, doctored with chemicals, and sold as "currant" "blackberry" "plum" and other fruits. Potted chicken and turkey were common products, bu .....
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Biography Of William Hearst
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2.... in publishing.
In 1895, William moved to New York City and bought the New York
Journal and made it a success. New York became the headquarters for the
Hearst Corporation. He competed directly with The (New York) World which
was published by Joseph Pulitzer. Soon he purchased other papers and
magazines. Thirty years after managing the Examiner, William owned 25
daily newspapers and magazines. The Hearst eagle became his trademark. He
started the International News Service in 1909 to help reporting for all
the publications. Because he started out in comics, he led the industry in
making color comics in newspapers. Other cont .....
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Joan Of Arc As A Leader
Number of words: 3119 | Number of pages: 12.... example of bad leadership would be the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Iraq and Iran were at war from 1980 to 1988 the battle ended on an agreement of a cease-fire between the two nations. This war is where Saddam was recognized for his ruthless actions, he used chemical weapons against the Kurdish people of Iraq, who were mearly wanting their right of self- government. In this instance Saddam showed a blatant disregard for humane life which carried over to his attempt of occupying Kuwait in 1990. Hussein's government was given the opportunity to end the 1990 war but failed to fulfill their terms of the cease-fire agreement, w .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne
Number of words: 2483 | Number of pages: 10.... works which he later retracted. The retracted piece's time set was early Salem, Massachusetts. The story involved a family structure much like that of Hawthorne's own family. The two siblings in the work, brother and sister, lived in deep affection, "lonely and sufficient to each other" since they alone survived an Indian attack. Mother and father having died, the sister becomes his, and throughout the work the theme of incest is heavily suggested. The events and family situations contained in the work closely mirror that of Hawthorne's family. His father died at age six, and his mother became solitary within their home soo .....
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Patrick Henry's Speech
Number of words: 633 | Number of pages: 3.... not speak what he thinks he could be held guilty of treason. Henry shows that he is self-
confident because he is going to follow through with his beliefs. Henry knows that if he is self
confident he can do anything, Henry states; “I have one lamp by which my feet are
guided and that is the lamp of experience”(88). What Henry is really trying to say is, “I know
of no way of judging of the future but by the past, I wish to know what there has been of the
British ministry for the last ten years”(90). Henry states, “I repeat it, sir, we must fight”(90).
Henry shows that the people of the congress must not be .....
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Massai Warriors- National Geographic Report
Number of words: 544 | Number of pages: 2.... either. It is a very spiritual ritual that occurs over a four-day period. This event is known as Eunoto. It is a very rigorous, very challenging, and almost an inhumane ceremony.
Eunoto involves the slaying of a lion, the skinning of a buffalo, sexual intercourse with prepuburtal and uncircumcised young girls, the erection of a new building for each young man involved, and very often, the hysterical trance of a young man, during which he may attempt to slay himself with a spear. The young man being initiated finally ends the ritual by having his hair cut off by his mother. This very important event symbolizes the end of the m .....
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Jacques Louis David
Number of words: 2109 | Number of pages: 8.... Death of Socrates (1787; Metropolitan Mus.) as well as Lictors Bringing to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons (1789; Louvre) were themes appropriate to the political climate of the time. They secured for David vast popularity and success. David was admitted to the Académie royale in 1780 and worked as court painter to the king.
As a powerful republican David, upon being elected to the revolutionary Convention, voted for the king's death and for the dissolution of the Académie royale both in France and in Rome. In his paintings of the Revolution's martyrs, especially in his Marat (1793; Brussels), his iron control is softened .....
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Nat King Col
Number of words: 2409 | Number of pages: 9.... Hines. By twelve years old, Nat was already playing the organ at church, amazing for such a young man only trained by his mother. Later, Nat would be enrolled in formal piano lessons, which only further add to his impressive repertoire.
At fifteen years old, Nat decided to drop the "s" in his name, to become Nathaniel Adams Cole. By the age 17, Nat formed a 14-piece band, composed of students from both Wendall Philips and Dusable High schools in Chicago. The band would go around Chicago, working for as little as $2 or $3 a night.
In 1936, Nat made his first recording for Decca, as part of his brother Eddie’s band .....
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The Life Of Franz Liszt
Number of words: 351 | Number of pages: 2.... that Cobain committed suicide.He had entered a coma by
overdosing on a mixture of schampagne and tranquilizers on March 4.Also,
Kurt's family history showed that two of his father's uncle's committed
suicide, along with the fact that there were a lot of disfuntional
marriages and alcoholism present.During a concert, Kurt would jerk around
as if he was being electrocuted.After his death, the sale of Nirvana
memorabilia increased dramatically. As you can see, both Franz Liszt and
Kurt Cobain have some characteristics in common.They had both been
hospitalized for an illness.However, one was physical while the other was
ment .....
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Paul Laurence Dunbar
Number of words: 1551 | Number of pages: 6.... operator in the
Callahan Building in Dayton.
The major accomplishments of Paul Laurence Dunbar's life during 1872 to
1938 labeled him as an American poet. Dunbar had two poetic identities. He was
first a Victorian poet writing in a comparatively formal style of literary
English. Dunbar's other identity was that of the dialect poet, writing lighter,
usually humorous or sentimental work not merely in the Negro dialect but in
other varieties as well: Irish, once in German, but very frequently in the
hoosier dialect of Indiana. There is good reason to assert, however, that the
sources of Dunbar's dialect verse were in the real lan .....
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